Hot tubbing in an N95 mask

avatar for gSteph
The view from the other side of the room
Cause I like the hot. And the bubbly jet that runs up and down your back. And the minor fondling and the neck and shoulder rubs that generally occur. Even if the mask is tight and uncomfortable.

That’s what this smoke apocalypse means.

And taking washed laundry to the Laundromat to dry because running the dryer would suck smoky air into the house. And not using the built in vacuum for the same reason. And not walking the dogs. Or gabbing with the neighbor over the fence. Or going for a hike or swim. We spent 3 days at the Oregon coast seeking cleaner air, but the smoke kept finding us. So, back home we came.

I literally could not see my neighbor’s house across the street this morning (I could see her carport light, but only because I knew where to look). We’re about 30 miles from a big fire (it’s calmed down a bit now), maybe 10 miles from an evacuation zone. So we hang out bored a lot, sleep lots and late, zone on the internet, TV. Get high a bit earlier. Even broke out the backgammon board. It’s been an upper level class in enduring. Sigh.

So, assuming you’re “safe”, but enduring the Smoke Apocalypse here in the West, how are you doing? What are you doing to help endure?


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avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Ugh. Didn’t deal with it as bad as the west coast, but the sky was grey for a while and it was like being back in China. It was miserable and my allergies were triggered big time.

Honestly, if you and your wife are retired, why not take a three week vacation somewhere more East? Rent an accommodation for 2-4 weeks?
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
Finances and other considerations make this problematic. Thanks for the thought.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Cut costs by camping out in Minnesota or Wisconsin? Judging from a temperature check it should be quite nice right now.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
4 years ago

Get a 1975 Or older Van (no smog required in California) with the bed in the back carpet all over with a “wet bar” and drive down the coast to San Diego.

Relive or live the seventies, the post peace and love decade, the free lifestyle many had in the 1970s.

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
4 years ago
This is an example of a seventies Van:

avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
According to the smoke maps I've seen, there is significant smoke from Santa Barbara to Canada, with the plume reaching across the country thru Minnesota/Wisconsin all the way to NY. We have an RV (pick-up, small 5th wheel), but driving out of the smoke would be no easy task.

I've got family in LA, northern Idaho, and Minnesota. They all report smoke - not as thick as here perhaps, but . . . at this point it's like wait it out and endure.

I've got the trailer hitched up in case of worst case scenario.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
4 years ago

Just Drive to San Diego, Park at the border and walk into the Happiest Place On Earth;

avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
After 10 and a half days of smoke, breathable air has returned to the Eugene/Springfield area. Even a few hints of blue sky. Ahhhhhh

While fools and wizards debate whether the climate is changing, I'll (finally) be taking the dogs for an actual walk.
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