The End of Work
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
by Jeremy Rifkin…
a 1995 book, really old now. But this was early in the Clinton admin, when they were "creating jobs".
The problem goes back much further, to the 50's and 60's, and even to the reduction of the number of people working in agriculture.
It was covered over by the material build up for the Vietnam Conflict, and by the Cold War / Space Race.
By Clinton's time it was extremely severe, and it continues to worsen. It is agriculture and manufacturing, but it is also now the service sector. And it is the working class and the middle class, and especially hard hit are college graduates.
As I read it though, the book does affirm some critical things which I have known since before I was even a teenager.
30 Days in the Hole……
a 1995 book, really old now. But this was early in the Clinton admin, when they were "creating jobs".
The problem goes back much further, to the 50's and 60's, and even to the reduction of the number of people working in agriculture.
It was covered over by the material build up for the Vietnam Conflict, and by the Cold War / Space Race.
By Clinton's time it was extremely severe, and it continues to worsen. It is agriculture and manufacturing, but it is also now the service sector. And it is the working class and the middle class, and especially hard hit are college graduates.
As I read it though, the book does affirm some critical things which I have known since before I was even a teenager.
30 Days in the Hole…
Greatest of all time when it comes to posting
I haven't finished Rifkin's book yet. But I have read some of his other books. I know that he wants to shorten the work week and do more to develop the non-profit sector. And then usually the remedy also includes Universal Basic Income and a strong Public Housing Offering with prices being board established, instead of having rent control.
Automation was supposed to make lives easier for workers not make them disposable.
The jobs crunch started in agriculture, then manufacturing, and now the service sector.
It is only in the knowledge sector where there are some new jobs, and retraining most blue and white collar workers for this is unrealistic.
Oh yeah, I forgot there is one other sector, the flim flam parasites, otherwise known as the financialization sector. I would suggest that they be retrained to make their own coffins.
Paperback Writer…
I don't know how to describe it but knowing a piece of hardware is not enough. It's knowing how to make different pieces of hardware work in harmony together that is a talent that I don't see being phased out anytime soon. It also takes a mindset that you can never stop growing.
The economy cannot grow then there is not sufficient money circulating to generate demand. The more people that are every more marginally employed, the more the economy contracts.
And then there are ecological limits, economic contraction gives us a better chance of sustainability.
Jimmy Smith - " Any number can win "……
Miya Tokumitsu, with Jacobin.
This guy has actually written several interesting books:…
Actually now a total 4 books published
He has learned to live much further "out there" than I ever have. I think he is worth the investment to try and understand what he is saying.
But still, underneath what he is saying I think there is some valid message.
One is just how now in this Internet era, how much the minimum cost has come down for starting retail businesses.
Need to read more before I really take a position on Chris Guillebeau
people like this for getting health care
Need to read some of his other books before commenting on him.
Seth Gordin, written a lot of books…
Pamela Slim, also many books…
And now another book which really is interesting:
Do What You Love: And Other Lies About Success and Happiness Hardcover – August 11, 2015
by Miya Tokumitsu…
we have Guernica Magazine
a 2004 article by Robert Reich
Robert Reich: The Gateway to the Middle Class
A degree shouldn't be the only way.…
"Why college is necessary, but gets you nowhere."
BBW Boob Out / Crotchless…
by Miya Tokumitsu…
a 2004 article by Robert Reich
Robert Reich: The Gateway to the Middle Class
A degree shouldn't be the only way.…
"Why college is necessary, but gets you nowhere."
"Given all this," Reich writes, "a college degree is worth the cost because it at lest enables a young person to tread water."
When the accumulation of wealth is no longer of high social importance, there will be a great change to the code of morals. We shall be able to rid ourselves of many of the pseudo-moral principles which have hag-ridden us for two hundred years, by which we have exalted some of the most distasteful of human qualities into the position of highest virtues.
