
John Bolton's Book, cutting DJT to shreds!

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game

The only way the Republicans can defend their leader is by trying to keep the country in that world of delusion created by Fox, Breitbart, and Cambridge Analytica.

Report of Bolton book divides lawmakers on impeachment process

Stunning Bolton claims mean Trump impeachment case is now in 'uncharted territory'

Ukrainian Drug Deal, Rudy, Sondland, Mulvaney??

Why is Bolton aiding Trump’s ‘drug deal’ coverup?

Bolton wanted White House lawyers alerted to Ukrainian efforts, called it 'drug deal,' witness tells Congress
Former Russian analyst Fiona Hill testified to members of Congress on Monday behind closed doors.




Humble Pie-30 Days In The Hole

Frampton, Do You Feel Like We Do

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  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    John Bolton book manuscript upends impeachment hearings

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Trump team braces for deeper impeachment drama after Bolton surprise

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    We know what else John Bolton probably knows about, and why this really makes him angry, as it would most Americans!


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    What Bolton book? Trump impeachment lawyers skirt new disclosures

  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    maybe bolton was paid off , he looks like a crook
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    He is a long term diligent defender of our National Security. He has served previous Republican Presidents. And now former Trump COS General Kelly says that he believes Bolton.

    Yes, Bolton is a hawkish extremist, even dangerously so. But I believe him.

    Trump has betrayed our long term commitment to containing Russia, keeping them from over running Western Europe, and keeping them out of the Middle-East.

    If a Russian head of state betrayed their long term national goals and their own military as Trump has done, that head of state would have been quickly executed.

    And it sounds like Bolton was expressing concerns about Trump doing favors for heads of state. This must mean Putin and Trump's removal of the troops.


    'The Game is Rigged': Richard Wolff
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    things are heating up, politics is nasty, maybe bolton was blackmailed, .. the timing is a little fishy, the vote i think is friday, 20 republicans out of 53 needed to impeach,
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Trump has already been impeached, by the House.

    Yes 20 Republicans out of 53, and all of the Democrats, needed to Remove From Office.

    The issue now is will they call witnesses, and which ones.

    Bolton was breaking away from Trump back in the Fall. I find him 100% credible.

  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    i think bolton was pissed off when trump fired him, so anything is possible come vote day
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Seemed like Bolton was pulling back from Trump and angry with him. Talking about being angry about favors given to heads of state, trading our national security for personal objectives.

    Like I say, if a Russian head of state did that, they would have been executed.

  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    trump pisses off lots of people, they will back stab him
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    bolton was part of the swamp, big mistake for trump to hire him
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    SJG you can have the last word , i am done
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Trump is the biggest swamp man we have had in high office ever! $3 Billion lost, banks bullied into letting it slide and to continuing to give him more multiple millions per year in living expenses, and then being able to avoid paying taxes on those forgiven loans as income.

    No one else gets away with anything like that!

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Senators Grill Trump’s Lawyers, House Managers in New Phase of Impeachment Trial

    John Bolton Bombshell Revelation Upends Trump's Impeachment Defense, Sends His Legal Team Scrambling

    LIVE House GOP talk Trump Impeachment & meltdown over John Bolton


    Psychedelic Jazz

    Joe Bonamassa Official - "I'll Play The Blues For You"
  • crsm27
    5 years ago
    Need to take this whole book thing in stride.

    1. It is just the manuscript... so we dont know what is in the book completely. What did the chapter, sentence, paragraph say before and after the "leak".

    2. It was a leak... so it not the actual manuscript. Need to see the actual document first.

    3. Bolton has given multiple interviews always contridicting views. He also talks how he would lie.

    Bolton could be a huge bombshell either direction. But the case that is being presented now is not based on any of his testimony and the House voted thinking it had a strong enough case with out him. So if any witnesses that get called should be ones that were called during the investigation and anyone who wrote reports that were used... ie: Schiff. Again... no bolton, bidens, etc. The people who were leads on the process, wrote reports, and the witnesses called. Those are the only ones who should be called for these articles that were presented. If they want "more" or "new"... they should stop what is going on now, "hault" or cancel these articles and re-do the investigation in the house. Because it is showing that the house didn't do a good enough job if they say they need... NEW. They voted on what they had and thought they had a clear cut case.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Yes, just a preliminary manuscript, but given to the NYT. Bolton is completely credible, long term National Security advisor, extremely hawkish.

    Testimony, Bolton wants to testify, but hasn't been allowed to yet.

    Trump has used every available means to block document and witness access, and bragged about it.

