“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17
OK this really has nothing to do with religion but is more a Big Brother, Loss of Privacy and Anonymity post. Lots of people, left and right, are taking advantage of this (bullshit) “crisis” to make huge gains rather than the usual baby steps toward their agendas.
In this case, under the guise of protecting people, governments want to track people. In Germany and Singapore, where they don’t recognize individual rights, I understand they are already using Smart Phones. A few days ago I heard from someone in Alaska that you needed to make reservations and leave full contact info to eat “in” a McDonalds (in case they needed to track you later on). I just laughed at the idea of making a reservation at a McDonalds until today.
I’ve got cabin fever bad and can’t fly internationally to get home (closed borders) so I was thinking about taking a trip to Alaska. Alaska was one of the last bastions of freedom in the USA and I knew they were far ahead of most everyone in opening up so I had high hopes. Naturally the first thing I tried to determine was if Strip Clubs were open (I don’t think they are yet though I'm still not sure).
I was hopeful because bars in Alaska are open (as of May 8) but in my research I found out that the rules for bars and restaurants include the requirement to gather contact information of clientele – just in case they need to track them later. They are also pushing hard for the “cashless only” transactions which I personally detest.
https://covid19.alaska.gov/reo…I don’t know about anyone else but this kind of shit makes the future look very bleak to me. The fact that a long time libertarian place like Alaska is in fact doing this as we speak is even worse. I can’t imagine as they normalize this kind of shit that any of it will be beneficial to the strip club industry.
Welcome to the new normal.
last commentthat sounds like George Orwell and the novel 1984.
I use a credit card for airline tickets, occasional hotels and rarely rental cars but that’s it. Cash for everything else. I don’t even have an ATM card.
Besides TUSCL, I have no social media presence, never have, never will.
I have no reason to hide anything from those I know but I value my privacy and resist all attempts of others trying to own me in any way. No one can “give” you freedom, you either claim it or you cede it. But that’s just me (and I think that may be literally true lol).
And I do know I can’t hope to live under the radar forever but with luck I will be able to out run the future for a while longer. Glad I lived when I did.
But on topic, how many fewer people are going to be willing to go to strip clubs if there is a record of their visit available for all time? I know some people don’t care but I think a large number may have second thoughts if they can no longer be sneaking around. We shall see…
It's long and rambling at times but the synchronicity of past and present is mind boggling.
Here are a few excerpts..
> The sorcerers of Silicon have no respect for you – Bill Gates and others like him are not in the business of the sanctity of humanity – they are in league in creating their own simulated apocalypse that mocks the various prophecies that many that believe in the Abrahamic religions have read for millennia.
Microsoft has filed for a patent for a new cryptocurrency mining system that will purportedly leverage the data collected from people via sensors, as they interact with advertising or exercise, instead of using equipment that require massive amounts of power.
Microsoft filed the patent with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on March 26. The new system proposes using sensors to detect and calculate the amount of energy and time spent on a pre-determined activity, like engaging with an advertisement, and convert that sum into data which can be used by computers to solve computational problems and create new blocks.
Microsoft’s new proposed system will maintain a blockchain and its token using the same premise as a traditional proof-of-work network without the physical miners and without the heavy computational power expense of their equipment, substituting it with the data gathered and converted from the unconscious activity of people.
The system will monitor a person’s physical actions and energy spent via sensors to mine cryptocurrencies. When the sensors detect that the monitored body is exerting themselves physically, it converts the data recorded on the subject and converts them to power to unlock blocks. The system is also purported to monitor mental exertion, mind power used when a person is reading or writing, and convert this into data respectively.
It is a microchip patent that is numbered WO/2020/060606.
Ironic isn’t it that the patent number ends with 666.
Former CEO of Microsoft Bill Gates has been popping up regularly in the media since the coronavirus pandemic began, determined to help the world by developing and distributing a vaccine to the global population.
He also recommends that local governments include contact tracing in order to ensure that we find those who have COVID-19 and possibly force them into quarantine or worse.
Google and apple have been on board with smart phone systems that can give warnings to people who are near someone that might be infected.
There is even a bill being presented to provide money for those who wish to trace or track people.
In all of its sick and twisted irony, H. R. 6666 would nationalize contact tracing, followed by interrogation and the removal of everyone “infected” or having contact with an infected person to a “quarantine center.”
The bill, introduced by Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Il) states that its pupose is to :
“To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.”
Written with the usual ambiguity, this bill basically gives the government the authority to do whatever it wants under the guise of “the public good” using COVID-19 as an excuse. The bill has 47 co-sponsors — all Democrats.
The recent ironies of the patent 060606 and the house bill 6666 have a lot of people wondering if these Identification patents and laws are not pushing is to take what would be a chip or a tattoo that they fear is the mark of the beast.
There was also an article that ran ironically enough in the Daily Beast that openly talked about Bill Gates’ new technology that would be developed in order to identify the infected and the vaccinated. The beast was actually mocking people who believed that what gates was developing was technology that sounds like the Mark of the Beast.
The Beast claimed that right wing conspiracy theorists believe that Gates is somehow developing a tracking device to pair with any coronavirus vaccine. Some right-wing figures have even claimed Gates is developing the “mark of the Beast” predicted in the Book of Revelation. In fact, Gates’ foundation funded research in 2016 into using invisible ink to track child vaccination in developing countries, long before the coronavirus pandemic.
While there so far is no proof that Gates will put a chip or a nano spec in hos vaccines – his would be difficult there is evidence that there is invisible ink that can be used in the vaccine.
Last December Scientific American reported that a group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers has developed a way to track kids as to whether or not they have gotten their vaccines.
Along with the vaccine, a child would be injected with a bit of dye that is invisible to the naked eye but easily seen with a special cell-phone filter, combined with an app that shines near-infrared light onto the skin. The dye would be expected to last up to five years, according to tests on pig and rat skin and human skin in a dish.
The key hear is wondering what kind of dye will be used that will be able to create bioluminescence under the skin when scanned?
The ingredient is called LUCIFERACE.
Patents and bill with the sixes and a protein called Luciferase seem to be an obvious mocking of the eschaton.
Microchip technology has since replaced the UPC code as the most likely candidate for the introduction of a cashless society and thus the mark of the beast. While there have been various experiments with human microchipping on a limited basis, there remains a strong objection to the development only partly for biblical reasons. Others are deeply uneasy over the potential for intrusive surveillance and whether such technology would be forced on the public. In response, several states have passed legislation forbidding companies from requiring employees to be microchipped for their internal security systems.
However, Bill Gates continues to push the idea of digital certificates for Identification and tracking and the media has made him a hero.
Yeah, I read this article today. :/ And South Korea is currently held up as the model of everything being done correctly at the moment.
Also, good link OSU. I do wonder at a surveillance state as well in the future. But then again, one major data breach “pandemic” or two in the future will probably cause people to rebel against that. It will be an interesting future.
Mark Twain said “it is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled”
"Mark Twain said “it is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled”"
Really now? Then what's this right off their website?
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) assists applicants in seeking patent protection internationally for their inventions, helps patent offices with their patent granting decisions, and facilitates public access to a wealth of technical information relating to those inventions.
By filing one international patent application under the PCT, applicants can simultaneously seek protection for an invention in a large number of countries.
Who's really been fooled here?