Benjamin Kline Hunnicutt, Free Time: The Forgotten American Dream, 1996
Jonathan Crary, 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep (Verso, 2013), draws upon Marx's Gundrisse
Frederic Lordon, Willing Slaves of Capital: Spinoza and Marx on Desire (Verso, 2014)
Ross Perlin, Intern Nation: How to Earn Nothing and Learn Little in the Brave New Economy (Verso, 2012)
Kathi Weeks, The Problem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics, and Postwork Imaginaries (2011)
Chris Guillebeau (2016)…
Now remember, I have had to rescind my previous endorsement of Guillebeau until I have read some more of this stuff to better understand where he is really coming from.
Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content, by Ann Handley…
Josh Kaufman, The Personal MBA…
his book "Born For This" has worth. It still does deal with a fair amount of frivolous stuff though. I still have to read more to really understand him. He is coming from a very different life experience than I.
He recommends PayPal and Square
I guess he means this as a way of getting paid.
He recommends WordPress for making easy web sites.
outer labia
The First Inside Account of Venture Capitalists at Work
by Stross, Randall E.
The New Plague…
Have Fun at Work…
Friends in High Places…
real good!
It is dangerous, and often fruitless, to try and solve problems without considering the underlying social system.
This is the message of William L. Livingston, a mechanical engineer with over 100 patents and decades of industrial experience. Several books and a newsletter detail his disturbing but important worldview. They are all available from FES Ltd Publishing, P.O.Box 158, Stuart, FL 34995, phone (407) 229-5654, fax (407) 229-5636.
``Have Fun at Work'' (1988, ISBN 0-937063-05-3, $24.95) is the basic work. It's also available from
This book discusses chronic patterns of organizational malfunction that I have observed personally many times while working for computer firms (4 years at Hewlett-Packard and 6 years at Tandem, among others).
Man is not well-adapted for solving complex problems, he argues. Our brains and bodies and, to a large extent, our social systems evolved for the lives of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Faced with truly complex problems, our managers generally fall back on instinct. This can produce legendary debacles like the original baggage handling system at Denver International.
The book sketches a different social structure that is better equipped to cope with complexity: the Skunkworks. The term comes from a legendary aircraft development shop that produced the U-2 and Blackbird aircraft. In general, a Skunkworks is a small (3--5) team of battle-hardened, generalist engineers equipped with the latest in software tools for simulating the behavior of all the involved systems (mechanical, electrical, software, and social).
On a purely practical level, this book is an excellent survival manual for results-oriented engineers who have developed attitude problems about the structural barriers to success in their work environments. Livingston discusses how to evaluate your social structure's potential for success, ways to get working projects out the door in spite of these barriers, and how to tell when you're wasting your time even working there.
Livingston's more recent work, ``Friends in High Places'' (1990, ISBN 0-937063-06-1, $28.50), spends less time discussing organizational pathologies and more time discussing the Skunkworks procedure. It is a somewhat more positive, less bitter work than ``Have Fun at Work.''
Livingston's work has continued in a quarterly newsletter called ``Short Circuit.'' I find these newsletters very exciting, as Livingston and several colleagues report back from the cutting edge of the Skunkworks movement. They have thrown down the gauntlet: they will demonstrate the method to skeptics. They have asked for thorny problems to solve. The ones they have taken on have proved the method. The main reason why they haven't done more is that they almost always tell clients that their social system has to change if they want success---and people are often very reluctant to abandon their social system, however badly it may work.
Update: Livingston has put up a web with the latest material, The Front End. Please see this site for current information.
Also see Dee Hock's Institutions in the Age of Mindcrafting, which is strongly congruent with Livingston's ideas.
One of the people who wrote something interesting for the FES Newsletter may be a leader of this:
"Used to be that only DoD and NASA deployed sophisticated mathematical analysis and simulation. Today most any commercial technology venture requires a mathematical understanding."
Texas Betty, hope to see more pictures from her
Mr. LDK's Asian Girl……
pg 25
After working in New York at the same comfortable job for eight years, Bernard Lopez suddenly quit, broke the lease he had signed on a new apartment, withdrew all his retirement savings, and set out to travel across the United States by bicycle. One of the questions he heard over and over (after the initial reaction of "Are you crazy?") was "Are you doing this to raise money for charity?
