
Just want to say

Avatar for seekingwhoHa

Thanks for all the tips and advice since I joined here. Public and private messages a like. Had 16 girls with various degrees of extras over a period of a little over year. I’ll chalk it up as a win win. My next mongering goals include TJ trip and also to fkk sharks. Just waiting on covid... thanks again. Stay safe y’all


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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Yeah - TUSCL is like grad-school for strip-clubbing - once can def learn a good deal from others' experiences (it's like PL-networking and a good # of TUSCLers have decades of SCing under their condom).

Avatar for shadowcat

You can even find out who to vote for.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

And if you ever plan to move to India - we have you covered

Avatar for Cashman1234

This site offers a wealth of insight - far beyond strip clubs.

I’m just glad it hasn’t become the next twitter - as the added interest wouldn’t be a good thing.

Avatar for twentyfive

You can even get market advice here that will help you to get enough money to pay for all of the things we advocate

Avatar for seekingwhoHa

Hahaha. I keep it strictly business bro. Not to that level of PL yet of actually spending time outside a club with a stripper. That’s a level I hope I never find myself at. Cheers

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@Wetkittyluvr: "Not to that level of PL yet of actually spending time outside a club with a stripper. That’s a level I hope I never find myself at."

Lame. 😂 Spending time outside the club, with less focus on time, and more focus on expanded activities, is the good part. As long as you're not spending too much on such, of course.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

"... I keep it strictly business bro. Not to that level of PL yet of actually spending time outside a club with a stripper. That’s a level I hope I never find myself at ..."

Different strokes for different folks - some guys wanna steer clear of the drama many strippers carry, and some guys enjoy the action - it all comes down to being aware of what it is and what it isn't so you don't end up getting used - in reality there isn't a difference whether you spend your $$$ on her in the club, or outside the club, you are still spending $$$ on her to have access to her - seeing a stripper outside the club, whether $$$ is involved or not, can often be a different dynamic and one just needs to be aware of that, IMO.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ and there is also the situation that if a guy is married, he may have extra-incentive to keep everything in the club.

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