Clothing changes due to COVID

avatar for NJBalla
New York
A fun exercise the next time you go out. Count the amount of women you see in Jeans. It used to be 70% and now its 5%. Im an ass guy so I always try to catch a peek and have found many women to be self conscious about the weight gain. Perhaps they should trying wearing burkas to go along with the facial coverings.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Man - I went to my local Walmart today and f'ing-A I could swear many of those women being locked-in are not getting the usual amount of attention they're used to get when they used to be out and about on a regular basis - saw about 10 women dressed like they were going to f'ing Mardi Gras - this is not that uncommon here in Miami given Latinas like to show their stuff, and given it was in the low-90s, but still, shit
avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
But you didn't tell me what are they wearing now NJBalla???
avatar for Electronman
5 years ago
Papi: Photos (please)?

Highs in Michigan are projected to be in the 50's over the upcoming weekend. Best we can get is some chilled nipples under layers of fleece.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Here in socal women take care of themselves. There's a culture of you have nothing else to do you exercise and if you're not going out you're eating and drinking less. We've also been able to jog and walk outside the whole time.

Jeans aren't popular here, it's all about that athletic wear and leggings as pants.

I suspect for some women the covid weight gain is real. Especially in areas you can't really go outside. Among my friends it seems 50-50; there are people gaining weight and there are people losing now that they have an extra two hours a day since they aren't commuting.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I'd kill to see women in jeans, instead of coat hat and gloves. Its May 8th and I bitched about it being 39 when I got up. In punishment its going to snow tonight with lows in the 20's.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
I haven't seen any women lose weight in SWFL, rather a weight gain of roughly 10 lbs has been common. Part of it must be from all the beaches, parks, and shopping center being closed. At home, telecommuting, I could see people moving around less, snacking/grazing more, and being less concious of co-workers diet-shaming. At work your co workers see you eating a salad, drinking only one can of pop, or snacking with an apple. At home, with no judging eyes, you eat multiple slices of cold pizza, mainline Mountain Dew, and munch your way through a whole bag of potato chips. Your not going to the beach this weekend, so fuck it.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
I can see how that sort of behavior might hit women especially hard. And yeah gyms being closed in some areas is brutal. I've heard the wait for a peleton is insane. We're lucky that we had an elliptical collecting dust in the garage for years that we set up again.
avatar for NJBalla
5 years ago
@blahblah Most women wear baggy sweats and pajamas these days. In the past you would find a few in athleisure sweats. I am amused that even the baggy sweats are not doing a good job of hiding the curves.

It makes sense about the warmer states. Its a lot easier to go outside and run. IN NJ/NY the cold weather, rain, and intensity of lockdown is making things interesting.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I've actually lost a bit of weight - for w/e reason I don't have as big an appetite as pre-lockdown - I still get hungry but it takes me longer b/w meals to feel somewhat hungry and I thus been eating a bit less - I assume it's b/c I'm less active and not going to the gym whereas working-out probably made me hungrier - I've never been one to snack too-much nor be much into sweets so I guess that's helped me during the lockdown.
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