If bernard had said yes, most people would have nodded their heads, their curiosity at least partially satisfied. It's usually acceptable, if not always completely understood, to do something unconventional when it benefits other people. But Bernard wasn't raising money for charity or riding his bike across the country to raise awareness for anything. "No," he said truthfully when people asked. "I'm going it for me."
The idea for the bike ride of undetermined length came to Bernard after a series of shocks. He had recently ended a seven-year relationship, and shortly after that painful separation, his father was killed in an accident. After reflecting on these events during a long walk one day, the idea came to him: "I should leave my life in New York behind and bike across America."
At the end of the trip, Bernard relocated to Chicago with a feeling of invincibility. He began a new career and continued to travel every summer. It is no exaggeration, he told hte readers of the online journal he kept, that bicycle trip "has forever changed my life as it allowed me o reach my full potential and discover the real me."
A while back I was walking in an unfamiliar part of town, and I passed by a gas station advertising lottery tickets. For a moment I thought, wouldn't it be fun to buy a ticket and dream? Then I realized that for the most part I already had the life I wanted. I felt like I was in the 90th percentile of happiness and fulfillment. Of course I wanted to go further, but I knew that a lottery ticket (even a winning one) wouldn't take me there.
Most of us have lottery fantasies from time to time. I don't think they're necessarily harmful; I just think there's a better alternative. The alternative is to write your own winning lottery ticket, not by the sudden accumulation of wealth but by the gradual reduction to what you decide is essential for your life. That's my proposal: creating your own life isn't quite like winning the lottery. It's better.
This is exactly how I feel about those putting money into the securities markets. The prices are determined by the mangers of the pension, insurance, and hedge funds, and by what their racks of array processor computers. If you get it, you are betting against them, betting that you know something they don't. You most certainly do not.
Instead look at what you, and a circle of close associates can do, make your own business, or start some venture of your own. The mathematical expectations are radically higher.
And even if things go badly you still have learned so much so to make it well worth it.
Instead of fantasy land, most of us crave a life of adventure and personal growth. Joseph Campbell understood this years ago when he wrote about the meaning of life. "People say that what we're seeking is a meaning for life," he began before clarifying , "I don't think that's what we're really seeking. What we seek is an experience of being alive."
As part of the experience of being alive, I believe we're looking to find our place in the world. On a planet of seven billion people, where do we fit in? This is essentially the central question of life, and finding the answer begins with understanding what we really want.
Yes, this book is good. Well worth careful reading. It tells where he is really coming from. Best to read this before his newer books.
He explains that only 80% of what he did in college was on no value. The other 20% was worthwhile.
He does classify his book as Life Planning, which is the same as Bolles does for What Color Is Your Parachute. But Guillebeau is just so far out there.…
Guillebeau mentions Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want Paperback – January 1, 2004
by Barbara Sher…
She has other books too.
Are You Indispensable?
Godin, Seth (2011)
"Some people get an education without going to college; the rest get it after they get out."
Mark Twain
The Four Tendencies
The Four Tendencies, Book
The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make your Life Better (and Other People's Lives Better, Too)
(2017) +
The Four Tendencies | Gretchen Rubin | RSA Replay, 1 hr video…
Kicking Conformity’s Ass – An Unconventional Interview With Chris Guillebeau and a Contest…
Guillebeau was part of this, but it is gone now.
Jonathan Fields, Gretchen Rubin, and J.D. Roth were some of the other people on it.
Gretchen Rubin
The Happiness Project
The Happiness Project, Book
Or, Why I Spent A Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun
by Rubin, Gretchen (2018)
+ many books
jonathan fields, many books, even 2021, high demand
Not sure if this Liferemix exits anymore, but its alumni are all about.
The Know-It-All by A. J. Jacobs…
Frampton, this has been his anthem for over 40 years…
Control Your Time, Your Income, and Your Life.
Reader affirms the following:
Every one of us has gone through an academic system that prioritizes an Industrial Age mindset. Get a safe job, a good 'nine to five' job, a career. Perhaps even a job for life.
That system is broken and academia hasn't caught up with it. We all crave more control but are being set up for a life of employment; helping someone else reach their goals, under their control.