    If he Russian Head of State treated their National Security and their Armed Services the way Trump has treated ours, he would have been executed.

    John Bolton, long term National Security, is just expressing his outrage the only way he can. Too hawkish, but I am sure that most of our military commanders see things just the way Bolton does. That troop withdrawal on Turkish and Syrian border, giving Russia what they have always dreamed of, the Warm Water Port, and withholding the aid for the Ukrainian Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles were just completely inexcusable, and this is what Bolton is saying.


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    White House has issued formal threat to John Bolton to keep him from publishing book

    John Bolton ‘Implied’ Misconduct In Marie Yovanovitch Ouster In Call, Rep Eliot Engel Claims | MSNBC

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    Mehdi Hasan: Trump’s Middle East Plan Is a Policy of Apartheid & Settler Colonialism

    Mehdi Hasan: The Impeachment Trial Has Been a Farce Since Day One Filled with GOP Lies

    Senators Grill Trump’s Lawyers, House Managers in New Phase of Impeachment Trial

    John Bolton Bombshell Revelation Upends Trump's Impeachment Defense, Sends His Legal Team Scrambling

    LIVE House GOP talk Trump Impeachment & meltdown over John Bolton

    Psychedelic Jazz

    Joe Bonamassa Official - "I'll Play The Blues For You"

  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    71 year old bolton is just hallucinating , looks like a old grumpy man out to back stab anyone because is make him feel like mr. big
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    bolton is part of the washington swamp animals
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    i am glad trump fired him publicly , it pissed him off
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Bolton is an extreme hawk. But allowing for that, I believe that most of our military commanders would side with him.

    Like I say, if it were in Russia and a head of state did what Trump has done, he would be executed. And I know that it is just personal rage over how Trump has acted regarding our National Security, and towards our Men and Women in Uniform, which is driving Bolton.

    Too hawkish for me, but otherwise I do agree with him.


    Martinist / Gnostic Video
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    i would like to see bolton as a witness in this trail. it will be he said against she said (hear say) he been in and out of the white house for 40years now. that is amazing, being in the washington beltway for 40years, that would make anybody crazy
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    and bitter
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @BD the biggest backstabbed are Trump and Guliani you’ve got two guys who threw previous vows out the window, Rudy married his cousin then left her without the decency to talk to her he just had her kicked out of the mayor’s mansion in NYC , Trump did the same with his first two wives you’ve got two guys who break their vows with impunity never getting called to account for their behavior this is not going to end well
    OTH you May disagree with Bolton but he act’s honorably funny how the word backstabber has been twisted
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    The democrats, specifically Pelosi, states that they’ve been working on impeaching Trump for 30 months! That means that she/they were fixing to waste billions of taxpayer $$ on a crime before it allegedly happened, but all you never Trumpers want to do is let him rent the space in your head for free. Smh...
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Trump seems to have eminent domain in the space between the ears of his supporters, you guys sound more like a cult than a political party.
  • crsm27
    5 years ago
    The Bolton "credibility" issue is coming to light. There are videos and "interviews" of many things...

    1. Schiff is on Maddow talking about how Bolton has credibility issues and does a conspiracy theorist.
    2. Obama on the Senate floor going after him during one of Boltons confirmations about credibility issues of his past and what not.
    3. Bolton interview with a media outlet talking about the up coming meetings with the Ukraine, his meeting with the Ukraine, etc. Never once talked about investigation, pressure, etc.

    Now onto some of the other things....

    @SJG.... you bring up if it happened with Russia Trump would be nailed to the cross. Well on a hot mic there is Obama saying to a Russia Official that after the election he will have more "leniance" or what ever. So it did happen and nothing happened.

    @25 I agree with you about some of the stuff Rudy G was doing. He needs to answer why was he in the Ukraine. Now I have seen some of his interviews and he says:

    1. He was over there on a personal reason not "official" goverment stuff. Which he needs to lay out. Which is why he should have been subpeonaed during the investigation and brought in for questioning. BUT WASN'T.

    2. He says he was just digging up stuff that was brought up during the Mueller Probe to help defend his client.... ok... again see above... needs to come in and be questioned under oath in the investigation part.... which he wasn't because Schiff wouldn't allow it.

    So again... you see we wouldn't be at this state of affairs if Schiff and the house dem's did their Job. It isn't the Senate supposed to do it for them.

