

I put your ATF on a winning team
**The response given is not intended to create, nor does it create an ongoing duty to respond to questions. The response does not form an attorney-client relationship, nor is it intended to be anything other than the educated opinion of the author. It should not be relied upon as legal advice. The response given is based upon the limited facts provided by the person asking the question. To the extent additional or different facts exist, the response might possibly change.


  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    As I have said before. I take zero “advice “ from any “supposed” professional who is not going to stand by his/her/it’s said “advice “.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    Have you read about the current lawsuit that threatens the entire Affordable Care Act? Since the individual mandate was zeroed-out, the lawsuit claims the entire law is unconstitutional. My common sense tells me that the lawsuit is just plain horseshit. It makes think that lawyers and judges are ordinary dipshits and they can't stay objective.

    What's your opinion as a "lawyer?"
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    It won't be done away with on a national level, but I think states can successfully opt out of most protections it offers consumers.

    The language politicians, judges, lawyers, etc use is very flowery but the reality is that if Texas v United States is upheld, it means the difference between life and death, access to health care or not, for over 20 million Americans.....all because some politicians want health insurance company kickbacks.... That's basically it.

    The argument against the ACA is basically that it violates states' rights.... that Congress has overstepped its bounds. Hence why each individual state would have to sue...Ironically, its the same legal strategy that was applied against the Civil Rights Bill and integrated education....

    So the lawsuit is basically about states having the right to opt out of the ACA based on them accusing congress of impeding insurance companies' right to conduct free commerce in those states.

    There is nothing unconstitutional about the ACA as is. The real argument, which no one will state bluntly, is simply that some conservative politicians think that the ACA is affecting insurance company profits, so it should be done away with so that said corporations can do as they please to increase their profits.

    I think if it was presented for what it is, people might think differently about these kinds of lawsuits.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Nidan, there are always liability clauses in everything, read the fine print
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    That’s my point. I do read the fine print. When that fine print from a “supposed” Professional states that they are chumps when it comes to the “advice” they are dishing out, then I simply walk away. Their advice is worthless to me.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    The only aspect of the law that appears constitutional us the ban on failing to insure those with pre-existing conditions. Interstate commerce is specifically within the constitutional powers on the feds. The fact 30 million people benefitted from an unconstitutional law isn't relevant.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Getting legal advice from an Internet Troll = very Special kind of Stupid
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    It's free lol.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ That’s true shows it’s value
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    The ban on insuring those with pre-existing conditions was won based on it impeding the corporations' right to conduct free commerce....

    That premise is now being used to argue that the entire ACA is unconstitutional.

    The law isn't unconstitutional.

    The argument against it is flawed, the commerce clause allows the gov to regulate actions of those who participate in a market but not the inactions of those who choose not to participate....

    Nidan....then you must be aware of liability clauses and disclaimers...
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    This meme always gets me though ROTFLMFAO

  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    @icey. Now, that was actually funny.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Also keep in mind that the individual mandate is legal under Congress' right to tax...Texas v USA is basically just a political show trial in favor of corporations. I don't think we'll see a real impact coz its just gonna go back and forth for a while, its all purely political.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    "...the individual mandate is legal under Congress' right to tax."

    Yes, that was the ruling of the Supreme Court. The mandate was ruled a tax and therefore constitutional.

    The gist of the present lawsuit is that the mandate was zeroed-out, it's no longer a tax, and therefore the entire ACA is unconstitutional. Huh? This is plainly horseshit and why I mentioned above that it's hard to have any respect for the state AGs and judges who have gone along with this lawsuit. It will probably be struck down in the Supreme Court a second time.

    Individual mandate was there to keep healthy people in the insurance pool and make premiums more affordable for everyone else.

    I don't understand why the lawsuit is a "political show trial in favor of corporations. " The GOP doesn't want to tax capital gains of the rich to provide subsides for the poor. It's that simple. The GOP wants to go back to old system where insurance companies can deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. Sick people and poor people can simply drop-dead as they did before the ACA. There's no way to protect pre-existing conditions without something like the ACA (patterned after the Swedish medical system) or having single-payer healthcare.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    We live in a corporatocracy.... Corporations rule. They provide campaign contributions, speaking deals, well paid consultant positions... Politicians are looking out for their own opportunistic interests. Politics is a get richer scheme for many...

    The ACA doesn't go far enough, but its a start. We need a cultural shift where we start viewing health care, housing, fair wages, as basic human rights...not privileges.

    I don't think these types of lawsuits will get far though. Realistically, what are they going to tell the people losing coverage and unable to get coverage? Your pre-existing conditions will put a dent in our profit margins, so drop dead....

    The best scenario is these cases will be bogged down til a new administration can shift the tide.

  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    The Gop introduced many stand alone bills requiring coverage for those with pre existing conditions, but progressives always lie. No such thing as human rights. Survival of the fittest. You losers lose.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    "The Gop introduced many stand alone bills requiring coverage for those with pre existing conditions, but progressives always lie."

    I think we've been through this before, @SkiBirther. Site one example where the GOP introduced a stand-alone bill and post it here. It's mathematically impossible to cover pre-existing conditions without having an individual mandate.

    Judges are supposed to be impartial referees, not partisan hacks. This lawsuit is horseshit and will probably fail when it makes to the Supreme Court.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    Correction: it's impossible to cover preexisting conditions unless enough healthy people are included in the insurance pool.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    And cite not site
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    When a cunt uses the term skibirther they get no response to an otherwise ok question. partisan hacks like creating a fake right to abortion, whiuch is not in the Constitution, based onthe fake right to privacy, which is not in the Constitution either? That type of hack buillshit? The right to murder human beings because you're afraid they might have brown eyes?
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    This is the second time you've posted about some imaginary GOP plan to cover pre-existing conditions. If it exists, I challenge you to post a link.

