
Thought My Eyes Were Deceiving Me

I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
An article on CNN actually putting a Republican Governor in a positive light:



  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    It will soon be President DeSantis.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    I hope so; I would vote for him in a heartbeat. Dude's got the all the tools and an incredible resume.
  • Dtuscl
    4 years ago
    Yeah Longball, I was surprised as well.

    DeSantis was both smart and lucky. Smart in he didn’t try mandate one set of rules for the entire state. Each county was setting guidelines, and in the beginning, that worked out. Areas like Miami where things got bad quickly, the predominantly democrat leaders could enforce stricter policies than were needed in other areas.

    DeSaniis did a good job keeping things in check and not letting counties overreach. That allowed businesses to reopen much sooner than other states. Disney World in Orlando reopened July 11th, and some people bitched up a storm. Disneyland in California is still closed and won’t reopen until April 30th, 9 1/2 months later.

    DeSantis relied on Floridians to do something they’re not really known for . . . Be Smart. Follow the guidelines, but you don’t need the state mandating every detail.
  • docsavage
    4 years ago
    DeSantis for president with Kristi Noem as his vice presidential running mate,
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    What are y'all doing reading CNN, that's priviledged information not for Neanderthals , stay on FOX where you belong
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I read Cnn, msnbc, wapo and nyt ever day. If my enemies are willing to broadcast their plans, I am happy to hear the plans. Even if I learn nothing fake news sites such as the one's I listed are pretty damn funny.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    DeSantis seems like a well-rounded-politician – he’s a pretty-smart-guy w/ a law-background (JAG) and he seems to know and understand the political-system and seems like a fighter vs an all-talk-no-action RINO – I supported Trump’s policies and his willingness to fight for those policies but he did not have political-experience and seems he was outflanked by the swamp.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I hope DeSantis success continues in Florida - as the state continues to emerge from the pandemic. Business is very important. We still live in a free capitalist country - and folks need to earn a living to survive.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Well, perhaps grudging praise at best. The article had the usual goofy spin common on CNN, describing De Santis and "combative" and "defiant" and his approach to COVID as "gambling" and "lucky."

    None of this was the case. I watched every single press conference on COVID held by De Santis and he was focused and reasoned, with PowerPoint presentations illustrating his case based upon mortality and hospitalization demographics. His strategy in balancing economic and transmission concerns was tailored to protect the vulnerable while allowing lower risk people continue to earn and live.

    When he forced schools open in the Fall, it was a calculated decision which factored in the potential harm of closing schools and ample evidence already gleaned from overseas that schools were not major vectors of transmission.

    The only time I saw him get anything close to "defiant" is in one press conference during the holiday season where he discussed keeping restaurants and bars open. He was holding the press conference at steakhouse surrounded by restaurant workers. When one reporter asked him if he was considering a new round of closures in light of spiking COVID numbers, he jabbed his thumb back and said "No, I'm not going to put there people back out of work."
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    DeSantis is unquestionably combative, but he’s smart about it, not like his mentor , the former President, but he’s been clever and agile enough to not get Trumps mud on his shoes. If he makes it through the next election cycle w/o any bad missteps, he’ll do just fine.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    The Governor darlings of the left Newsome and Cuomo seem combative, incompetent and soon to be unemployed.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    CNN ratings down nearly 50% since Trump left office

    CNN has been losing viewers since former President Trump left office at a record rate. The Atlanta-based cable news network dropped nearly half of its audience in key measurable stats since January following a brief post-Election Day spike, according to Nielsen Media Research.

    From Nov. 4 to Inauguration Day (Jan. 20), CNN averaged 2.5 million primetime viewers. But since President Biden took office, they've averaged only 1.6 million primetime viewers through March 15.

    CNN’s viewership during the 8-11 p.m. ET slot dropped 36% since Biden moved into the White House. Even more so, the viewership decline was even sharper among the key demographic of all adults aged 25-to-54, plummeting 47% during the same period.

    Overall, the network's ratings suffered a hit as well with 44% of the total audience exiting from coverage throughout the day.

    CNN averaged 3.1 million primetime viewers from Dec. 28 through Jan 20, but it plummeted to 1.6 million from Inauguration Day to the present for a drop of 49%. When it comes to the key demo, CNN lost a staggering 58% of its viewers during the same time frames.

    Trump's antics as president sold viewership and the numbers are starting to reflect that for CNN and others on the news cycle. Although, ratings tend to take a hit after election cycles due to the drop off in general interest after races have been decided.

    The network was recently scrutinized for allowing primetime anchor Chris Cuomo to conduct a series of light-hearted interviews with his brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, in 2020 while avoiding questions about the nursing home crisis and sexual harassment allegations. CNN was then mocked for lifting a ban on the "Cuomo Prime Time" host after his brother became engulfed with the scandals.

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