Oregon strippers do drive-thru

avatar for Roadworrier
FWIW..... https://apple.news/AS7AihPCARu…

“Drive-Thru Strip Club Serves Up Sexy (And Safe) Solution For Coronavirus Blues”

“Lucky Devil Lounge in Oregon has come up with yet another innovative, fun and sexy idea to keep income — and customers — coming during the pandemic.”

Rdworrier. :)


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avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Some photos provided

As a side note, the Lucky Devil Lounge was the one doing BooberEats (no longer called that because Uber threw a bitch fit), and before that they were the first to start the trend of stripper karaoke.😁
Suddenly I wish I lived in Oregon 😁
Juice is on his way now on a Greyhound bus with $1,200 ready to spend!!!

Can he go through the drive-thru in an Uber?
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