

New York
just wanted to check out some thoughts about something i've noticed for quite some time.

every single girl that i've met on sa always had more than one pic on their profile. ones with only one pic - i met zilch.

from what i've experienced the ones who only post one pic just seem to not be that serious in meeting live in person. scammers or attention whores?

has anyone ever met a girl that had only one pic?


  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Agree, I think any SB who is remotely serious knows that men need pics. Even if they're not comfortable showing their face, a few body pics, and/or some private pics. MOST of the one-pic girls seem to be scammers or toe-dippers; in any case, their profiles often disappear quickly, for whatever reason.

    I still contact them occasionally, if the pic is particularly great or if they've put some effort into their profile text that might indicate they are not a scammer or toe dipper
  • SanchoRG
    4 years ago
    Might just be my city, but I've never met anyone on SA that had a 'verified snap/facebook/insta' either. The MO for these scammers is to make a SA profile with 2-3 pics, make a fake insta/FB with 8-10 pics & link them. Finally, make an Amazon wish list and viola simp trap. Probably frighteningly effective.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    It means the guy creating the fake profile is lazy !
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Its definitely a red flag especially if its like a model or professional type shot. I mean if you take the effort to do a modeling shot you are going to show off your pics at least privately.
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    I did not delve into the SB world of mongering but I would like to offer the following regarding online profiles:

    I tried online civvie dating for a few months and my experience regarding profile pics is the less pictures (and only sexy ones) the greater the chance it was a fake/scam account.

    From my experience women love to take pictures, she might have a few hundred selfies and pictures, so if she only posts one picture on her profile on SA it seems the chances it being a fake/scam account are pretty high.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    No, the number of pictures has been irrelevant in my experience.

    My ATF from 2016 posted only one picture, a full-length bikini shot near the beach. I still have her picture on my phone. She also posted hardly anything in her profile. I did a reverse image search to see if she lifted the picture from a modeling site.

    When I met her at Starbucks, she looked exactly like her picture. Gorgeous. Turns out she was an economics major at top-ten school, and only in town for the summer. It was by far my best arrangement.

    I know you were mocking me @RattDog -- but that's why I hardly do any texting upfront and insist on a quick, unpaid, meet@greet. I go on many M&Gs for that reason.

  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    yeah i did mock you. why? because the optics are comedic? why? well i find it more than amusing that there are guys out there that will pay the monthly fee of 75-89 bucks to set up unpaid m&g's with girls and only wind up ending 99% of the time not getting their rocks off. with that average the crowded happy hour idea is a better option. and if you want to get your rocks off - clean out the pipes at the strip club or elsewhere.

    texting i agree with you to a point. the amount of texting in between should not be near the amount between bf/gf. but it shouldn't be the bare minimum either. establish a couple of mutually agreed upon real solid points, then meet up, and hopefully pump. if the encounter works out more pump later no dump.

    not asking for real sordid details, but am curious: what was it about her that made you think she was the best arrangement you had?
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    Not 99% of the time, that's your absurd take on it. I've had something like a dozen SBs and something like 50 M&Gs. I don't keep spreadsheets so it's just an estimate. Arrangements have been anywhere from 3 months to 15 months.

    Texting upfront is a waste of time IMO and it doesn't matter whether there's one picture or ten.

    Notice, I'm not telling you that my style is right or wrong. Although it sounds like you'd be better off with Backpage, if it still existed.

    Best arrangement since she was exactly my type physically, because of common interests, and because she had everything in place for a successful future. You probably wouldn't understand, but it's a very common mindset with the men over on Reddit.

    To each his own.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    I think a smart girl would put one pic up with a watermark and then share .ore pics with guys who are actually serious about an arrangement
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Ore pics? Won’t those attract miners?
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    right. if one pic is shown in public and there are others she privatizes then yeah there's some indication that she maybe more than halfway serious in meeting.

    the ones that have only one pic all - might as well just be considered clickbait.
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    y'all mean coal miners winex? y'mean those that inhale gasoline fumes as a hobbie and resemble fucked up versions of a prime tammy wynette?
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Well coal doesn’t come from ore. But iron, gold, silver and copper miners might be attracted to ore oils.
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