So this, basically, was a sales pitch I got to go VIP at a local club I hadn't been to in over a decade. The dancer was doing me a favor in getting me updated on what the new pricing structure was. There was an entry level 3-song/$100 option. Then something for a half hour that was around $400 depending on your bottle service selection and an hour option at was $600 plus bottle purchases. "But with those longer ones, I like to spend some 'getting to know each other time.' I don't want spend the full time grinding," she went on to explain. And just like that, she didn't even get a table dance warm-up from me. In fact, I didn't see her giving anyone a dance the whole two hours I was in the club.
You know it's pussies like you that make it hard for a stripper to earn money. You should have just handed her your Visa, tell the host to charge what ever he wanted, tell them not to even open the bottle so she could take it home and have her baby daddy drink it and you should have sat in the restroom and cried while you tipped the bathroom troll $20 for handing you a paper towel.
The sad part is saps that rarely go into a club fall for that shit everyday, and go home with blue balls and think a stripper wants to marry them because she talked to them for 40 minutes about her kids. One of my buddies said this and they were so right... the girls are selling fantasies, who is buying?
Give her points for honesty, at least she didn't wait until you had paid for the VIP to tell you she wanted to spend half of the time "getting to know you" instead of performing.
last commentThe sad part is saps that rarely go into a club fall for that shit everyday, and go home with blue balls and think a stripper wants to marry them because she talked to them for 40 minutes about her kids. One of my buddies said this and they were so right... the girls are selling fantasies, who is buying?
She probably doesn’t sell too many VIP dances with that sales pitch.