
Need Recommendations on St. Louis & Memphis.

I'll be making a road trip to St. Louis, and probably to Memphis in the next 3 to 4 months.

I need and would appreciate some great recommendations on clubs where great and happy times can be had. - Thanks in advance.


  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Thank you book guy. In my haste to post I did not look at what I was typing and misspelled grammar. I fucked up and appreciate your pointing it out to me. I am embarassed that I made this error while correcting another TUSCLer.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    repeat after me

    g r a m m A r


  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Shit? Butt? Do you have an anal fixation? You need help!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    You must have the anal fixation. That's why you started the whole shit!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    DON'T HELP me. I DON'T need your HELP.

    You're the one who started this whole SHIT.

    Just BUTT out!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    I've made it my business. I wouldn't let a small child play in the street. I also can't watch you keep posting your garbage without trying to help you.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    I DON'T need YOUR HELP! It's none of your damn business to HELP me.

    Just BUTT out!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    You NEED the HELP! Don't you read anything that you post? It is at best childish, but mostly your posts are unintelligible garbage. I do also help my self by being careful to proofread my posts and say what I mean.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    No one NEEDS your HELP in writing you IDIOT. HELP yourself.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago

    In your last post you wrote, “Just shut the fuck-up you ASSHOLE FAKE REVIEWER!” Thus ends your two post streak of semi-intelligible English. You kind of crashed and burned on the syntax this time but keep trying! Don’t let your anger destroy your message. Anger will only lead you to the dark side of the force young Jedi. I say you must control your feelings to post with confidence.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Just shut the fuck-up you ASSHOLE FAKE REVIEWER!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Two intelligible posts in a row. The boy from the little yellow bus is on a roll!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Just shut the fuck-up you IDIOT!!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    This may be Funseeker's most sound piece of writing yet. "Just shut the fuck-up you JERK!!!!!!" I'm so proud of you. Finally something resembling intelligible english!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Just shut the fuck-up you JERK!!!!!!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago

    Today we will examine your last two posts in an effort to determine who the true idiot is.

    First let’s take the statements, “Who are you the IDIOT to tell others. Just shut the fuck-up and leave us alone you FAKER REVIEW writer!”

    Is, “Who are you the IDIOT to tell others.”, a sentence? Are you trying to call me an idiot or ask me if I am an idiot? Does it make sense?

    Now as far as, “Just shut the fuck-up and leave us alone you FAKER REVIEW writer!” goes why don’t you tell me which fuck-up is open and perhaps I can arrange to have it shut. “Leave us alone”, has already been explained to you on more than one occasion. Please seek psychiatric help for any multiple personality disorders you may be experiencing. Lastly I am not a “FAKER REVIEW writer!” None of the reviews I have written have ever been fake. I only write real reviews. I was there when I wrote them. I was there when I posted them. Therefore the reviews exist and by definition are not fake.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Now on to your second psychotic post. “Who are you the IDIOT to tell others. Just shut the fuck-up and leave us alone you FAKE REVIEW writer!” We already went over this. It does illustrate that you are incapable of performing a simple copy and paste. You have removed the “R” from “FAKER REVIEW.”

    “Acting like a big ASSHOLE JERK!!!!!!!!!!!!” You have finally written a sentence fragment that I can agree with! You are acting like a big asshole jerk. Which is good because when your writing career falls through you will be able to seek employment jerking assholes.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Who are you the IDIOT to tell others. Just shut the fuck-up and leave us alone you FAKE REVIEW writer!

    Acting like a big ASSHOLE JERK!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Who are you the IDIOT to tell others. Just shut the fuck-up and leave us alone you FAKER REVIEW writer!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    In the spirit of keeping in line with the thread's topic, "Need Recommendations on St. Louis & Memphis.", I would like to offer this advice. LEARN ENGLISH! LEARN TO SPEAK (WRITE) EFFECTIVELY AND CLEARLY! That way people will not know how stupid you truly are.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago

    Please take this in the spirit of friendship. If you don't like what is going on in a certain thread don't read it.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Notice that our pillar of "decency" can't even work up one broken english sentence of apology.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago

    I must point out to you the fact that I didn’t complain about your review. I merely illustrated, in my own unique style, that you could have made better choices in the wording of your review. Perhaps in the future you might want to proofread such a long post before putting it on TUSCL.

