
Facing The 4th Temptation Amidst Very Real Danger

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Never have we had someone focused on economic inequity the way that Bernie Sanders is. He has based his entire campaign on this, and rightly so. And he has been focused on this since the early 70's. Now he wants to reverse American's 40 year legacy of moving to the Right and of increasing the wealth gap and the federal deficit. He does not make timid and placating statements, he makes bold confident statements.

Not Adlai Stevenson, and not George McGovern, ever posed this kind of threat to the economic power structures which harvest our populace.

In Dec 1967 Martin Luther King Jr. called for a Poor People's Campaign, no longer confined to racial issues, and now speaking directly against the war in Vietnam.

King had faced continual death threats for over a decade. He had survived a chest stabbing. And in Memphis there had been suspicious sorts making inquiries, and claiming to be advance men. King never used advance men. So likely he knew, but this did not deter him.

And then announcing the killing to a crowd in Indianapolis, Robert Kennedy reminded the audience that he had lost a brother. Kennedy assumed the slain King's mantle, and for his remaining 63 days, Kennedy adopted King's message and speaking style, finally winning the largest of the primaries, California's. Not before or since has this country come as close as it did to an electoral revolution.

For everyone who challenges this economic power structure, there will come a time when they are tempted with the idea that they should back down, protect themselves, and let things settle. Its they idea that they are more important than the message and the movement. They will be told that they should not go up to Jerusalem.

This country has long been ruled by powerful and sinister forces. They pander to racial prejudice, and to every other kind of prejudice. They use conservative cultural messages and themes to try and keep people in their assigned places. For anyone who challenges the rule of these sinister forces, the danger and the temptation will be real.

We need to be brave ourselves and get the very highest possible voter turn out for these primaries and in November. We have a chance, which though risky, we must not let slip by.


King at Stanford, "The Other America" 1967

King on Universal Basic Income, Work, & Human Value (August 16, 1967)

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: The Unfiltered Radical

Robert F. Kennedy primary campaign address at Ball State University, 1968-04-04

Kennedy Accepting King's Mantle in Indianapolis

Tom Brokaw Reflects on Kennedy's Campaign

Bernie Sanders outlines his vision of ‘democratic socialism’ 6/12/19

Bernie Sanders and Rev William Barber II, Poor Peoples Campaign Presidential Forum


  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    You are spare parts, aren’t you SJG?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Bernie Sanders in South Carolina

    Bernie Sanders in El Paso Texas, full rally

    Listening to Bernie is empowering. Total opposite of the Clinton's.

    Not since George McGovern have I been able to stand behind a candidate like this.

    With Bill Clinton, it was exciting 'cause it seemed like he could win, whereas Michael Dukakis had lost to Bush's flag and pledge of allegiance campaign. But I never really went along with the ways that Bill Clinton explained things, invoking conservative imagery, and always placating.

    With Bernie Sanders, I really agree with what he is saying, and I a feel myself to be challenged by it.

    This kind of change has been building up for a long time, it is necessary for our nation to move forward, to roll back Ronald Reagan and the Republican Right!

    I know Bernie is going all out, holding nothing back, really saying what he knows in his heart to be true.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Clinton destroyed the Democratic party. He moved it right of the center and broke ties with the new deal democrats completely
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    And Bernie can fix that, if he can really draw votes, new voters, younger voters.

    Bernie does not talk like Clinton, he talks like RFK and the later MLK.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    And Bernie presses on with the most radical vision for our country, and the most hopeful and optimistic too!

    Are Americans Ready To Embrace Socialism? (w/ Richard Wolff )


    Will Sanders Be Cheated Out of 553,000 Votes? (w/ Greg Palast)

    Competing Populist Movements

    Bernie and the New Populism

    Super Tuesday Kicks Off as Moderate Dems Coalesce in Support of Joe Biden

    ‘The Nation’ Endorses Bernie Sanders and His Movement
    We are proud to endorse Sanders, a democratic socialist with a program both realistic and radical enough to meet the challenges of our time.
  • JimGassagain
    5 years ago
    SJG, you are spare parts aren’t you?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Election Night Coverage

    Meet The Press Daily with Chuck Todd 3/3/20 | MSNBC News March 3, 2020

    Super Tuesday Primary Elections Results | NBC News (Live Stream)

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ Above coverage is good and ongoing!

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Calling North Carolina for Joe Biden.

    (this kind of stuff is always done via exit polls, and usually they do prove to be accurate)

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    No Car, Biden getting about 4x the vote of Sanders.

    South East is 28% Black. CA is only 7% Black.

    I know that blacks came here to work in the war industries.

    CA Democrats have a negative view of Bloomberg, 60% to 30%.

    I consider Bloomberg to be a bad joke.

    Biden is not that bad.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Calling Virginia for Biden
    Calling Vermont for Sanders

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Vermont has just one US House Member, second least populous state after Wyoming.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Projecting American Samoa for Bloomberg.

