A virtual debate?
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
The commission that makes these decisions has unilaterally and without consulting the campaigns determined that the next debate should be virtual. Trump said no, and that it would be a waste of his time. I say GTFO, Biden would cheat like a maniac with someone feeding him answers. I wouldn't even trust to have my own observer in his basement (bribes, coercion, deep state betrayal). Furthermore, a President of the United States must have energy and stamina. If you're too fucking old, too fucking tired, and too fucking feeble to travel for a 9pm debate (regardless of the pandemic), then you are literally not fit for office.
Don't be afraid. Drink the Kool Aid.
Tranny Democrat
Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin on Monday announced charges against an elections judge in Allentown’s 3rd Ward who was accused of tampering with ballots during the Democratic primary race for state representative between Enid Santiago and Peter Schweyer.