    If you would open your fucking ears, you would learn that it's impossible to cover pre-existing conditions without getting everyone -- sick healthy, rich and poor -- into the insurance pool.

    ...and you've admitted many times to buying into the birther conspiracy theory, along with the other high-school dropouts. So why take offense?
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Barrack Obama was not born in Hawaii. Other than a falsified State document there is no proof at all. Truth is truth, not a conspiracy. Now let me get my organ and I will make you dance some more little monkey. By the way chumnp even the excrement known as the NYT did an article on Republican bills (they didn';t like them) that would have protecyted those with pre-existing condition on November 2, 2018. Now fuck off loser.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    Here's the article that @SkiBirther is referencing for anyone reading:


    Of course, there's a reason @SkiBirther didn't post the link himself. The purpose of the article was to show that GOP plans do *not* protect those with preexisting conditions if you care to study the details. Example from the article:

    "Had this bill become law, the precise results would have depended on the choices by individual states. But the Congressional Budget Office estimated that nearly half of all Americans lived in a state that would have pursued such a waiver from standard benefits. The consequences, the C.B.O. said, would have been coverage that was unaffordable to many with pre-existing illnesses, along with holes in coverage for many serious conditions. "

    For the tenth time, protecting pre-existing conditions requires getting healthy people in the insurance pool and the only way to do that is with a system that resembles Obamacare or single-payer. THere is no competing GOP plan.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Skibum is basically trying to say that abortion is really illegal...but can't explain why the due process clause wouldn't apply to it lulz.....

    The problem with his line of thinking is that he forgets or simply doesn't know that Roe v Wade isn't about the right to an abortion, its about the constitutional right to have access to a safe abortion....nor is it about "privacy" as such but about the inferred and accepted interpretation of the 14th amendment as being about personal liberty....

    Laws that outlaw or aim to limit abortions are unconstitutional because they deny women access to said abortions.

    I would hardly take Skibum seriously, unless he's talking about loser leaf or swingers clubs...

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    There was a GOP plan to cover pre-existing conditions, but stated that while insurance companies have to cover people, they reserve the right to choose whether or not to cover treatment for said conditions.... So basically.....
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Is it defamation of character when a supposed pimp accuses a woman he’s never met of being a prostitute
  • chessmaster
    5 years ago
    Haha. Fuck iceyfag. Lol!
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Defamation is as Skibum would say, just a word that doesn't mean anything. Public figures can't be defamed, and private individuals lack the funds to pursue a civil suit of that caliber for the most part so....

    They can sue for defamation if a false unprivileged statement of fact was published somewhere.....and they can prove that it caused injury ie directly impacted their reputation, livelihood, etc.

    The burden of proof is on the plaintiff though and proving that said injury was caused by the purported defamation is harder than one thinks.

    Some of these cases are ridiculous. A friend is familiar with a case about a Yelp review that has been going on for five years now... The amount of money both the plaintiff and defendant spent is just a huge waste...
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Practicing law with out a license is illegal icee peepee
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Yes it is.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    The burden of proof in a defamation case is sometimes on the Plaintiff, but other times the burden switches to the Defendant who has the burden of proof to prove the statemenent was not defamatory. False accusation of a crime is one of the instances.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    You're a total fucking pussy Random. You asked for proof; you got proof; you change the argument. You're as palatable as cancer. Fuck off. Hope Obamacare is cancelled and you lose your insurence as you are nothing more than a semen stain on a diryty mattress.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    The burden of proof can only switch to the defendant if plaintiff makes a counterclaim....

    As to who can prove their prima facie burden of production in a civil case, that comes down to credibility and a good lawyer can increase that in a client .... "proof" in a legal sense is very subjective.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Stupid and wrong Icey. Once the Plaintiff proves that the accusation of criminal conduct was false; it is PRESUMED under the law to be defamation and the burden shifts to the Defendant to prove it was not. By the way imbecile, when one files a counterclaim they become the Defendant and PLAINTIFF in COUNTERCLAIM, so they have the burden of proof on the counterclaim because they are the Plaintiff. Bob Jones high school grad?
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Ugh yeah.... the defendant becomes the plaintiff in a counterclaim so burden of proof switches to them....

    And what you're insinuating is that there is proof a crime wasn't committed... That's pretty clear cut. But proving illicit acts were not committed is harder to prove.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    No one needs to prove illicit acts weren’t committed dummy, there is a principal in American jurisprudence known as presumption of innocence, the burden of proof is always on the accuser when there is an allegation of a crime, you son alleged Blond Bombshell commuted a crime, she had no obligation to prove she didn’t that’s your obligation son and don’t you forget it. If I was the judge you defamed her, wrongfully I might add.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    20fag, work on your reading comprehension. Call Skibum a dummy, not me ....you're attacking HIS points lmfao

    And sure, BlondeCumDump is an escort who doesn't perform sexual acts in exchange for money.... Happy? Now either stay on topic or refrain from ruining my thread and trolling it.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Frenulum
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Icey would you let Ilhan Omar peg u with a strap on and would you pay her for it?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Nothing rong with my reading comprehension what’s rong is you spinning yarns about what you said anyone who cares just needs to scroll up a few posts they’ll see for themselves that you are nothing more than a liar.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    No, but I'd fuck her.... she has nice tits

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    20fag, you're trolling the wrong thread, lay off the booze or take your meds, or both
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ ill leeve u 2 cry n reminess bout ur timez with ur butt amigo vincie who left u 2 sleep with the wormz leevin u 2 maek up lyez n molest them kidz by urself u #POS!
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Oh shit...wrong account 😢
    3 years ago
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