
If a Russian Head of State Did What Donald Trump did, ...

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Compromising our national security and the security of an ally, by withholding critical military aid?

Giving up on the long term military and foreign policy objective of containing a rival by denying them their most sought after objective, the warm water port?

Afrika Corps Yellow, and critical front surfaces vertical:

It was Russia that invented sloping tank armor.

It makes incoming projectiles ricochet. Much harder to stop.

The United States would copy this, and then after, Germany.

And so it is such tanks which today guard our fault lines.

What can stop these tanks? Well it had been just a strategic nuclear deterrence. Then it came to be intermediate and short range nuclear weapons, actually making it more and more dangerous.

So military planners dreamed of what they called the Techno Commando. Men on foot armed with shoulder launched guided missiles. And these would not be ballistic weapons, they would use shaped charges, which can destroy steel armor without having to hit it with high momentum or kinetic energy.

Not being a ballistic weapon, its effectiveness is not deterred by sloping armor. And it does not matter if the tank is built so low to the ground that most of it is hidden behind a ridge line. The Javelin will go out to it and then impact at whatever angle, and in whatever place, it is programmed to.


Slow Motion Impact Footage


The Javelin can blast through up to 0.75 meters of steel armor.

The French Maginot Line had armor that thick. But tanks certainly do not. Even battle ships have never had that kind of armor.

So if an ally is at today's fault line and we expect them to hold it, we have to make sure that they are well supplied at all times, and especially with these Techno Commando Missiles.

The fault line had been between East and West Germany. Things are better today, as it is now the Ukraine which holds this line. So if we expect the policy to continue to work, we have to make sure they are always well supplied and always know that we are behind them. And since to a degree we still find Russia to be a rouge state, we still have to continue to contain them.

And what has been Russia's most sought after objective? What they have always wanted was a Warm Water Port, meaning usable year round. They want Mediterranean, Persian Gulf, or Indian Ocean. This has been the driving motive behind so many decades of rivalry in the middle-east. They want this, and we are still committed to denying it to them.

So in comes Donald Trump, seemingly knowing nothing. And Russia would probably be ready to move rubber tired armored cars on short notice, but not tanks. Tanks are so heavy that they are difficult to air lift and they are high maintenance when driven overland.

So in what had to have been a pre-planned move coordinated between Trump, Erdoğan, and Putin, a phone call is made and Trump pulls troops out of the critical spot between Turkey and Syria.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley tried in every way to talk Trump out of it, but to know avail.

And then it is the Kurds who live in these mountainous border areas. So soon, Turkey is firing its NATO artillery at Kurdish civilians, and US Troops are having to retreat under fire.

What was Trump trying to do, and what was his real motive?

He told Nancy Pelosi, "Article 2 says I can do anything I want." This is how he seems to understand everything.

He has compromised the security of the Ukraine and the Middle-East, and he has compromised our national security too. He has also betrayed the long decades of sacrifice and service made by our own men and women in uniform.

So of course we saw that leaders of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees were devastated, and I say, so too, and with good reason, is John Bolton. And the evidence he has presented in his book draft is probably just the start of what evidence he has.

So if a Russian Head of State did what Donald Trump did, likely he would have been promptly tried for treason and then executed.


The Graham Bond Organization
Graham Bond (vocals/organ/mellotron/sax), Dick Heckstall-Smith (sax), Jack Bruce (bass/harmonica/vocals) and Ginger Baker (drums)

Graham Bond - Love Is The Law

Ginger Baker's Air Force


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