New San Francisco DA

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New San Francisco DA:

Boudin descends from a long left-wing lineage. His great-great-uncle, Louis B. Boudin,[8] was a Marxist theoretician and author of a two-volume history of the Supreme Court's influence on American government, and his grandfather Leonard Boudin was an attorney who represented controversial clients such as Fidel Castro and Paul Robeson.…

Boudin was born in New York City.[1] His parents, Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, were Weather Underground members.[2]

When Boudin was 14 months old, his parents were arrested for murder in their role as getaway car drivers in the Brink's robbery of 1981 in Rockland County, New York.[1][3] His mother was sentenced to 20 years to life[4] and his father to 75 years to life for the felony murders of two police officers and a security guard.[5] After his parents were incarcerated, Boudin was raised in Chicago by adoptive parents Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who, like his parents, had been members of the Weather Underground.[6] Kathy Boudin was released under parole supervision in 2003.[

Both parents Weather Underground Members. Both served time, father still serving time.

I wonder what his views are on P4P and strip club mileage and FRMOS's?



last comment
Piece of shit offspring from murderers. A perfect fit for the disgusting city.
Waiting to see what his position is about P4P and about what goes on in Strip Clubs and AMPs.

Is San Francisco D.A. Chesa Boudin Serious About Cleaning Up The City? 1/13/20………

San Francisco's New DA Will Not Prosecute Prostitution, Public Urination Cases: 'We Must Think Differently'…

"offering or soliciting sex" Crimes He Will Not Prosecute!

"A car slows down for two female police officers posing as prostitutes during a major prostitution sting operation November 12, 2004 in Pomona, California"

"Bernie Sanders was one prominent backer of the new district attorney's campaign and celebrated his election to the San Francisco DA's office."

You knuckleheads say that it is Liberals who want to crack down on prostitution. Not so!

I read about this Boudin and he does not seem like someone who would want to do that. He would not want to put more people in jail.…

Also included on his will-not-prosecute list is prostitution.

Section 230…

Sex workers like the web sites, safer than the street

Mission District…

Maiden Lane…

New DA says he will not enforce Prostitution, Soliciting for Sex, of Offering Sex for Sale.

Watching for how this unfolds.

So is San Francisco going to turn into a sexual disneyland?

A DA represents the people and upholds the law. It's not a position for personal interpretations
Only one party has the ability to bring criminal charges in San Francisco. And that one person has the authority to decide what kinds of cases his office will prosecute and which it will not. And that person is the DA. He made his intents clear when he ran for office, and he was elected by the people.

Back in the 90's Terence Hallinan took a harm reduction approach, total hands off with Strip Clubs and AMPs. So those were the legendary days of SF Strip Clubs, some were being called orgy clubs. And then in AMPs, the women get a lot more slutty in manner of dress and decorum in the front room, when they don't have to worry about LE.

But Hallinan was not totally hands off, not on the street. His harm reduction approach meant cracking down like no one had before, and especially on the Johns, and with this Norma Hotaling Pre-trial diversion program to get them to plead guilty.

So far Chesa Boudin is being true to his word. We need to keep watching and see, as there will be contentious issues somewhere.

Chesa Boudin wants to minimize the number of people we have to put in jail. He is not a Republican, he is not Libertarian, he is not a Neo-Liberal Democrat, he is a Radical Left Democrat like me.

Why Icey are you always wanting to put people in jail for consensual adult behavior?


OZZY OSBOURNE - "Mr. Crowley" 1981 (Live Video)…
Chesa Boudin, Son of 1960s Radicals, Runs for San Francisco DA on Criminal Justice Reform Platform (Oct 2019), and his campaign was endrosed by Bernie Sanders…

He had been a Public Defender

part of a growing movement to restore civil rights.

Chesa Boudin speaking to Common Wealth Club, 2/13/2020…

Mayor Breed's Endorsement Of Loftus May Have Backfired In SF DA Race…

Boudin clearly believes in ~Mental Illness~.

There is no such thing!

Boudin says he learned his anti-racist policies from Angela Davis.


Chesa Boudin speaking to Common Wealth Club, 2/13/2020 ( Common Wealth Club is in San Francisco )…

Lets see what he says, and audience can submit questions.

Young Women's Freedom Center………

^^^^ page 10

At the Young Women’s Freedom Center, we know first-hand how hard it is to be on the streets or to be misunderstood by the system and people in power. Our voices have been silenced for generations. When women of color do research, they bring with them the voices of past slaves, sex workers, and all of the women and girls who are our ancestors. Those who participated in the study were more open to sharing their lives with us because we have also experienced the seclusion and helplessness that comes from being incarcerated or destabilized by trauma. The women were inspired by our work to keep fighting for their dreams of security and safety, and hearing women’s stories gave us the motivation to work harder to free ourselves and other young women from systems of oppression. Our stories, real and raw, are going to be at the forefront of the fight to decriminalize our youth. Our understanding and wisdom are going to be at the center of the struggle to transform systems that are no longer serving us. Our stories are finally going to be free.

Victimless Crimes -> Sex Work -> Consensual Sex Work…

What is your plan to make sure that people who engage in Consensual Sex Work do not end up in jail?…

His answer is really good, in my opinion!