    You might also want to develop a thicker skin. Buy posting in a public forum you open yourself up to the full spectrum of reactions by your readers. Becoming hostile when someone says something you don’t like isn’t very productive. And also to set the record straight I didn’t begin to wind you up until you became belligerent.

    If you are still truly offended I apologize to you publicly in this forum. If you are a gentleman I expect you will do the same.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago

    You IDIOT, you're the one who started the whole mess by complaining about my writing. That's none your damn business. Why the hell you want ot HELP me. Who asked your help you JERK

    You posted a FAKE REVIEW of Platinum Plus right after my review immitating me. You shameless ASSHOLE!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago

    I am perfectly willing to let this go. In fact it would have been a non-issue if it weren't for he fact that Funseeker is hostile. If he would have said something along the lines of lay off or ease up I would have dropped it immediately.

    Instead I keep seeing things like this:

    I DON'T need your help! Take your HELP elsewhere you IDIOT!"

    That is one of his nicer responses. Made it easy to continue to correct him. Because this bothers you and Shadowcat so much I will stop but pleast also keep in mind that this exchange was kept confined to the three threads that it concerned. If it annoys others they did not have to continue to read them. I don't read every thread on here. If something dosen't interest me I will skip past it.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago

    I DON'T need your help! Take your HELP elsewhere you IDIOT!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Funlseeker when someone tries to help you and you respond in a hostile manner it shows that you are lacking in the intelligence department.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    parody's CLUB is of IDIOTS, JERKS and ASSHOLES!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    I think in funseeker's case an ESL club is an English as a Second Language club.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    This parodyman IDIOT preaches to others. He still doesn't know how to spell GRAMMAR.

    Real JERK on this message board!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    I think I need a pair of glasses.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    parodyman - You're simply an IDIOT!

    Remember, this website is not about English grammer school or a language class.

    This website is all about Strip Clubs.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Robertx: That may be how they are listed, but girls at topless clubs in the area flash enough pussy they might as well be nude. The bigger difference between Washington Park and Sauget clubs is the quality of the girls. Washington Park means dives with a lot of skanks, except for Hollywood and maybe Larry Flynt's, which I've never been in. PT's and Penthouse in Sauget are upscale clubs with pretty hot strippers and hardly any skanks to be found. Mileage in Washington Park is higher and, especially, more out in the open and easier to find. In Sauget it's much more discreet, although you can still get away with plenty in private dances.
  • robertx
    18 years ago
    After doing some research it looks like the Washington Park Clubs are nude with full bar, the Sauget clubs are Topless. Is that correct. I had such a good time on my last trip to Baltimore at the Players Club, which is BYOB and nude that I am looking for that kinda action on my next trip, which will take me to St. Louis in December.
    Please advise...
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Funseeker: in order to leave a lasting "impression" with future posts please use some of your travel budget to purchase a thesarus and a book "about" the ins and outs of grammer.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    parodyman - I'll make my review very IMPRESSEVE for an IDOIT like you. You idiot will be IMPRESSED!
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Gunna be in Memphis now.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    I bet your trip report will be "IMPRESSIVE" to say the least!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Finally, I made my road trip to St. Louis and Memphis. Left on Sunday (10/22) and got back this afternoon.

    Planning on writing a report on the trip and my observations in the future.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    I like your listing of what to take. Really great!! - Thanks.
    How about ky jelly or any other lubricant, viagra/cialis, etc.....??!!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Also, thanks to chitownlawer for describing how the neighbourhood is, and what to expect. I really appreciate it!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    All the maps are ready. Hotspots are marked on the maps! Party LD fun supplies are on hand! Getting ready to make my road trip shortly, probably to SL.

    Thanks to Chandler again on very helpful info for SL.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    S-cat: I've experienced some business oriented/ or "good leisure" hotels making similar screwups to low rent Memphis hotel, unf., no good looking hot women involved.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Sorry for the double click and too many spelling errors!

