Attention new forum members/lurkers: Daily Troll Warning

TrollWarnBotI identify trolls to lurkers
Attention new members and lurkers to the TUSCL discussion forum. This forum is entirely unmoderated. Users can post anything without censorship. Many accounts here are trolls who post incendiary, misleading, and sometimes hilarious comedic/satirical content.
Please be aware the following users active today may be trolls:
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
Nicole1994 - definite troll account
BrotherFogHorn - comedic troll account
last comment^in between meals of beef n cheddar lol
But trollwarnbot, am I not a troll?
Trolling strip club forums for gay hookups that is.
Now TrollWarnBot, I am the Offical Bouncer for this Parking Lot.
You need to take a rest, go recharge you battery packs.
Speaking of Parking lots , has Mamasan ejected any Huffy Bikes from the lot lately?
No wifi for you SJG unless you pay for yanky-yanky.
In AMPs I always go for FS, and after a preliminary makeout session. It makes the whole thing mind blowing for both parties.
But Mamisan, no way! I always select my girl very carefully. Mostly I like the young Vietnamese Fashion Plates. Very soft and gentle in their manners. Often they are completely disarmed because they are not accustomed to being approached in a civilian and GFE manner.
AMP back rooms are a much better deal that what we have in US Strip Clubs. But Strip Clubs have the potential to be better in the front room, because being hang out places, there need not be anything which prevents front room makeout sessions.
Jackslash's thread about TJHK and FKK
^^^^ rewrite:
In AMPs I always go for FS, and after a preliminary makeout session. It makes the whole thing mind blowing for both parties.
But Mamisan, no way!
I always window shop to select my girl very carefully. Mostly I like the young Vietnamese Fashion Plates. Very soft and gentle in their manners. I have found it best to engage with the girl verbally as we get into the room, and then when on my feet and with my clothes still on. Often they are completely disarmed because they are not accustomed to being approached in a civilian and GFE manner. You always want to get your girl off of any P4P script right off.
AMP back rooms are a much better deal that what we have in US Strip Clubs. But Strip Clubs have the potential to be better in the front room, because being hang out places, there need not be anything which prevents front room makeout sessions.
Jackslash's thread about TJHK and FKK
30 years ago, bar near where I then lived had a house band which would play this all the time
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (30th Anniversary Celebration)
Curious chord progression, really makes it sound nice, and using 2nd fret capo, with lyrics
Trump sends troops for possible 'violent' Congo vote protests