He goes on to talk about the pandemic and in general how the world of regular employment is gone.
So this seems to be the new reality for lots of these younger writers.
I have a concern, as this is clearly a UK book. Is it really relevant to the US, or are they just pretending that it is so that they can sell more books?
Anyway, I want to get to his references right off:
The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It
by Michael E. Gerber…
And then from a Chris Guillebeau associate we also have
The Right-brain Business Plan (2011)
Lee, Jennifer
Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like We Do - Live 2016 w/ Rob Arthur playing his Nord Stage……
64oz Funnel…
Frampton - Do You Feel Like We Do, a new one, and also w/ Rob Arthur on keyboard…
by Carl Reader
Now Reader is looking at all of this from the POV of an accountant. And this is important. He presents himself as a small business expert.
He has an endorsement from
He talks about registering for paying taxes, and Value Added Tax. I am not aware that the US has this.
CRM = Customer Relationship Management…
CRM Software from - Customer Relationship Management
Reader wants this kind of software, and really software for tracking everything, and even for planning everything, like Human Resources.
I think it gets more dicey when Reader talks about securitizing. That gets into a body of law which is extremely complex.
Jenny Kassan worked very hard to become an expert on such. And she doesn't go along with the Venture Capital model, or what she calls the Silicon Valley Model. What it really is, is the Kliener Perkins Model. It means business plans which are picked because though they have a huge degree of risk, there is a possibility of windfall returns.
This may get the best returns for the KP fund investors, but it does not do much for the other stake holders. It means a radically higher failure rate, and usually it depends upon being able to control compatibility standards. This entails its own built in problems.
Jenny is more interested in Social Entrepreneuring, things which have low risk and lower potential for return, but will run long term and will work collaboratively with other ventures.
The various compliance models being used in financing are complex. Like for example, do you want to limit it to Accredited Investors or let it be open, and what are the rules? And then with a non-profit, they cannot sell equity, but they can sell IOU's.
Raise Capital on Your Own Terms
How to Fund Your Business Without Selling Your Soul
Kassan, Jenny…
Jennifer Fischer…
This guy is out there and worth reading.
He has other books and this s his web site.
He gives book and online references:
Seth Godin, lots of books:…
Pamela Slim, she has 5 books…
Barbara She, multiple books…
Elbert Hubbard, someome from 100 years ago, Arts and Crafts Movement…
Get Rich Slowly
novelist Haruki Murakami
zen habits
Cutting Crew, I just died in your arms tonight…
Is the NFL Run Like a Plantation? Ex-Player Donté Stallworth Responds to Bombshell Racism Lawsuit…
TJ Street
M Davis Bitches Brew 1970…
Herbie Hancock Maiden Voyage (Full Album)…
Dion — Runaround Sue…
Dion - The Wanderer - 1961…………
I do not like Ro Khanna. I think a Wealth Tax and breaking up BigTech would be fine. But I still think Khanna is an idiot. He is a Neo-Liberal. He is not a progressive at all. And he speaks in ways which are racist. I read his previous book and it was okay. He got in because local Cryto-Republicans supported him. He had been Obama's Trade Ambassador.
Khanna is though speaking against Musk.
Sergei Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 3 | Khatia Buniatishvili (piano), Neeme Järvi (conductor)…
Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water (Live)…
Chris Isaak…………
by Randall E. Stross (2001)
the First Inside Account of Venture Capitalists at Work
Stross, Randall E.
The Money Tree
a Story About Finding the Fortune in Your Own Backyard
Guillebeau, Chris (2020)
X - Burning House of Love, live…
The Hidden History of American Oligarchy
Reclaiming Our Democracy From the Ruling Class Thom Hartmann, 2021
a Story About Finding the Fortune in Your Own Backyard
Guillebeau, Chris (2020)
This book is outrageous, and it is actually written as a novel.
Its own web site:
It starts with a guy whose life is collapsing. Massive college debts, debt to a dentist, residence being sold so he has to move, likely to lose his job.
But then ...
