
So this is how it works/ Women I just don't get

Wednesday, September 9, 2009 9:20 PM
Have been thinking about doing this for a long time.&nbsp; I know this is a strip club site, but I am not sure I will be able to confine my opinions to that topic alone.<br /> <br /> Am I the only one, or are there certain people the media tries to push as hot or good looking, that you just don't get?&nbsp; People like<br /> <br /> <b>Sarah Jessica Parker and Julia Roberts</b>- Both of them look like they should be pulling carriages through Central Park.<br /> <br /> <b>Jennifer Garner</b>- Certainly not ugly, but no better than the average housewife in my neighborhood<br /> <br /> <b>Reese Witherspoon</b>-&nbsp; Again, not bad, but not exceptional<br /> <br /> <b>Nicole Kidman</b>- OMG, The Stepford Wife personified!&nbsp; She is probably the most fake, plastic looking woman I have ever seen.<br /> <br /> <b>Gwyneth Paltrow</b>- Not even close, I don't care who her parents are.<br /> <br /> <b>Scarlett Johanson</b>- Very pretty, but I have seen hotter women walking down the street in ATL.<br /> <br /> Would love to hear you comments are additions.&nbsp; I am sure there will be more to come.<br /> <br />


  • domiandray
    15 years ago
    A lot of women that are famous no one would give the second time of day if you compared them to the ones one would see in the streets of ATL, NYC, FLA, etc. . Me personally I find it very hard to find a chick that's in the entertainment field that I would want to ruff one off to. All the ones you pointed out, w/ maybe the exception of ScarJ don't have the necessary sexiness for me to get my dick hard. Also you have to face the reality that Hollywood execs are the ones that are responsible for putting these types of women on screen, whether it be tv or movies or even music. Almost always I find the chicks in the background of a tv or movie scene the hottest. <br /> <br /> What pisses me off about the entertainment scene is that you'll find a chick like say Katherine McPhee from american Idol. She to me is way sexier than any of those chicks you posted above. She has a nice shapely figure. Then once she gets more exposure some bigwig asshole tells her she has to slim down 15-20 lbs and have a body resembling some shit like pancake ass Paris Hilton or Paltrow. <br /> <br /> Here are the ones I like that turn me on:<br /> <br /> INARI VACHS FROM 10M YRS AGO<br /> A YOUNGER JENNIFER ANISTON<br /> DANIELLE FISCHELLE - when in late teens in Boy Meets World, not now<br /> RYAN CONNER<br /> KELLY CLARKSON-she didn;t lose her shape thank god<br /> BRANDY JOHNSON<br /> DANIELLE SACRAMONE<br /> MELANIE JAGGER<br type="_moz" />
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    Women become famous actresses for other reasons or for additional reasons as well as their &quot;hotness&quot;.&nbsp; For example, acting ability is generally considered useful...<br type="_moz" />
  • Chanel
    15 years ago
    Finally some honest (public) comments about some of these people.&nbsp; Sarah Jessica has to be THE uggliest person to acheive stardom.&nbsp; She must have a great agent.&nbsp; Surely there are pretty people who can also act.&nbsp; And what's up with all those mammoth chins?&nbsp; (i.e. Jennifer Anniston, Reece Withespoon, and Sarah Jessica)&nbsp;
  • Alucard
    14 years ago
    I don't give a flying fuck how bad looking an actress is. When I'm watching her act ALL I care about is her acting talent! Now if I were &quot;dating&quot; or wanting to fuck this actress, well then &quot;Hotness&quot; is of paramount importance. Not her acting ability.
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