    I also like to bring up about how the house dem's passed impeachment with out any of this. So those officials thought that there was enough evidence to convict. Yet now ALL of them are saying we need more evidence and testimony to get the victory. So it shows you how flimsy it is. They should have done their jobs and not a witch hunt. Because lets say the let the courts play out with the subpeona issues..... you might have a whole swath of info that would implicate or exhonerate the President. You ever heard the old saying give the person enough rope to hang themselves.... well it is exactly what Trump has done....and they could have possibly done it right back to Trump.

    Now another "credibilty" issue that I think is a major push..... The NY-D congressman who all of a sudden said "oh wait, bolton over a year ago said to me in a conversation that he thought things were fishy".... or something like that.

    Well.... Did you know he put in that little letter talking about this a few weeks ago. Yet Schiff and people sat on it until yesterday!!! So it is all theatrics. Just like the Kavanaugh hearings. It is the exact play book.... hold onto things and wait to drop them until you need a boost. But the thing about that Congressman which is what I am waiting to see.... is why did he wait a year if he thought it was so URGENT. He should have pressed this right away. he should have went to Mueller with his concerns. So again.... the smell test is passing on this one.... it smells like SCHIFF.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @crsm the problem here is how Dershowitz's characterization the floor of the senate, of what is impeachable, I summarize it, as that old saw about the divine right of kings, Trump is not a king and the United States is not his kingdom, even presidents must answer to the rule of law, and these Republicans are trying to abolish that, we have an absolute right to oversight of our presidents actions and we are absolutely entitled to the truth of what is being done in our name, these fuckers need to respect that, plain and simple. My opinion is he needs a mental examination, impeachment is useless under the circumstances we are faced with, and these fucking politicians that keep enabling this should be evaluated as well.
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    since bolton will make millions off his book sale, and he is 71 yr old, my advise leave the washington beltway, it is a big swamp, it is infested with alligators,,,,, he has been in the swamp over 40years now...... retire in a double wide in ATL, and go to follies, the dancers prey on old rich white guys. ,,,and do not short Telsa stock, it now is over $600 and some think it will hit $1200, it you short it, you will shit your pants
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Mr. Trump is the swamp, the NYC real estate market, is not some pristine environment my friend, LOL
  • crsm27
    5 years ago
    @25.... I agree with you that the president needs to be held accountable. Hence I didn't mind he has been investigated because of all of this. But the investigation was a ram job at best. I am glad the WB threw up a "concern" and it was looked into. But what is coming out isn't "impeachable" at all. That is what the President team is saying. Because it lays out that if someone doesnt agree with a policy decision, a firing, a hiring, etc.... it can now possibly be considered "impeachable".... That is the scary thing.... no real crime just a vague article. If it was bribery.... easy you know what it is..... if it was perjury.... yep know that crime or article.... Obstruction of congress???.... well what does that include?? Nobody knows. Look at what Warren is purposing to make a law. If you talk bad about a political opponent.... well what is talking bad? Saying the policy is bad, saying they did something in the past that was bad (ie: possible DUI, petty crime, etc). Think about what everyone is talking about Trump and his past dealings. Granted he hung himself for being a brazen loud mouth. But it shows you what our political leaders are thinking. They want "feeling" type laws or want vague laws that can be contorted to fit their needs. NOT THE NEEDS of the Citizens. That is what is scary as hell.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @crsm I actually agree with a lot of what you are saying, my issue stems from the fact, that these Trump cult members don't see any issues with this man. He is just as brazen a loud mouth shit as you said, and refuses any responsibility for anything that doesn't favor him, but he has no one to blame but himself for this impeachment, and it isn't a hoax, 50 years from now, regardless of any of his accomplishments, that asterisk is going to be in front of his name the history books are going to read, "President Trump whom, was only the third American president, to face impeachment proceedings", at the beginning of every thing ever said about him, don't think he doesn't know this.
    BTW this iteration of the Republican party is a refutation of everything I ever thought being a Republican was about, here's a direct quote from the Lincoln project > "The spectacle of Republicans adopting such arguments is remarkable since the party that once saw itself as the epitome of limited government is coalescing in an effort to broaden the unrestrained power of the presidency."
  • crsm27
    5 years ago
    I agree that much of the reason why people dislike him so much is because of his social skills.... ie: The GREATest, the best, I am perfect, etc. When infact he isn't. He is the product of his own ego/reality show. That is what he is projecting to many people..... the I am the smartest, listen to me, your fired.... etc. BS.