    I can edit button!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Thank you someyoungguy for very useful info on the surroundings of Dollie's and that area. Very useful!!

    Chandler - Thanks for the casino/room info! Again very useful.

    In the near future, I'm getting ready to make my first part of the road tip.

    Bones7599: I can use every those you provided on Memphis and The Watering Hole! I can harldly wait. - Thank you!

    Thanks to Shodowcat to stay away from Memphis Inn! Sounds scary!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Thank you someyoungguy for very useful info on the surroundings of Dollie's and that area. Very useful!!

    Chandler - Thanks for the casino/room info! Again very useful.

    In the near future, I'm getting ready to make my first part of the road tip.

    Bones7599: I can use every those you provided on Memphis and The Watering Hole! I can harldly wait. - Thank you!

    Thanks to Shodowcat to stay away from Memphis Inn! Sounds scary!
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    FunSeeker: Check the room rates at Casino Queen on the Mississippi River in ESL, casinoqueen.com, which Chitown tipped me to. I haven't stayed there yet, but it looks like the best location for hitting the clubs. They have sharp discounts sometimes, just not when I've been visiting. The rooms are normally around $100 with free parking. The other best bet is any of the chains at the freeway exit in Collinsville, Illinois, which is about 10 minutes from most clubs, or Fairview Heights, which is a few minutes farther away. Last year, I stayed several times at the new 4 Points Sheraton in Fairview Heights for $35 using Priceline.

    The last time I visited, in July, was when massive power outages due to thunderstorms put the St. Louis area in the news, so I didn't think I would be able to find a room. Using hotwire.com, however, I found a good deal at a very nice downtown St. Louis hotel, even allowing for the $15 parking.

    I wouldn't recommend trying to include Brooklyn and Centreville clubs on your first trip, unless you have a lot of extra time or you can't find anything you like in Washington Park or Sauget. They're a little out of the way, and they don't offer that much that you can't find at the other places. So, take maps for them along just in case, but don' t make them a priority.

    I agree with Chitown about real vs. perceived danger. Also, the area streets are notorious for speed traps, so observe the limits except on the freeways.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    It's at the edge of a ghetto...walk west, and you walk directly into the 'hood. Walk east, and you walk into the cornfields. I have been there late at night (around midnight) and I have never felt unsafe in the parking lot, which is well-lit, and you rarely have to walk more than about 20 yards to get to your car. There is a tavern across the street--an old VFW hall turned into a "straight' bar--that is getting very popular, and draws a crowd, which I see as increasing safety. You're probably well-advised not to walk off the Dollie's lot...but why would you?
    I have no experience in the area on weekend nights.

    As a life long resident of the area (other than college, law school, and a couple years practicing law in Chicago), my perspective on the E St. Louis/Washington Park/Centreville area is that there is a lot more imagined danger than real danger. If you keep your head down, mind your own business, and don't make an ass of your self, I would think you would be fine.

    I had a college girlfriend who was black,and always maintained that whites were safer in all black neighborhood than were blacks, since the police really don't (in her opinion) particularly care about finding the perpetrators of black-on-black crime.

    However, re my opinion on the relative danger of Washington Park at night---YMMV.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    someyoungguy - your recommendation of Dollie's - you also indicated careful at night. Is it in a not so good neighbourhood? Just curiois how the area is! - Thanks.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Love them ol' maverick hypocrites. Reminds me of a certain congressional page scandal going on right now, and the focal point Mister Family Values Himself.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I'd protest that Chitown is too modest about things he's learned on his own, but I know better than to argue with a professional arguer.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    chitownlawer - Thanks for the info and and the great story about prosecuting attorny.

    What a hypocrisy by the politicians! And, wasted precious time and money. At the very same time, they're ingoning the real crimes such robbery, rape, burglary, homecides, etc.....
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Nothing good in Missouri. About fifteen years, a maverick prosecuting attorney took it upon himself to clean all the "smut and vice" out of St. Louis. His crusade ended in a hotel room when he propositioned an undercover St. Louis policewoman for sex, but his legacy remains.