I do though reserve the right to decide what I feel about Guillebeau's message after I read it. He is totally Internet focused and very much a millennial He lives further out there than I ever have.
Not sure where it will finally end up yet, and then I will have to decide what I really think about it. It gets to where Guillebeau is really coming from too.
by Chris Gillebeau (2020)
This is written like a novel and it is entertaining. But I am finding myself taking a critical position on some of it.
Anyway, some of the authors endorsing it:
Marie Forleo, author of Everything Is Figureoutable
Daymond John, author of Rise and Grind
Gretchin Rubin, author of Outer Order, Inner Calm
Laura Vanderkam, author of Juliet's School of Possibilities…
Michael Hyatt, author of Free to Focus…
Lidija Bacic Lille LIVE - Solo ft Luka Basi…
Ginger Baker's Air Force - 12 Gates of the City (1970)…
The First Account of Venture Capitalists at Work
by Randall E. Stross (2020)
Lots has been written about venture capitalists. But this speaks to specifically the dotcom type of VC's.
Stross teaches Business History at SJSU.
Not sure if this would still be current though. Book does look interesting.
by Chris Gillebeau (2020)
Gillebeau is interesting. But I have been sitting on the fence about him. I've had now to read quite a bit of his stuff to understand what he is really saying, where he is coming from, what it is that he is not saying.
First, out of the mouth of a character, the protagonists GF, he tells us that people can get most of their college loans paid off by volunteering for AmeriCorp. She works in the non-profit sector and she had done this. You get a stipend which is enough to live on, and you get at least most of your loans paid off. And she ways that there are other programs you can volunteer with and get this.
Guillebeau himself is interesting. He was able to skip high school and go directly to college. And in doing this he was enrolled in three different universities simultaneously. He graduated very quickly.
Then he did about a 4 year stint of relief work in West Africa. And he came to be the spokesman, giving speeches to raise money for them, on his trips home.
He does what he want, which is mostly traveling. He has been to every single country, and he still visits about 20 per year.
And then his character Jake in this novel styled book, he is under pressure. He has big unpaid college loans, and he is being pressed by collectors. He does not really have any big income. He runs close to the wire. He is being forced out of his apartment, and then a broken pipe makes this immediate and so he is sleeping in his car.
As bad as that sounds though, others on the margins are usually pressed down further than Jake is.
But Jake leans how to sell thing online. First it was his old text books, but then he is buying more to sell, and then he is going to yard sales and buying camera lenses to sell online.
And then he tries to set up a service, teaching people how to negotiate, and for a fee. That goes no where. So he tries doing consulting sessions to teach people to pay off their college loans. It is the quentisential scam if you ask me. "Pay me money so I can teach you how to live the way I do."
Guillebeau does not see anything wrong with this. Guillebeau's stuff is always online centered.
Guillebeau gets his money from his books, but also from things like Jake does.
Guillebeau talks about starting businesses for $500, $100, or for nothing.
It is interesting and inspirational to a point.
But I also see it as being potentially malicious. Why should someone have to do that? Why should one have to resort to things like that to pay their bills? Why don't they have a more subtantive and viable career?
Guillebeau's ideas just boil down to a millennial version of the Horatio Alger ethic. And Guillebeau seems to have no concept of this.
I can happily say that the last person I knew who thought like that and was on the periphery of my life, is now dead.
He talks about this Alicia Ostarello…
She decided to get 50 dates in 50 states, and to do it all in 9 months.
Well that is more than one per week. I don't see how she could induce guys to invite her on to car keys and wallet dates.
I think what she was doing was just picking up on guys and doing one night stands, and then leaving the state the next morning.
Guillebeau does not describe this I think because that is outside of his moral comfort zone.
And then he talks about this Scott H. Young.
He had been a Computer Science Major, then he changed to Business. But then at some point he wished he could have changed back. But going to the less demanding program he felt that such a change would be impractical.
But since he has still wanted to go back to Computer Science studies. But he feels that taking another 4 year degree is not really practical.
So it sounds like MIT puts all kinds of course materials online. And Young was able to support himself with a business only 1 day of work per week.