    Now that quote you mention with the lincoln project... I disagree with... to a certain point. Like I mentioned I am for the fact that things were investigated (even though the investigations were BS and run horribly.... Mueller did ok but was pushed to find something bad and really couldn't... hence the ambiguity of his conclusions). But that is a check on the president for sure. This last one was just a literal witch hunt and they played right into his talking points of it all along. If that investigation was done correctly like some of the things I pointed out.... the "witch hunt" narrative would collapse and he would be blowing even more hot air.... yet they fed right into it. Just like the media and "fake news".... they keep proving him correct by jumping on stuff with out any investigation and proves to be BS. If CNN would actually say some good things about some of his policy.... it wouldn't be looked at as "fake news".... yet they cant. I will also say this about Fox... if the majority of their opinoin guys would take there tongue out of Trumps ass it would make them look better. To be honest when you see Trump lash out at some of the Fox news reporting on this whole impeachment... it is them trying to move back towards "center".... again trying to. Which is what media and news should be. Report on solid "facts" not the first thing they read online and run with it without doing any digging in to see if it is credible. But that is a totally different topic all together. Hell CNN and Fox are doing more to divide the nation than bring it together.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ One thing we should be able to agree on is Trump is his own worst enemy, just like Clinton he thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room, if either of them would have learned how to keep their mouth shut these impeachment proceedings never would have happened. Trump is just luckier than Clinton that they figured out how to avoid being charged with perjury by abusing his presidential powers and avoiding a direct Q & A session with Muellar it would have been game over because we know he’s a serial liar, fortunately for him his handlers know that as well Clinton was also an idiot thinking he could thread that needle, he didn’t need to perjure him self it was his ego that did him in
  • crsm27
    5 years ago

    I agree with you that there are the "cult followers"... but we have that on all political spectrum on all parties. And it is funny how those are the ones you typically see getting interviewed..... just like the late night segments of guys on the streets.... they always show the dumb ones. Not the people who form good arguements for or against issues.

    Honestly watch some of Steven Crowders youtube stuff. He is a heavily leaning right guy... yet does some good segments to get open discussion not the screaming at each other. It is good dialogue.
  • crsm27
    5 years ago
    Totally agree with you on Trumps handlers are keeping him from perjury for sure. Or just him saying something as simple as I did the best.... well if you show something that is better than what you did... boom he lied and if that was under oath you make the comment about the "best"... if is perjury.

    Yep Clinton was his own undoing as well.... Honestly... with what might come down the pipe about the FISA and other stuff.... Obama could be added to that list. He didn't come out cocky or arrogant at all. But if things come out to light that some right leaning or far right guys are saying.... it could be bad for the former president. But again he was riding a high of the media holding him up like a messiah.... so if it did possibly make him think he was invincible i wouldn't blame him.

    Before anyone goes off on me about those last comments. I personally didn't like Obama's policies or direction he was wanting. Socially his policies some were good. But others divided our country. Just like trump.... his social side he is an idiot and his financial and business stuff so far is good. Only down fall is his failure to reel in spending which if he gets a second term he can do what he said he could. But that isn't just a Presidental thing it is the whole congress needs to cut spending or programs.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ But both Obama and Bush both knew when to keep their mouth shut, neither Clinton or Trump ever received that set of genes that tells you why who get in trouble and who avoids problems
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    if you remain silent, you can not tell any lies
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    silence is golden
  • crsm27
    5 years ago
    @ 25 and BD... correct on that.

    Like I mentioned.... let the people talk and give them enough rope to let them hang themselves with. I have done it a lot when I officiate games. Let the coaches vent on a call...say to them... i had enough...and if they dont stop or they cross that line... BANG.... penalty on them.
  • TrentonPhantom
    5 years ago
    Im not surprised. It's only a few years since his brother Michael started to go off the rails.

    Jack Sparrow (feat. Michael Bolton)
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Bolton is too hawkish for most, maybe even too hawkish for Trump. But never the less, he has given this country decades of honorable service, as he continues to on this very day.


    PBS NewsHour live episode, Jan 30, 2020

    Rep. Adam Schiff: Why Is Bolton Willing To Come Forward Now? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

    John Roberts refuses to read Rand Paul's question

    Chuck Schumer, really good!

    Trump Lawyers Make Shocking Claim Of Monarchical Executive Powers | Rachel Maddow

    Should We Believe John Bolton?

    Do You Want Presidents To Be Above The Law? (w/ Julio Rivera)

    Video Appears To Show Trump Taking Mar-a-Lago Photo With Parnas | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    How do you stop this?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    GOP Senators Believe They Have The Votes To Block Impeachment Witnesses | NBC Nightly News

    If Trump is not removed from office, then I predict a 3 or 4 way 2020 race. One of the candidates will be getting Democratic votes, while the other 2 or 3 will be dividing up the Republican votes.