    I learned everything I know about clubs in my own backyard (St. Louis) from Chandler, so I say, "What he said."
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Thank you someyoungguy and turan8 for the additional recommendations. Looking forward to visiting these clubs when I make my trip to St. Louis area in the next a few months.

    Any good clubs west of the rever on MO side?
  • chandler and turan8 have got it right when it comes to ESL. Don't know Sauget, but when it comes to Washington Park, Hollywood's where it's at for looks, Dollile's for action (though be careful at night) and Miss Kitty's for the balance of both.

    Never been to Memphis, however. Have a safe and fun trip!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Thanks for the great details for Watering Hole. All those info you provided, and also from others - very tempting! All I need to do is to find some time and funds to make this trip of 600+ mile drive to have fun! Hopefully, planning on making it sometimes within the next 3 to 4 months. I need to break out of this boring thing in this area.

    I just wonder, is this worth making such a long drive for more fun??!!!! May be, because, I've never been to Memphis. At least, I get to see a new place and to have some happy times! And, of couse, to see Elvis Presly's place!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Thanks to everyone for great info on Memphis, and also for St. Loius area.
    Most of the clubs those are recommended for Memphis in the airport area?

    Bones7599: Is this worth the (may be, two hour) drive from Memphis to Watering Hole club on exit 22 on I-65? - Thanks.

    I'm just tired of th clubs in OK, KS, and Kansas City area... Kind of dry and not really all that exciting except a few. I need something real to jump start myself!
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Several landmarks in downtown Memphis (esp. the historic Methodist church) burnt to a crisp last night. Won't affect the major strip clubs -- PP, Christie's, Tunica Cabaret, Gold Club, the "strip" on Brooks Road -- which are all well beyond the downtown area. Wonder how the one new downtown club fared?
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Bones7599: Great info! I really appreciate it! Seems lots of fun!! However, I'm concerned about the busts and being ticked to patrons. Misdomeaner is to too much for a $100 fine, and feels scary!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Shadowcat - Thank you for the details about PP. Looks very interesting. That $100 cost, will that be in the personal records?
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Give me an e-mail when you're on the way, I might be able to join you too. Just e-mail to book underscore guy at yahoo dot com. Cool!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Thank you Book Guy for your observations on Memphis clubs. There is something to think about.

    Bones7599: Do you have any recommendations on perticular clubs in Memphes where great and happy times can be had?! - Thanks.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago

    Two types of clubs.

    The "tourist trap" club is Platinum Plus. High high high volume, tons of women, tons of clients, crowded and smoky and annoying. But because there are so many, you can certainly find what you want.

    Among the others, Christie's is the up-and-comer, with some attractive ladies. Low-pressure atmosphere but lower-tier women, generally. But you can still find a diamond in the rough here.

    Then there are some "trashy" clubs which will maximize your experience of either getting hustled, clipped, and ripped off, OR getting extras. Look'em'up!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    By the way, what l like is some extra good times!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    I should add - St. Louis area and Memphis area.
    I would love those fine recommendations!
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    East St. Louis
    Days: Dollie's, Hollywood, Miss Kitty's
    Nights: Hollywood, Sauget clubs

    East St. Louis has a little of something for almost everyone. Rather than posting a full ESL guide, it would be helpful to know the usual: what you've researched so far, what you like, are you clubbing days or nights, etc.?
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Robertx: I haven't tried midweek nights much. It's always hard to pick out one ESL club, they all have their pros and cons. One approach would be to try both of the Sauget clubs, PT's and Penthouse. They're next door to each other and the cover admits you to both. If they are aren't laid back or raunchy enough for you - or if they are too pricey - head up to Brooklyn for another pair of PT's-affiliated clubs, PT's Brooklyn and Roxie's.
  • robertx
    18 years ago
    Chandler: Thanks. Is there any club you can recommend for a midweek evening? I will stay in St Louis and will drive into Illinois.
  • turan8
    18 years ago
    For St. Louis, definitely Miss Kitty's and Hollywood.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    chandler - thanks for the info.
    I made some research through this board. It would be nice to hear specific recommendatios from people who have been there. I do clubbing both days and nights.
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