Looking forward to a Sexual Disneyland!

"We will never prosecute someone for a consensual adult sex act"
Chesa Boudin, San Francisco DA

"We will never prosecute someone criminally for engaging in a consensual sex act."
Chesa Boudin, San Francisco DA

A woman having to sell herself to make a living can't give consent in most jurisdictions. Solicitation makes it not a consensual sex act.
A man having to work in Walmarts in order to make a living is not able to give free consent.

In San Francisco, DA Chesa Boudin is no longer going to prosecute any cases dealing with consenting adult sex work.

Maiden Lane, off Union Square, but this was a century ago:…


And so Fosta Sesta shut down the mongering sites, so the girls are back on the street, Shotwell St.

They’re hardly hiding in the shadows. Every Friday night, Shotwell Street in San Francisco’s Mission District is lined with prostitutes and their pimps.

Now, I am familiar with the Mission District, but not with this Shotwell Street. I can't see hookers being in a residential district. But this is mixed residential / industrial. Retail is more what I would expect, with their hotels.

Doxyspotting shows none on Shotwell.

They are talking on Shotwell between 20th and 21st street, right next to VanNess, and they have their own map:…

Well here, but wearing pants an no high heels. That will change!…

Well they mean on this block, near 20th facing towards 21st.…

Chesa Boudin talked about causing a problem for residents. So I bet he will move them someplace better.

Sounding REAL GOOD!

Well sorry, but I find this funny. This was almost two years ago.…

Wonder if they have any rentals available there?

San Francisco has always had much more attractive street hookers than we have in San Jose.

Well see what happens. But I think LA has the best girls on Cali lol
Their street hookers on Figueroa are definitely on Street View and on Youtube.

And yes, we all will have to wait and see what happens. I stand fully with Chesa Boudin and no prosecution.

This talks about the Boudin recall campaign

Even in San Francisco, progressives are seeing a backlash…

Some voters in San Francisco have made it clear that they want the COVID hysteria terminated, and especially in schools.

On two highly divisive cultural issues — public safety and public education — even voters in this exceedingly progressive city have bluntly told their elected leaders that high-minded rhetoric is not enough.

When he ran for district attorney two years ago, Boudin vowed to turn San Francisco into a model of criminal justice reform. Since then, critics say he has struggled to combine the practical and ideological imperatives of his job. Walgreens has closed a number of pharmacies, citing rampant theft. A supermarket is cutting back hours for similar reasons.

Advocates for survivors of domestic violence, activists in the Asian American community and other groups have said Boudin has ignored their pleas to fulfill the most basic duties of his office, an accusation that has put the district attorney on the defensive.



The Devil’s Daughters w/ Danny B Harvey - Rock Boppin’ Baby…

The dangerous joke of the Chesa Boudin recall, Nov 3, 2021, San Francisco Examiner…

The recall effort, on the other hand, is not spurred by some egregious mistake or crime that Boudin has committed. Rather, it is happening because many of the people who did not support him when he ran in 2019 see an easy and relatively cost-free way to have a political tantrum.

Nonetheless, the recall will go forward and will be a major political story here for months, even though we know how this will play out. Between now and the recall election, local, and more importantly, conservative national media, will rant about how the recall effort demonstrates that progressive forces are too strong in San Francisco, crime is out of control and the left has turned The City into some kind of radical dystopia. These reactionary talking points will be sanitized by self-proclaimed serious and moderate voices who will kibitz earnestly about how even San Francisco recognizes the need to rein in the far left.

San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin faces recall, Oct 27, 2021…

Next June likely time for voting.

Former State Senator Mark Leno supports Boudin

He isn't saying that he has changed, but his talk does sound a lot tougher to me.

San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin Feb 2020…

Interview: San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin on Surge in Looting, Smash-and-Grab Robberies Nov 2021…

RAW: SF District Attorney Chesa Boudin Announces Charges Against Louis Vuitton Robbery Suspects Nov 2021…

9 Suspects Charged In Smash And Grab Retail Robberies In San Francisco Nov 2021…

Muddy's thread…


Who gives a fuck? This thread is 2 years old and contains unrelated topics aside from the original post’s topic. I say delete this thread!
Chesa Boudin has come now to the center stage.

Meat72, go soak your head.

A recall election to remove San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin will take place on June 7, 2022.

Town Hall with San Francisco D.A. Chesa Boudin…

Chesa Boudin, San Francisco District Attorney, at Third Baptist Church. Vote No on H. Reject Recall!…

New about the recall:

Only One SF-Based Media Outlet Has Openly Supported Recalling DA Chesa Boudin…


I'm San Francisco's newest supervisor. Why I'm voting to recall Chesa Boudin.…

Group bankrolled by Netflix CEO's wife pours six figures into efforts to save far-left San Fran DA from recall…

The case for recalling DA Chesa Boudin: There isn’t one. But that hardly matters.…

Still watching this Town Hall with Boudin…

Discusses what the challenges are with Boudin, and who is behind these:

“We Can’t Jail Our Way Out of Poverty”: San Fran. DA Chesa Boudin Defends Record Ahead of Recall Vote…

Could this guy help you with your lawsuit against GM?
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