    :) :) :)

    Cory Booker: ‘Moral Vandal’ In White House May Win This Day, But He Will Not Win Our Nation | MSNBC

    Adam Schiff confident mesmerizing performance Senators Questions Day 2 Trump's impeachment trial.

    ‘Constitutional Madness’: Backlash To ‘King Trump’ Claims At Senate Trial | MSNBC

    Sen. Warren's question takes aim at Chief Justice Roberts

    Impeachment Trial: Senate Democrats Keep Pushing to Get Witnesses

    Trump Impeachment Trial Turns into Debate over Bolton Testimony- VOA

    Senate GOP grows more confident it can block witnesses in impeachment trial

    Debate Over Impeachment Trial Witnesses Continues

    Impeachment Trial Nears Crucial Vote On Witnesses

    WATCH: Rep. Demings says witnesses are the ‘life and blood’ of any case | Trump impeachment trial


    Robin Trower - Full Concert - Rockpalast Crossroads, Bonn - 2005
  • Cowboy12
    5 years ago
    President Trump fired Bolton, so what did you expect him to do....praise the guy who fired him?
    Bolton is a career swamp creature, lies only to benefit himself.
  • Jacks4thson
    5 years ago
    Let’s wait until we actually see the book?
  • crsm27
    5 years ago
    The other canidates are you talking about..... Bernie? Warren? Biden?....

    Because of those three not many Republicans would vote for them. Bernie has way too much socialist ideas..... Warren is a close second on that. Biden.... well he is at the heart of this matter going on now.... so if they thought Trump was guilty Biden should be too with his on air interview of saying i fired them.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Bolton is a hawkish extremist. So most people can't really stomach him. But his credibility level remains very high.

    In an economy of extreme surplus, you have to go to social democracy, otherwise the rich can just denigrate the poor and end up with all of the money. And then we will have Communism from the Gun Barrel.

  • Mate27
    5 years ago

    Impeachment has no credibility, which is why Bolton is trying to take advantage of the situation to sell books!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    DJT has shown tremendous disrespect to our Men and Women in Uniform, when he pulled the troops out to let Putin in.

    And we are expecting the Ukraine to hold the line, just like West German used to.

    Think about it:

    If a Russian head of state did the things Trump has done, he would have been executed.

  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    The Democratic Party just amended the rules to allow Bloomberg to qualify for the debates
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    AWESOME! Thank you 25.

    Bloomberg will not get the Democratic Nomination, but he will add much to the debates. And then likely he will keep on running and he will not get Democratic Votes. He will be getting Republican Votes.

    And Meat72, the Federalist Party died with John Adams, a one term horrible President. The Federalist Party died for good reason.


    This equation will change how you see the world
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ I don’t know if that’s the case., my guess is they want a name recognizable centrist candidate because they afraid Biden is going to be to banged up and the party recognizes that if the center doesn’t hold they are likely to lose the election
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ I am not disagreeing with you, but Bloomberg is not really a Democrat. He has however held elected office.

    These Diplomacy, Intelligence, National Security, Military, and Foreign Policy people who have testified against Trump, including John Bolton, they are all vastly more than Trump could ever be!

  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Trump not really a Republican who better to beat a fake Republican than a fake Democrat
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Yes, I see your point. But I would rather we have a real Democrat in office. I don't think democratic voters would vote for Bloomberg, unless he is the nominee.


    TJ Street



  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    John Bolton’s political career is over, which is why he wrote a book. It’s his last hope for fame in a failed career in politics, unless you count him as a sycophant, he succeeds.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    He has been a figure of the extreme right. Though many, like me, and seemingly like Trump, find him excessive, he is still completely credible.

    Blocking the military aid to the Ukraine, and pulling out troops out to let Russians get in, these are each grounds for impeachment, at a minimum. I know this is why Bolton is so angry. I feel that the vast majority of our military commanders would agree with him.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    NYT: Bolton book says Trump directed him to help with Ukraine pressure

    Trial remains OPEN!

    Sen. Lisa Murkowski to vote ‘no’ on witnesses in Trump’s impeachment trial, 1 hour ago.

    Britain has officially left the EU, shit!

    It is American and the whole world that lose with this kind of Lizard Brain politics.

  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    Bolton book will make him zillions of dollars, the guy a opportunistic psychopath
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Too hawkish for me, but a highly regarded national security expert, having served past Presidents and 100% credible right now. Expect to see him testifying before the House promptly.

