$600 Extended?
They never tell you what you need to know.
Time is running out. Think these things will happen?
1. $600 weekly unemployment extended, extended until end of the year, or dropped?
2. Another stimulus check? If so same as before, more or less than before?
1. $600 weekly unemployment extended, extended until end of the year, or dropped?
2. Another stimulus check? If so same as before, more or less than before?
Forgot to add he was like 18-19 and still lived at home!
$1200 stimulus check probably did little to help many, either not enough for those who needed it and a gift for those who didn't. Mine is sitting in the bank for a vacation I can't take because of the pandemic
I think the $600 was a bit too-much b/c it leads to a certain # of people making more in UI than their typical jobs, and works as a disincentive to looking for work or accepting a job similar to what they had b/f - I think a fair compromise would be for the fed to match what the state provides; so if a state provides $300/wk, then have the fed match and also provide $300/wk (up to a certain max since some states actually have pretty-good benefits)
Dancer selection will be slim pickings during that time period...
$600 on top of state benefits is not a lot of money. You have to be a sick fuck to believe people should be punished for being unemployed during the pandemic
If it's your state governor, it should come from the state IRS. If it's a county or municipality, it should be paid out of that budget. It's like these mayors who tweet all day that the rioting and looting are fine and they do not want or need federal help, but start crying for a federal disaster declaration as soon as the last fires are put out. If you do not want preventive assistance, you do not get any recovery assistance. In addition, these same mayors who refuse to protect federal buildings or agents should lose those buildings and their revenue and prestige. If having those offices in that area are essential enough to justify the expense (i.e. more important than the cost saving of downsizing), then move to a new city and add a contract clause that the host area will not neglect, malign, or inhibit the daily security and operations of those offices and employees.
Another check is likely coming but it's unclear id it will just be for those making under 40k or a bigger range.
Republicans need to figure out their proposal to start negotiating
Political bases are solid support. The fight into an election is for the people who aren't part of any base.
I already own 10,000 shares at average cost of 50 cents in my Robin hood account.
I'll just buy another thousand shares
Been selling nice options with these and collecting amazing premiums every month that I use to buy more shares lol
They recovery I'm getting rich
Go ahead, call me a twat now. It’s easier for you psychologically than admitting that you are wrong (again).
Here is a direct quote from you - the quote that caused me to reply to you:
"The dems have their base
the repubs have their base
they will FIGHT like hell to appease "
Here is the definition of a political base from Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_(poli… )
"In politics, the term base refers to a group of voters who almost always support a single party's candidates for elected office. Base voters are very unlikely to vote for the candidate of an opposing party, regardless of the specific views each candidate holds."
OK, now for the futile part - explaining how you misused that big 4 letter word "base"
Politicians don't "fight like hell" for their base. Their base is a given. There is nothing that Trump or Biden could do that could cause their bases to change sides. The worst thing that can possibly happen with a base is that they get demotivated and stay home.
The fight between now and November 3rd isn't over maintaining bases. Its in getting people that aren't part of a base to join your side. That's why swing states get an inordinate amount of attention in elections. If you see either major party dedicating any real amount of resources to a state like California (for example), it's either an act or desperation on the losing side's part. Or a sign of a perceived impending blowout on the winning candidates part.
Very nice dip today