Club blaze and wax are teasing that they will open soon so I’m interested to see how things will operate there. Outside of follies they are two of the most high mileage clubs. I went to wax before everything shut down and had the greatest ldk I’ve ever had
If one of the good mileage clubs open I’ll go and give a detailed review. Going to be interesting to see how everything works. I know diamond club will be open Wednesday but they are air dances so no point. I at least want a good stick shift
I think at wax or blaze I’ll get a good dance no problem. Those clubs aren’t like blue flame or magic. Worse case scenario I get a few numbers and meet otc.
im snap chat friends with a ton of follies dancers, alot them are saying May 20th, the tattletales and pink pony dancers im snap friends with have not said anything about there clubs opening
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