I like how in an interview he said he’d only bang women who were 18 to 21? I think? I can’t remember his exact cut off age but I remember it was awfully close to 18!
Fortunately nothing whatsoever. Lets see if there is any improvement now. NV brothels are clip joints. No front room friendliness.
Hof did not all by himself cause this, but he was a factor in perpetuating this.
Have you been to NV brothels, and to any off Hof's Cashman. The subject has been discussed at length on previous threads.
DV did the best it could with its Chicken Ranch, trying to make it like TJ. But screwy NV laws. So they had to just let things lie and make their next expansion be in TJ.
Before I entered a strip club I was really intrigued by the brothel idea and was a frequent watcher of "Cathouse", but if a brothel opened in NJ I couldnt see it thriving in NJ. There are too many extras clubs and outcall girls available. The only way you could have a thriving brothel industry is if raids on strip clubs became a common occurence.
Problem with the NV brothel model is no front room fraternizing. What would be best is a strip club like front room, rather than the old Wild Wild West parlor. And some of these clubs do now have a strip club front room. But because of screwy NV laws, laws which apply no place else except a licensed brothel, not much can happen.
None of the legalization advocates have ever endorsed the Nevada model.
He could handle his whores - but a venture into politics was too much for him.
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Hof did not all by himself cause this, but he was a factor in perpetuating this.
Have you been to NV brothels, and to any off Hof's Cashman. The subject has been discussed at length on previous threads.
DV did the best it could with its Chicken Ranch, trying to make it like TJ. But screwy NV laws. So they had to just let things lie and make their next expansion be in TJ.
None of the legalization advocates have ever endorsed the Nevada model.
Old Thread
So what you really want instead is free form unstructured front room fraternizing, like is reported about TJ.
You want front room tiping, feel ups, I guess buying drinks, and then that essential gating item, the front room makeout session.
Screwy NV laws prevent this. But Hof seems also to have been a contributor.
Then other problems which make it impossible to get the girl off site and free lance. Laws which apply no where except in a licensed NV brothel.
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