Do you think was guy was ok or was he being dumb? Warning: this is kind of an av

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future POTUS and Senator in training
Ok so my tinder profile( I'm only interested in finding guys on it like once a week when I'm just stressed about something ) says to hit me up of you wanna get food with me just bc idk anyone here ...and that I'm not interested in anything else

So.this handsome ass dude( he is such a cutie I can post pics if u want lol) hits me up and basically flirts with me like how I would flirt with a guy lol..

Legit he just asks me what's up kinda flirty and I tell him I'm about to cook/clean and literally right after that he's like "well j wish I could kiss u Good night "


so I say something back, he gets a hint and then he's like "unless u don't want me to" , to which I repsonded by saying "basically".

Then he was like..ok well I won't waste anymore of your time then

I wanted to say something along the lines of: ...uhm..I just don't know why you would have asked to begin with(see above for what I said is on my tinder bio section ..I think I was pretty clear) but I didn't know how tell him all that So I just said something along the lines of okay..

1) don't you hate it when you know what you really want to say only after the fact? Ugh

He was soo cute in one of his pics :(( ugh


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Nvm. Its like the second time this happened to me today so my petty ass just randomly messaged him to put him in check.

“1) don't you hate it when you know what you really want to say only after the fact? Ugh”

Couldn’t tell you because that never happens to me. I always know what’s to say because my brain does not get confused in the real with which you speak.
girl...cookies and cream milkshakes.........
i still want sex......
@wonderful ok go to strip club then lol

@nidan I dont speak in a "real" or reel? Lol
@nidan please do not speak to me again since u wanna act all high and mighty .thanks....
The guys you like sound lame. They basically just want to hook up without even knowing a thing about you, like in a porn scene lol Sounds like they watch too much porn and don't talk to enough girls.
@nicole. I have yet to speak to you. Some day, perhaps. Some day. Oh, and my word got cut short ... real was meant to be REALM.
@icey stfu I don't "like " these guys.if I did I would have met up with them.

I don't "like" these guys. Everyone in Austin is gone for summer..I don't know boys on these are about boys that I FIND HOT on tinder, which is currently the only way I can talk to guys in Austin right now bc school is out
@ nidam ok I don't see how that changes the pretentious attitude conveyed in ur previous comment please do not speak to me on tuscl(or elsewhere) again.
@Nicole, there are always the guys on TUSCL lmfao

But I hate Tinder. Most you'll get out of it is a one night stand. A lot of the girls on there are weird too. Some are there just for attention whoring, and some are like the guys you describe, they just want anonymous dick... thats usually out of town girls though.
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