Is there a way...?

avatar for Clubber
Is there some way in the new TUSCL to just check on club reviews near me? I really don't care about a club in Washington State when I am in S. Florida. Of course that is unless I happen to be heading to Washington. :)


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avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
If only there was a way to do that. Maybe something like a “Local Reviews” link on the Home menu . . .
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Founder recently created the Clubber menu option based on all your feedback
avatar for elmer
5 years ago
Now if only founder could come up with a way to sort by number of lines
avatar for ArtCollege
5 years ago
At the top of the webpage, look for a heading "Local Reviews". Local means near you. Put your mouse over the phrase and click. The next page will give you an option to change location.
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