New York Times: Blacks are dying from Coronavirus because of Slavery.

avatar for nickifree
No it's because of high rates of obesity. But even that is being blamed on slavery. Forget that we were most fit in trim in the 1970's and 1980s, and mostly very large fatasses now. Just like the rest of the country, just more. I'm really getting tired of idea that shit from 150 years is so relevant today. It's just an excuse to blame black failure, and give black people reasons to give up control of their own self-sufficiency.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
If it wasn't for the 1960's "War on Poverty" IMO the AA community would be financially close to par with the white community if not at least much closer than it is now as a whole - not to mention that many say "the war on poverty" was like an atomic bomb for the nuclear black-family - as a black man once said - paraphrasing - "starting in the 60s black women stopped marrying black men and instead got married to the government".
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
People say that, but it wasn't Johnson's "War on Poverty" that hurt black businesses. Black businesses thrived economically and blacks rose from overwhelming poverty numbers, 50% in 1960, to just 18% fifthteen years later after LBJ's progam began (i.e., going from 1965 to 1980). It was also a time that the black middle class developed.

A class that too many young liberal white people think doesn't exist. They think all black people live in 'hoods and are poor. But what else do you expect since they were brought up listening to Gangsta Rap. Now perhaps you understand why I always railed against that music and the 'thug/ho' mentality in strip clubs. I knew exactly what it would lead up to because I experienced it happen in black communities in the 1980s.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Why does the obese white guy who dies of Covid get classified in the obese section and the obese black guy who dies of Covid get classified in the black section? Why are blacks suffering more from Covid? On a per capita basis more blacks are obese; have diabetes; live in close quarters in the city; smoke cigarettes; see the doctor less and we have a disease that is especially hard on the obese; diabetics; city dwellers; smokers; and those who overall pay less attention to their health; so it is obvious that the answer is racism.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
@skibum609 because that's the narrative the vast majority of media outlets and white liberals want to present. They can't just view black people as people first. They started a lot of this shit a few years ago with the constant stories of "white people calling the cops on black people". When in reality it's just stupid people doing stupid things. But the media can't help but invoke race.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Yes in fact the idea that 100 white people called the police on black people doing nothing in a country of 330 million people, proves that nothing in the mainstream news is anything other than an ignorant political opinion. Very sad when you think of the long ago professionalism of the Josef Post and the New York Goebbels.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
Well I know a lot of it is driven by SEO and clickbaits. But it really does is just stir up contempt.
avatar for sideshow_bob
5 years ago
The Dems need enthusiastic black support to win elections. If black people don't like the Dem, Dems lose historically.

So look at Trump. Good economy. Things going well for everyone, including black people. Then Corona comes and tanks the economy. Trump sends out Trump bux. Black people love it. Twitter was filled with black people reaction videos about getting those Trump bux.

Not good for Dems.

Thankfully the media decides to go full bore on the very critical issue of black thugs resisting arrest getting hurt and killed by cops. Never mind all the black people killing black people, which is a much bigger problem.

Now the economy is shit and black people are unhappy. Who is that good for in November? One guess. It's almost as if they planned it...
avatar for smack9x
5 years ago
I'm not sure why you are tired of things being blamed about something that for the most part stopped 150 years ago.
You probably would be less tired if you weren't so ignorant of the matter. While slavery ended, blacks still weren't considered human, didn't receive reparations/stimulus checks for all their free labor, and were allowed the right to vote a generation ago. The oppression unfortunately still continues. Have you ever heard of health is wealth? Who has the wealth?
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
This race crap is the pits. If people would just STFU at get on with THEIR lives and quit worrying about everyone else, things would be much better.

Anyway you look at the black plight these days there is but one cause and it isn't racism. It became more profitable to remove fathers from the black family. That's it in a nut shell!
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
@smack9x Blacks were more self-sufficient fifty years ago than they are now. And for your correction, blacks have had the right to vote for over a hundred years (black men at least, before the suffrage movement). It was a question of voter intimidation and suppression in Southern states that was the issue.

Furthermore I find all the arguments about black plight these days, to be in the best case, misdirected. This is not the 1930s in Mississippi. Finally, black men remove themselves from black families. Unless that is you mean the prison population. That's just more ignorance where dumb people complain about incarceration rates while ignoring crime rates.
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