
The Very High Cost of Enforcing the "Work Ethic"

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Remember back in the 1992 election, Ross Perot ran against Bill Clinton and incumbent G. H. W. Bush?

Well most of his criticism fell on Bush, just because he was the incumbent. But then after Clinton was inaugurated, he tried to give a running commentary on Clinton's Presidency. He came to the subject of a Clinton campaign promise of "Creating Jobs". And so Perot got all excited and was saying as forcefully as anyone could imagine, "Do you know how much it costs them to create one job, I mean one job for one person for one year? It costs them $90,000! It would be better if they just cut that up 6 ways and passed it out saying, 'here go have fun for a year.'"

Well Ross Perot was being facetious. He did not really want that to be done. But what he had discovered was something already well known.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan had written about it more than a decade before. "Welfare is the cheapest solution."

So why don't we just go that way? Well, people like to believe in Social Darwinism, they like to delegitimate the poor. And this is all Libertarianism is, Social Darwinism.

And we have welfare, not to provide for the needs of the poor, but to regulate the poor.


So all of this costs our society money. We could just go to UBI, and where that was not really needed, it is gotten back by taxes. So what is the problem? The money lets the poor participate in our economy, as well as meeting their basic needs. This makes our society better across the board.

So what is the cost of not doing this, of trying to enforce that non-sensical notion of the "Work Ethic"?

Lots of programs people for creating jobs and for welfare to work. Is there any advantage to this, creating jobs for which there is no demand?

Forcing people to submit to a program, just to get their welfare benefit?

How does that benefit anyone?

And then, do we really care about workers? If we did, we would make sure that their retirement and disability and health care benefits are absolutely guaranteed. We would put to rest at once the idea that Social Security could collapse, or be privatized, or that workers need to be saving money for a private retirement.

No, we would protect and honor workers, and they would do jobs which are necessary, not "created" by tax breaks or attacking unions or safety protections.

And while everyone has to pay taxes, as that is what keeps our economy going in an advanced industrial and information era, we would make sure that workers get the value of their labors. Their housing would always be there for them, and be affordable.

We would never let the surplus value be appropriated by the Financializer Class. They would be eligible for UBI or Welfare, but no, they cannot scoop up the fruits of our workers. And they cannot take large sums out of our economy, without paying progressive income and wealth taxes.

But no, we do not honor workers. The "Work Ethic" has always been a scam, just a denigration of social status for those who are not already rich.

You want to know what work is supposed to be, its more like the Buddhist notion of Right Livelihood.


It's not like what we have, for most people that being what Marx called, "Alienated Labor".

We expend vast resources just to promote and enforce the ideology of the Work Ethic. And there are all kinds of collateral consequences too.

We need to start putting a price on this, as it is huge. It is the difference between the material utopia which we could be enjoying, and the crazy nonsense of anxiety, social stratification, crime, and environmental degradation which we do have. It is the cost of promoting a sham!


Yes - Yours Is No Disgrace - Live at Beat-Club - 1971 - Remastered

TJ Street



  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Moms 4 Housing: Meet the Oakland Mothers Facing Eviction After Two Months Occupying Vacant House

    6000 to 8000 people sleeping on the street in Oakland. This does not count those in shelters or insecurely housed.


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Rev Barber has got it right!

    We Can’t Be Silent Anymore: Rev. Barber & Poor People’s Campaign Push Presidential Debate on Poverty

    We have not lived in a society of scarcity for over 100 years. We live in a society of gross surplus.

    Productivity increases and enlarging the labor force would only make the problem worse.

    And of course poor people need to start standing up for themselves, and that has to sometimes include demonstration of willingness to use deadly force.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Fourteen states, including California, filed suit Thursday against the Trump administration to block a rule that would eliminate food stamps for an estimated 688,000 Americans.

    “No one should have to choose between a hot meal and paying their rent,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in a statement. “Yet again, the Trump Administration has failed to offer any legitimate evidence to justify decisions that have real consequences for the health and well-being of our residents.”



  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    CA and 13 other states sue Trump Admin to try and stop food stamps cuts.

    This Xavier Becerra is quite impressiveness. This is why we have elected him to a position of such responsibility.


  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Becerra is an ass clown and a joke to anyone with a sixth grade education. Just pissing away taxpoauyer money, which is something democrats do well. Sue, ban, tax losers.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Very proud of the job he has done, in office since 2018 election, keeping that Ass Clown DJT in check.

    We need more like him!