So he set a goal of mastering the materials in their 4 year Computer Science program in just one year. And he committed to posing his exams online.…
Shocking Blue - Venus (Live + Interview) 1969……
The power of introverts | Susan Cain…
The joy of connecting: Rita Golden Gelman at TEDxConcordiaUPortland…
Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself | Dr. Lissa Rankin | Talks at Google…
Man Made: A Stupid Quest for Masculinity | Joel Stein | Talks Google…
What I Learned from Reading the Entire Encyclopedia - A.J. Jacobs…
Jon Krakauer interview on "Into the Wild" (1996)…
And Chris Guillebeau clearly likes Jason and the Argonauts.
Jason and the Argonauts 1963 720p BluRay Full Movie Classic Greek Mythology Movie………
Christine Craft…………
plus one book from two years earlier
Christine Craft : an anchorwoman's story / by Christine Craft ; with a foreword by Howard Rosenberg. 1986
Policing the PlanetPolicing the Planet
Why the Policing Crisis Led to Black Lives Matter
"A probing collection of essays and interviews addressing police brutality and racial injustice. Policing has become one of the urgent issues of our time, the target of dramatic movements and front-page coverage from coast to coast in the United States and across the world. Now a wide-ranging collection of writers and activists offers a global response, describing ongoing struggles from New York to Ferguson to Los Angeles, as well as London, San Juan, San Salvador, and beyond. This book, combining first-hand accounts from organizers with the interventions of scholars and contributions by leading artists, traces the global rise of the "broken-windows" strategy of policing, first established in New York City under Police Commissioner William Bratton, a doctrine that has vastly broadened police power and contributed to the contemporary crisis of policing that has been sparked by notorious incidents of police brutality and killings. With contributions from #BlackLivesMatter cofounder Patrisse Cullors, Ferguson activist and St. Louis University law professor Justin Hansford, poet Martín Espada, scholars Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Robin D.G. Kelley, Naomi Murakawa, Vijay Prashad, and many more"
From Cubicle to CloudFrom Cubicle to Cloud
How to Start and Scale a Virtual Professional Service Business
Brazer, Jennifer
"It's challenging to start and scale a business. Choosing the cloud as your platform for delivery and headquarters presents a whole new set of obstacles. This guide will allow you to leverage the cloud to streamline your processes and maximize your profits. ... This book is for entrepreneurs at any point in their journey to the cloud, providing indispensable tools that will set up a cloud-based professional service for maximum success."
Founder and CEO of Complete Controller, a leading national business services firm, Jennifer Brazer believes that all business operators should have access to excellent financial data to fuel their critical decisions. She has developed efficient bookkeeping and records storage methods and a delivery system that allows businesses to stay securely connected to their financial data without being tethered to an office. Her solution promotes financial transparency and accountability, providing a critical foundation for success.
Ann Wilson - Beware Of Darkness @ George Fest 2014…
Layla, original…
The Mentors - Sex Slave…
Acton, F. S. (1970) Numerical Methods That Work
Numerical methods that work / Forman S. Acton. (Mathematical Association of America 1990)
* widely disseminated
Thomas Cuthbert quotes Acton:
minimum-seeking methods are often used when a modicum of thought would disclose more appropriate techniques. They are the first refuge of the computational scoundrel, and one feels at times that the world would be a better place if they were quietly abandoned. ... The unpleasant fact that the approach can well require 10 to 100 times as much computation as methods more specific to the problem is ignored -- for who can tell what is being done by the computer?
I have seen this first hand. Curthbert is writing in 1987. A lot of this correlates to the popularity of personal computers and to the rise of some software vendors who's names I will not speak.
They promote idiocy. And wasting computer cycles is not by itself that important. The problem is that the entire approach to the problem at hand is completely wrong headed. And then the simulation program becomes a child's busy box, a video game. And the well paid people who are running this are just glorified script files. The simulation program serves as a division of labor, as there will be one pit boss who gives the orders, and then minions who carry it out. Very very little smarts is being used, and what results is usually completely appropriate, but they will never understand this.