    President Donald Trump's impeachment trial continues Friday (LIVE) | USA TODAY

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    Will 2020 Election Be A Story of Populism? (w/ Krystal Ball)

    Attorney: Trump caught on tape demanding ambassador's firing

    NYT: Bolton book says Trump directed him to help with Ukraine pressure

    Trial remains OPEN!

    Sen. Lisa Murkowski to vote ‘no’ on witnesses in Trump’s impeachment trial, 1 hour ago.

    Britain has officially left the EU, shit!

    It is American and the whole world that lose with this kind of Lizard Brain politics.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    John Bolton’s book, written from acquittal pens handed out by Nancy Pelosi! Lol..
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    What Happens If John Bolton Speaks Out Before The Final Impeachment Vote? | MSNBC
    The Truth Will Come Out!

    401k / IRA / Stock Market is a pretty crumby way to prepare for inflation. Far better is current income or gov't entitlement program. Strengthen Social Security and create good jobs via pre-Reagan taxation.

    Trump's economics is not a plan or a policy, it is just a spoils system.

    More Democratic candidates, after caucus and fowl up

    Senator Smith (D-Minn) today

    Bernie Sanders speaking after caucus.


    8", nine different colors
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Bolton must testify !!!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    It will all come out. Never thought I'd be looking to an extreme Hawk like Bolton, but now we need him because he knows how Trump compromised our national security and sold out our troops.

    Trump and his party are a complete disgrace!

    Schumer, post acquittal

    Newshour Today 2/5

    The blistering campaign against Orange Man Trump goes into overdrive!

    Romney to convict, but other Republicans Chicken

    Buckle Down


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    ^^^^^ Henwood is real good!

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    In my observation, Trump's professed ideology is just the Red State doctrine of Rick Perry. It is completely bogus.

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    Nancy Pelosi has had Trump by the short hairs for some time now. She is exactly what we need at this time, starting from Trump's budget impasse shut down, leaving federal workers unpaid. Pelosi handled that masterfully.

    Democrats Boycott & Walk Out of Trump’s State of the Union Address

    Amid the chaos in Iowa and President Trump’s expected acquittal today in his impeachment trial, Trump gave the annual State of the Union address Tuesday night. During his 78-minute speech, Trump made his case for re-election while touting the economy, trying to stoke fear and xenophobia about “criminal aliens,” and calling public schools “government” schools. A number of Democratic lawmakers protested his address. Michigan Congressmember Rashida Tlaib, Ohio Congressmember Tim Ryan, New Jersey Congressmember Bill Pascrell and Massachusetts Congressmember Seth Moulton all walked out of Trump’s speech. Others didn’t attend at all, including New York Congressmember Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Massachusetts Congressmember Ayanna Pressley, Texas Congressmember Al Green, Georgia Congressmember Hank Johnson, Tennessee Congressmember Steve Cohen, Oregon Congressmember Earl Blumenauer, Florida Congressmember Frederica Wilson, Mississippi Congressmember Bennie Thompson, Illinois Congressmember Bobby Rush and California Congressmember Maxine Waters. Democratic congressmembers who did attend the speech also broke into chants of “H.R. 3” when Trump spoke about lowering drug prescription prices. H.R. 3 is a House-passed bill that would require Medicare to negotiate for lower prices on insulin and other life-saving medications. Trump refused to shake House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s hand. She later ripped up a copy of his speech after he finished speaking.

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “It was a manifesto of mistruths.”

    During Trump’s speech, the father of one of the victims of the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, was thrown out, after he shouted about his daughter Jaime’s death. Fred Guttenberg was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s guest at the State of the Union. He interrupted Trump’s speech when Trump touted his pro-gun positions. And Melania Trump bestowed the Medal of Freedom on right-wing radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who has spread racist conspiracy theories about former President Barack Obama, among other racist lies. We’ll have more on the State of the Union later in the broadcast.

    Homelessness Among School-Age Children Hits Decade-Long High

    New data shows homelessness among school-age children in the United States has surged to a decade-long high. More than 1.5 million public school students experienced homelessness during the 2017-'18 school year. That's more than double the number of students who were homeless over a decade ago. Experts say homelessness can have long-term effects on a student’s health and academic performance.

    Pershing Square, Downtown Los Angeles


    CSU San Jose has 4300 homeless students, the vast majority employed. And UCLA has had to set up its own homeless shelter.



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    3 years ago
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