Title couldn’t say it all
America’s longest-serving political prisoner Native American activist Leonard Peltier should be released from federal prison.
“His trial was also happening as the FBI was trying to suppress the activities of the American Indian Movement (AIM), a grassroots group of activists focused on drawing attention to federal treaty rights violations, discrimination and police brutality targeting Native Americans...”
last commenthttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wik…
“There is no internationally recognized legal definition of the concept of “Political Prisioners”,
although numerous similar definitions have been proposed by various organizations and scholars, and there is a general consensus among scholars that:
"individuals have been sanctioned by legal systems and imprisoned by political regimes not for their violation of codified laws but for their thoughts and ideas that have fundamentally challenged existing power relations"
Everyone knows about people being framed by the Federales and the boys in blue, and of course the CIA, and many of the secret police and black ops...