I am embarrassed to admit that I know how many millions of dollars a company can blow through doing this. And I know there are large sectors of industry which are entirely like this.
I have seen things like this in human behavior all along. But this specific kind of stuff pertaining to computer simulations I first learned of reading discussion way way back about the race for the 64k DRAM chips. The US firms lost and Japan won. One analysis explained that in the US modelling and simulations some wrong assumptions had been made. But 95% of those doing the design and simulations were not even aware that there were such assumptions.
These people, they just know that if they continue being good frat boys, then they will continue to get paid and continue to have social approval. This is about all they are good for. They understand things in terms of buzz words, but they don't have an in depth understanding of how the ideas developed, what really is at issue, or of what the limitations are in the analysis. They don't understand the assumptions behind the buzz words.
How to Start and Scale a Virtual Professional Service Business
Brazer, Jennifer, (2021)
Big Butt
The Cult of We
WeWork, Adam Neumann, and the Great Startup Delusion
Eliot Brown and Maureen Farrell,
"An Amazing Portrait of How Grifters Came to Be Called Visionaries"
Charles Duhigg
WeWork was outrageous. Read about it in the newspaper. Don't think any of it is left.
But I tell you, since the early 90's and the dotcom boom, the kinds of start ups we have had have been really sleasy. And in the time since, it has gotten even worse.
Ro Khanna, (2022)
with an endorsement from Jurgen Habermas…
Gimme Shelter [Rolling Stones Cover] - Britny Lobas at The Roost Austin, Tx……
THis is in Kindle format, but also in paperback (2020)
Designing Your New Work LifeDesigning Your New Work Life
How to Thrive and Change and Find Happiness--and a New Freedom--at Work
Burnett, William (Consulting professor of design),(2021)
Designing Your LifeDesigning Your Life
How to Build a Well-lived, Joyful Life
Burnett, William (Consulting professor of design), (2016)
Social Media Marketing
An Hour a Day
Evans, Dave (2008) not sure if paper version available
might be out of date I see too, considering the subject.
From Cubicle to Cloud (2021)
She is based in CA and she is clearly violating the state labor law AB-5, and a whole lot of other stuff too.
School of Rock AllStar Students perform "I Heard It Through The Grapevine" by CCR…
Coming out of a relationship she said she was going to travel the country and have 50 dates in 50 weeks. What does she mean? She is nice looking, but she can't compel guys to ask her out on car keys and wallet dates, and not to follow her travel schedule. And would she really want that?
Sound like she almost wants to do free prostitution, just that Gillebeau doesn't want write about stuff like that. Maybe we could say 50 hook ups, or she has appointed herself as a cougar. He mom told her she is crazy.…
So here, the 50 dates
0/50: A Dating Documentary is a film about dating in America. It’s also the story of a cross country road trip and what happens when strangers collide, both during a first date and when two girls get in a Honda Fit together.
This is the story of Alicia, who goes on the first dates. This is the story of Megan, who films the first dates. Of America, the constantly evolving background of each date. And sometimes this is the story of Noah, the executive producer. Relationships of all kinds are explored throughout this epic journey about what it means to look for love, and what it means to find friends where you least expect them.
Not just a film, there’s also an ongoing blog. Check out photos and media from the road at our Facebook page and get the nutshell scoop at our Twitter. Plus, our successful Kickstarter campaign still shows a nice little video about the how and whys. Feeling really frisky? Get the perspective (and mileage) of Huckleberry Fit, our Honda Fit’s Twitter page.
Her latest blog post, June 6. But I still lack a real feeling for what she did.…
Still don't know what to make of this.
She is on IMDB for some stuff done many years back, but not for this.
School of Rock Students Perform "The Final Countdown'" by Europe…
My City Was Gone (2007 Remaster)…
RIP Barbara Ehrenreich: Exposed Inequality in “Nickel and Dimed,” Opposed Health-Industrial Complex…
Barbara Ehrenreich Remembered: How She Covered Poverty & Started Economic Hardship Reporting Project…
George Monbiot: New U.K. PM Liz Truss Has “Extreme Neoliberal” Anti-Labor, Anti-Environment Record…