Ruthless Crackdown on AMPs, San Jose California, total warefare

avatar for san_jose_guy
Over 100 San Jose Massage Parlors to Close After Prostitution Crackdown…

Memo From Police Cheif Edgardo Garcia…

This totally sucks. They have shut down all the shops that have evidence of mileage on RubMaps. They are ruining the industry.

And the smaller cities are following suit, passing their own ordinances.

They are talking about 100% cost recovery for an intense regime of police inspections. So this could easily run into thousands of dollars per year for a shop. And it works in conjunction with the state licensing law for therapists, intimating them.

They are talking about blocking out addresses for future licensing for massage for 5 years, when one shop has been closed.

This totally sucks. The industry works by just swapping the entire crew out each time a shop gets busted. They rotate county to county. That was how it worked with Purple Dress Donna.

So San Mateo County has been bad for some years. Now Santa Clara County is falling apart. San Francisco and the East Bay still fairly good.

They have tried this blockout, no more massage businesses thing before. I say it is unconstitutional and an unfair transgression against the property owner.

I hope this fails, but San Jose has already been decimated.

Of course this is the efforts of that neo-liberal shit Sam Liccardo. It is also just being driven by the Real Estate Lobby, and even more so in the suburbs

Silicon Valley Wages Down For All But The Top 10%…

Previous thread, before it got this bad.…



last comment
avatar for FatHead304
6 years ago
Damn it, losing all my recruiting stations!
avatar for anthony6613
6 years ago
In a country that was founded by Puritans, this regression to Puritanical views in regards to sex is not a surprise. A real shame for all the consenting adults earning their income as workers in the sex industry.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^ Agreed, AMPs are fun and a good value for the $$$

:) :) :)

avatar for nemesisk7
6 years ago
This is horrible , America is not great
avatar for SFcandidate
6 years ago
No not San Jose, why they gonna take away the AMPS!
avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
Please tell us the story of how you washed your car with PDD (Purple dress Donna).
avatar for xpando
6 years ago
KKKalifornia. The Dictatorship of the Democrats. There is no relationship or transaction so small, or private that the government supremacist nannies will refrain from introducing coercion to "solve" the "problem".
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Its the Neo-Liberals, like Sam Liccardo, not the real Democrats.

Biggest recent history San Francisco AMP crackdown was led by then Mayor Gavin Newsom, he took point on one of the raids.

avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
I didn't read the posts. Not trying to pick a fight -- but is it possible that these AMPs are staffed with trafficking victims from China and S. Korea? I don't know the answer, but maybe there's a good reason they're being shut down.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
They way US law defines trafficking is such that there does not have to be force, fraud, coercion, or minors involved.

So as one book put it, there are people like stock brokers who live in India, and then travel to Europe or the US, to do business, for 6 months out of the year. When there is talk about trafficking, they don't mean people like this, they just mean sex workers.

From knowing people who run AAMPs, it is very hard for them to get workers here, and not have them run off to other shops.

As far as AMPs, where it is the most wild and woolly, San Francisco, AMP girls live just like everyone else. If there is a problem it is in how they have come to believe that they need to make lots of money. And this is something they have brought from their own countries.

And the Viet's, they are almost always here 100% legally.

Most of such women they just care about one thing, making as much money as possible.

But because it is sex work they have introduced this idea of trafficking. So anytime LE acts, they always mention trafficking. Previously the anti-sex feminists used to crusade against porn. But as the Internet had made porn nearly universal, that kind of crusading is not effective anymore. Now they talk always about trafficking.



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avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
So in San Jose, most of the shops where someone has claimed FS on Rub Maps, are gone. They are using this legal gimmick they call the "nuclear option" to say that at a location which has been busted, that facility cannot be used for an AMP again. And setting up a new facility, with the washer, dryer, and showers, is costly.

In San Francisco they had done this, but at this point those shops are back open, and with lots of the open shops their is a rub maps claim of FS.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago…

" San Jose, Sunnyvale, and many other police departments have specialized units of experienced police officers focused solely on eradicating prostitution."

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
"Immigrants, in particular, are oftentimes the target of prostitution investigations, and face potentially serious immigration consequences upon conviction for prostitution."

In an earlier version of his page he explained that there is almost never such enforcement against white escorts operating out of high end apartments, only against immigrants and minorities, and also on the street.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Amps are mostly fronts for human trafficking and money laundering
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
^^^^^ Totally untrue. The women who work there want to and they live lives no different from you or I. I have seen this first hand. And they don't have any dealing with outside money.

It is immigrants and minorities who are told that they are being protected from themselves and that get subjected to the "get help" model. Where as White escorts who operate out of expensive apartments, they face little harassments.

Even Amnesty International says that the best way to protect sex workers from the kinds of abuses which can occur is decriminalization.

Its just that some people say that for consenting adults, some sex is approved by some sex is not approved.

I think the '72 George McGovern Democratic Platform would have at least started the movement toward eliminating such laws.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Operating a brothel under a license for a massage parlor means money is being laundered . Its a fake business and a front for illegal money. Illegal employment. Women don't work in illegal brothels because they want to.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Negative and negative. Massage is massage, covered by the house fee. That is not laudering. The tip money goes to the women.

These women are of legal age, so they can do what they wish.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Criminalization only increases the social marginalization which creates economic problems in the first place.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Thats not how it works. Hence why they get raided.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
4 years ago
Cat fight!!!
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Everything that sex workers are harmed by is due to criminalization.

3 years ago
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