When other clubs open in Atlanta are you going or waiting until follies reopens?

avatar for WavvyCain
I know most guys miss their clubbing, and personally follies has me so spoiled it’s hard for me to go to other clubs. I don’t get the same service from the bartenders or the dancers. Personally if Atlanta clubs open the top of April what are some good ones to visit? My brother goes to gold rush. I walked in one time to get my cousins jacket he left and it was ratchet, Never went back.
But are you guys going to wait til April 22nd to hit follies? Or will u continue to do OtC and visit a lame city club until that time?


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I expect the Atlanta club will not open that soon. I won't be hitting any clubs until this blows over.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
Tbh you have a point especially with some of these strippers still taking vacation while this whole virus going on scares me lol. But ok, I heard clubs were opening first or 2nd week of April but that may not happen as u said. What other club u like besides follies? shadow the legend.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Any clubs open the second week of April will be in violation, and anyone going to that club is an idiot with a death wish
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
Lmaoooo ^
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
The Goldrush is the closest to my house. 30 years ago it was a great mixed club. Now it is nice looking inside but is just another ho hum black club with the rap songs cut short and run together and mostly low contact dances. I do stop in once in awhile to see if anything has changed for the better.

The best club is my house with my favorite dancer. Follies is in second place. But my house is closed until further notice.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
^Lol spoken like a boss! But I feel u on that, tbh I walked in and gold rush just felt like a ratchet-ghetto club. I don’t mind it but too much is too much, I just want to vibe and chill, club is nice inside though. I live in Lindbergh so I’m about 10 minutes from both clubs. I maybe try gold rush vip one day when all this blows over though.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Trying to determine when things will reopen is futile - no one really knows when the virus will be under control - there is no set-date to set one's calendar to - one would assume most strip-clubs, like most-businesses, wanna open as soon as possible but for the most-part it's not up to them - I assume once they get the clear they will almost all open right away
avatar for SteveSutton
5 years ago
I just saw that the "gofundme" created 6 days ago for Cheetah's in Atlanta is at $495 of $20,000 goal ... that's pretty sad.
avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago
That fund was for the staff not for the strippers.
The staff can definitely claim unemployment and get the weekly $600 payment from the government.
avatar for SteveSutton
5 years ago
Ah yes, agreed that makes sense thanks for the clarification.
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