C- MOEWS in wngton onashington Park IL

avatar for mjpollak300
Does anyone know if C-Moews in Washington PArk Il reopened after the fire??


avatar for borris
18 years ago
Heard they will be opening again in mid July, the old bldg burnt down so it will be brand new.
The question remains whether the old strippers, who I gather didn't catch fire and burn, will be replaced with new ones.
Chandler: Would replacing old strippers with new ones be a good thing here?
Minnow: That would be an understatement.
avatar for kcquestor
18 years ago
C-Mowes is supposed to open around July 20. Half the girls I've talked to in the area are hoping to get a job there, including nearly everyone at Chameleon. If they all got hired, the place would be packed!

I just hope their new back room is better than the old stalls...
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