  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    California is a fucking mess and begging the Feds for money to fix the progressive created homeless problem. The true shithol of the world is california and the people who live there are hated everywhere else. We laugh at you. Grow our food farmer in the dell then collectwelfare.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Gun Barrel Communism is just around the corner.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Oakland Moms Who Occupied Vacant Property to Highlight Housing Crisis Celebrate Unexpected Victory

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    If one person could only produce enough to feed themselves, who would want to control them as a labor force?

    No, Capitalism came into play when the technology was reaching the point that labor was in surplus. I mean around 1600.

    So regulating this, and profiting from this, became the mode for the rising movers and shakers. And it is done with social legitimacy arguments. And this today is exactly how much of the population in a place like the United States is kept poor.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
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    Psychedelic Jazz

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  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    The common sense with UBI is that it would cause runaway inflation, rendering any if those handouts useless. Simple economics should tell you this, unless you’re stupid.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Not so. I am saying that to make it work you need 3 other things:

    1. Strong Public Housing Offering, as this is where you would have the greatest demand increase. Say set it at 1/2 of UBI.
    2. Medicare for all.
    3. Some sort of free college.

    Remember, this is just a Basic Income, not an extravagant income.

    Do this, and we have a material utopia.

    More job and business opportunities too. Just less money to inflate the stock and real estate ponzi schemes.

    If their has to be some rationing, don't make it needs based. Make it age based. UBI kicks in say for those over 65, and then each year this age limit drops down by 5 years. So you get the greater of what would have been you Social Security bene, or UBI, but not both.

    Keeps a lid on things, avoids Gun Barrel Communism.

    We live in a society of extreme surplus. So the only reason we have any poverty is because some people are being continually denigrated, yet they are responding with lethal force, yet.


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    Psychedelic Jazz

    Joe Bonamassa Official - "I'll Play The Blues For You"

  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    ^^^You sound
    Like two bits!!

    You still have never described gun barrel communism, just more meta narrative. Wrong!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Gun Barrel Communism means when working people start responding to organized denigration the way the have to, with lethal force.

    Right now they allow themselves to be subjected to shaming.

  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Are you ok SJG? You should see a doctor and get your coconut head examined.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Creating jobs which there is no market demand for, costs more than welfare.

  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    ^^^coconut Head! Trump is living rent free inside your head, and that’s a lot of real estate!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Trump is the current and most extreme proponent of Supply Side, a Fraudulent Economic System. As has been written of Mussolini, it was just a spoils system.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Enforcing the Work Ethic


    Geroge Seldes writing about Mussolini

    "There is no program, no policy, no ideology and certainly no philosophy back of Fascism, as there is back of almost every other form of government. It is nothing but a spoils system."


    That there could come to be 2 new parties, seems likely to me.
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    Democrats' bid for witnesses in impeachment trial is defeated, 1 hour ago

    Trump's impeachable crimes and the Republican Party's sham trial will be the number 1 issue for this election.

    Trump has done nothing good for this country. And he never will. Just as George Seldes said of Mussolini's economics, its just a spoils system.

    After Brexit Day, Britain still has to work out its future relationship with the E.U.

    Velshi: Did The System Fail With This Impeachment Trial? | MSNBC

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  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Trump is restructuring the way politicians think about public service. No longer riding the backs of the American taxpayer but to actually give service, not to leech off the taxpayer. Trump! Trump! Trump! If it doesnt fit, you must acquit!!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Juice it is you who ride the backs of workers. You are the leech.

    Hard to push that wagon when it is loaded up with fat financial speculators leeching off of workers.

  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Dude what forum are you reading? Juice hasn’t been on this site all day. Just you spamming up the board with your pro-radical left agenda.

    Trump! Trump! Trump! Let the re-election process start by handing out acquittal pens. Lmfao!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Sorry. Meat, it is you who are the leech, riding on the backs of workers, expecting them to keep you well fed.

  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    ^^^ I am the worker, paying enough taxes annually to house 2 of the inmates at San Quentin. It is you who are the leech promising to increase benefits for those on welfare. Trump is cutting benefits to those leeches who feed off the welfare system that you SJG help
    Promote. You are the problem which is why you hate Trump so much. Start
    Passing out those acquittal pens! Lmfao!!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    No, the real workers from which you leech an income, are paying taxes in your name.

    You produce nothing of any value or worth.

    I wouldn't deny you UBI. But I would MAKE YOU STFU!

    3 years ago
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