Then I thought what if the free lunch requires me to drive more than 5 miles. What if the free meal is good only at a Haitian restaurant. Or, if the place is filthy. Or, it requires you endure a sales pitch. Or, it has to be redeemed only on the first Friday of October.
My well-to-do buddy is offering to pick up the tab. I like spending time with him anyway so this is a good deal? Might be, but it doesn't feel like a good deal. I would only feel somewhat ok about this if lunch is on me at a future date. And, then it isn't really a free lunch.
There are precious few free lunches that I would want any part of. One example, would be buy 5 meals over time and your next meal is free. That is one of the few exceptions and I'm not sure if that is truly a free lunch.
I feel the same way about free pussy. It seems so simple. Why would I want an older woman i.e. my age or near there. Why would I want a fat woman. Why would I want a woman who was thinking relationship. Why would I want a tall woman. Why would I want a woman who wants me to play dress up or go dancing. Why would I want a woman that desires a certain level of physical violence.
Looking at other men it seems they have very different requirements. Fat seems to be ok. Old is ok. Dress up and even dancing are ok. Tall is ok. Relationship is ok. The main problems seem to be the woman's demand that he remain "faithful," or a rigid and or limited sexual availability.
A true free lunch also seems like it is very attractive to most people, which I think is a major reason con men are so successful. This lady, highly educated, was so excited about refinancing her home at something like 1.9% APR. I tell her that is not what she will pay and there are strings attached. I explain the lender could have government investments that yield more than that. No, she is getting the good rate because she is high income and she will use the money for investments. I say watch the strings! She says it is fixed rate there are no strings. Long short she got screwed and is paying 9.9 APR and there is a nasty prepayment penalty. She still doesn't understand what happened and will still jump at free or too good to be true. I can't believe she has advanced degrees.
I don't "like working in this society" either. I like the value of good work, but I've never found the opportunity to do that in a traditional job. Basically, I can EITHER (A) do good work, be bright, solve problems, and therefore get fired, OR (B) suck up, make sure the quality of my work doesn't make a lot of idiots look bad, and thereby "play" the system. But liking your work? Naw ...
I do value those things which I've gotten for free, but that is probably because I'm fairly conservative (yuck)-- err I'm fairly cheap and don't like working especially in this society.
Naw. I do want free food, in the sense that it would be great to be able to sustain myself with nourishment without having to work extra hard in order to get it. But I don't want my whole life handed to me on a silver platter. Often, I really value those things which I have "worked for" in some manner, and really don't give much value to those things which I have gotten "for free" instead.
Then again, there are some things I value regardless of the effort required to obtain them. Sex and long-term commitment-based relationships with beautiful women are always valuable to me, and I will tend to give great value to an interaction with a woman whom I am turned on by, regardless of how hard or easy it has turned out to be to get together with her, viz., how much "work" I have to put into it. I think this may be one reason I don't "understand" typical social dynamics. I simply DON'T value "that which I had to work for," so when a woman "makes me work for it" in order to "prove how much I value her," etc. etc., I just kind of fail to understand the communications. She eventually gets annoyed that I'm not "playing it right" and wants to know why I'm annoyed that she's "playing" at all.
last commentI do value those things which I've gotten for free, but that is probably because I'm fairly conservative (yuck)-- err I'm fairly cheap and don't like working especially in this society.
Then again, there are some things I value regardless of the effort required to obtain them. Sex and long-term commitment-based relationships with beautiful women are always valuable to me, and I will tend to give great value to an interaction with a woman whom I am turned on by, regardless of how hard or easy it has turned out to be to get together with her, viz., how much "work" I have to put into it. I think this may be one reason I don't "understand" typical social dynamics. I simply DON'T value "that which I had to work for," so when a woman "makes me work for it" in order to "prove how much I value her," etc. etc., I just kind of fail to understand the communications. She eventually gets annoyed that I'm not "playing it right" and wants to know why I'm annoyed that she's "playing" at all.