    They say that in CA the Sander's Campaign has been going continuously since 2016, never pulling out, never shutting down. I think more SoCal.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    They say the Latino vote is the most important. What they really want is "anybody but Trump", they want a Democrat who will win.

    Bloomberg says that after this election night, he will reacess if he should stay in.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Calling Alabama for Biden

    CA is the biggest, and closing last, and Sanders expected to do well.

    Because of tornado, TN polls to stay open longer.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    In VA, 4 years back, Biden got 16% of the AA vote. Today he is getting 71%, whereas Sanders is getting only 16%.

    Sanders people thought Bloomberg would eat into Biden. VA voters are not stupid. Bloomberg gets very little.

    But Sanders feels poised to do better with Latinos, and that gets better as time goes on the the count moves West.

    Most Dems only care about winning at this point.

    Same for me too!

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Texas is the second biggest prize and polls close in 40min, must be like 6pm in CA time.

    Remember, this is not like the General Election and with the Electoral College, the states are not winner take all. Delegate pools are split.

    Arkansas, MA, and Oklahoma polls closed, but not called yet. ( using exit polls of course ) Bernie and Warren both going strong in MA, but so is Biden.

    Biden seems to be doing very well, "Dream Night".

    Biden has no money or organization. His people had gone undecided, they had not gone to any other candidate. Biden does well with Suburban Voters. Biden doing well because Bloomberg's campaign has collapsed.

    Biden's win in South Carolina really brought his people back.

    They still think Sanders will win in CA.

    Sanders does well with Latinos. And they are expecting you people who have not otherwise gone to the polls to come out for him, but more moving West, than in the South East.


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Health Care is the number 1 issue, and even more so for Latinos.

    More polls to close momentarily.

    Texas could go 50/50 to Sanders and Biden

    Sanders about to Speak!

    Calling Tennessee for Joe Biden

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Calling Colorado for Bernie Sanders

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So given how this is unfolding, is Bernie Sanders willing to keep pushing a serious progressive agenda?

    CAMPAIGN 2020: Bernie Sanders slams Joe Biden after Super Tuesday results

    420 Yanis Varoufakis on the Individual in Capitalist Economics (published today)

    Long Lines and Broken Machines

    Joe Reacts To Biden’s ‘Shocking’ Turnaround


    Bloomberg Ending His Campaign

    Jim Clyburn: People Were Not Feeling Biden Before South Carolina | MSNBC

    Full video: Trump-Clinton first presidential debate

    So here we have, PBS News Hour, today 3/4, I have always found this to have good predictive power when it comes to politics:

    TJ Street

    Peter Frampton, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Festival de Viña 2008

    Led Zeppelin – No Quarter [1975/05/24 @ London, England] Earl's Court Extended Version, I could listen to this until the vinyl wears out!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Sounds like Bernie is not backing down. I don't mean in just campaign appearances, I mean in his King has No Clothes Message about the Conservative Democratic Message.


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Bernie Sanders condemns Nazi flag displayed during rally | ABC News (Phoenix)

    George Seldes on Mussolini
    "There is no program, no policy, no ideology and certainly no philosophy back of Fascism, as there is back of almost every other form of government. It is nothing but a spoils system. "


    Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders ramp up attacks as Democratic front-runners

    Progressives Urge Elizabeth Warren to Rally Behind Bernie Sanders After She Drops Out of 2020 Race


    Remember that this is the DV Flag Ship:

    3,500 Cruise Ship Passengers Quarantined Off California Coast over Coronavirus Fears

    The accounts of exactly where this Grand Princess is, I find to be unclear. But it sounds like it is 100nm offshore, the route to Hawaii.

    Cruise ship may be quarantined off San Francisco for two weeks - BBC News

    Grand Princess

    Seattle couple on quarantined on cruise ship off California coast

    03/05/20 Princess Cruise ship passengers quarantined after coronavirus death

    Coronavirus Update: 3,500 People Quarantined On Cruise Ship Awaiting Test Results, CBS News

    They delivered 300 test kits. I heard that 100 persons were tested. Tests sent to lab in Richmond. Still waiting for results.

    Sounds like it was coming back from Hawaii, and slated to go to Mexico. But then as it was moving towards Mexico, it got redirected back towards San Franciso, not just waiting 100nm offshore.

    None of this sounds like a very fun experience. But what else is in store, and for how many of us?

    PBS NewsHour live episode, Mar 6, 2020 w/ Shields and Brooks

    'Frampton Comes Alive II' 1995, San Francisco



    Robin Trower
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    @SJG when you get bored talking to yourself head over to the mute function thread. We are working on a movie for you
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ Someone is going to have to use Clorox to clean up after your circle jerkers. Other wise the health department will come out here with UV lights, and probably close us down.

    3 years ago
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