Hannity interviews Caitlyn Jenner

avatar for LapHunt
Last night, Sean Hannity gave his full, prime-time 9pm hour to Caitlyn Jenner to discuss her run for governor of California. Very little policy discussion actually took place, as Jenner would just immediately pivot off Hannity's policy questions to go into personal stories.

How can the GOP run a candidate with such far-left social views under the Republican banner, even in California?


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Caitlyn Jenner is a despicable, opportunist murderer.
Jenner is step up from the far-left Cali loonies but a policy-wonk she is not - given Jenner or a Dem loony, give me Jenner everyday and thrice on Sunday
"give me Jenner everyday and thrice on Sunday"

Wow Papi didn't know you were so open and kinky.
I'm sorry. I just can't refer to Bruce as "she" .
Transgender whatever, if she makes the governorship trans-party I'll call her whatever pronoun she wants.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
—>“How can the GOP run a candidate with such far-left social views under the Republican banner, even in California?”

I thought the GOP largely has gone more quiet on social issues? Like marijuana, abortion, gay marriage, etc. just don’t hear about as much, could have sworn a lot of “religious right” crusades has been more subdued after Trump came on with his own flair (and grabbing by the pussy)
avatar for LapHunt
4 years ago
^It certainly seems that way. It's just surprising that they went from simply being quiet on social issues to now outright running a far-left candidate like Jenner.

This is another reason why I am continually more impressed by DeSantis. He seems to have a solid conservative stance on a lot of things. But it's irrelevant in the big picture. The 2024 GOP nomination is Trump's if he wants it, and it's pretty clear he does.
Shes part of the freak show republikkkans deserve. First Trump now Jenner
Bruce Jenner made an ugly woman.

Arnold Scwarzenegger switched the CA governorship to red, and was by most measures middlin' to poor governor.

There is nothing conservative nor Republican about Bruce "call me Caitlin" Jenner.

He has no qualification whatsoever for one od the largest states, largest economies, longest coastlines, etc. They need someone who actually knows WTF they are doing. Not a winemaker. Not an Austrian bodybuilder. Not a mentally ill Olympian. Unfortunately, it's California, so they will never vote for a good choice.
I vote based on whether it is a party that represents Americans (Republicans) or is filled with dirty foreign fucks running the show (Democrats) whom I don't consider Americans.
This is simply another reason why I will never move to California!

You can put Bruce in a wig and make up - and you can call him Caitlyn - but he will always be a gold medal winning - Wheaties box - dude!

He wanted reality TV fame so badly - that he thought he could get it by wearing a wig and making up a narrative about identifying as female. He thought he would be a star - but he failed. Now he’s trying politics - as a last grasp at fame and pertinence. This will make for an interesting psychological study in years to come.
The California progressive folks must be losing their minds. They have a legit shot at electing the first transgender governor but “she” has many conservative views and likes Trump.
^ what progressive folks are you talking about Jenner is no different from Trump, an aging reality star, with no real purpose in life the only thing either of them care about is self enrichment
I don’t believe Jenner can win an election so yawn
No one believed Trump could win an election either: yawn.
^ Sure thing zippy
At least you admit I am right; not in the manliest of ways though.
Trump didn’t actually win any elections he won the electoral college which means he won on a technicality so yes you are technically right but wrong as usual
A recall election is not signed by a majority of voters and therefore is not an indicator that the incumbent has lost the needed majority to win a subsequent election. Gavin will likely keep his seat, and continue to give up his aas.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
I still can't understand the deal with Bruce who will always be Bruce to me.
Growing up I looked up to him as a hero and now he's just a freak.
The media supported his changeover but now he's a RINO that's running for office so I wonder when the media will start attacking him.
Trump won according to the rules, which cheaters call a technicality. The national vote for president is as meaningless as Joe Biden's word.
The partisanship is strong with this one.
Die hard GOP voters won't be turning away, party before ANYTHING!!!
Lmao wrong ^. I have been Republican my whole life and do not consider Bruce Jenner, nor Donald Trump to be Republicans, any more than I consider the Clintons to be New Yorkers. Just a bunch of scumbag opportunists. We have a pretend Republican as Governor of Massachusetts whom I wouldn't [piss on if he were on fire.
Bruce Jenner will run as a Republican fornthe same reason that Arnie and Donald did- someone else is already the democrat candidate.
Please skibum give it a rest we know you’re one of the biggest Donald Trump fanboys here every post you make it’s obvious
I think Jascoi hit the truth with a two word statement.

Bruce/Caitlyn/Kaitlyn - is an attention whore. Beyond all else - that is the most appropriate description of him.
avatar for LapHunt
4 years ago
===> Bruce/Caitlyn/Kaitlyn - is an attention whore. Beyond all else - that is the most appropriate description of him.

It's such a disappointment that Hannity thinks it's worth giving Jenner a full prime-time hour. For better or worse, his is a highly-rated 9pm national show. It elevates Jenner's candidacy, when it should remain a joke. Jenner entering politics shouldn't merit that type of recognition and the GOP should be able to find someone more serious to oppose Newsom.

Hannity seems disturbingly woke in recent years.
It seems conservatives are split on Jenner – there are those that don’t see her as a solid conservative nor qualified for the position; and those that support her b/c she’s at least conservative in some things and had the guts to be a public supporter of Trump (I assume the latter may be the biggest reason she’s getting support in some conservative circles).

Could also be that she’s better than the alternative (per conservatives’ POV) or could be that a true GOPer/conservative is not seen as having any shot at all in Leftifornia.
avatar for LapHunt
4 years ago
===> Could also be that she’s better than the alternative (per conservatives’ POV) or could be that a true GOPer/conservative is not seen as having any shot at all in Leftifornia.

Probably this I suppose. Maybe they're letting her be a sacrificial lamb. Still think it would be much better for the GOP brand if they just completely distanced themselves from her. But then again, with the GOP now basically embracing all the progressive social policies, their brand (whatever remains of it) isn't what it used to be.
I'm glad I left the land of "Fruits and nuts" back in 1988. Never to return.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
The former Mayor of San Diego is running. He was fairly popular in SD but I don't think he has a statewide reputation.

Elections in California are a popularity contest with anyone with a (D) next to their name will almost always win. People in this state fall for the "free stuff" lines spouted out by the D. It doesn't matter that enough people have left the state to cause CA to lose a house seat for the first time in history. Rich people are already voting with their feet.

I'm not a fan of Jenner but I would choose him to break up the monopoly that the D's have over the state. So much so that they have enough of a majority to avoid any 2/3 votes. The state probably has over 80% D control right now.
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