
ED drug prices have gone ballistic.

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb

So much for President Donald Trump’s guarantee of “massive” drops in drug prices in the near future. On Monday, the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced a slew of price increases for many of its best-selling brand name drugs, including Viagra, the Financial Times first reported. Amazingly enough, it’s the second time Pfizer has increased some of its drugs’ prices this year.

According to the Financial Times, Pfizer has raised the price of 100 products under its umbrella. The increases—effective as of July 1—are in the neighborhood of nine percent from their previous list prices. But coupled with the price raises set by Pfizer earlier this year, many drugs have seen an nearly 20 percent jump. Viagra’s list price was $73.85 per 100mg pill in January, but is now $88.45, for instance.

I just checked with my local Kroger pharmacy. Their price for 1 100mg pill is $85.00. Their price for 30 20mg Revatio is $30.

Fuck Pfizer. I'll be reordering from my India connection.


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avatar for shailynn
6 yrs ago

I’ve read recently that there are many Rx drugs that manufacturers can’t even keep up production due to demands.

avatar for TJ Lee
TJ Lee
6 yrs ago

$85 for V pill, lol, I got it for $8 in TJ.

avatar for Countryman5434
6 yrs ago

I get all of sidefil i want for 10 copay 150 20 mg pills with insurance

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

When does the Viagra patent expire?

avatar for JohnSmith69
6 yrs ago

Weed works better. And it costs less.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

Weed works better. And it costs less.

A doctor friend told me that it could be mental or physical, and that fish oil helps with the physical side of things as well as a low-carb diet. Zir also said that it makes your sperm tastes worse, but she'll take what she can get

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

penis health = heart health. in more way than one bidges

avatar for georgmicrodong
6 yrs ago

I just got 5 of the generic Viagra for $7.80.

avatar for K
6 yrs ago

Viagra and Cialis are due to go generic within the next few months. The manufacturers are trying to get what they can while they have the market.

avatar for Smalltowncpl
6 yrs ago

I have been getting the generic Viagra from Roman but I don't like it as well as the stuff I got from India

avatar for s275ironman
6 yrs ago

There are cheaper alternatives out there that you can buy straight off the shelf. If your goal is to boost erectile function, you can supplement with nitric oxide boosters like L-Arginine and L-Citrulline.

avatar for shadowcat
6 yrs ago

Pfizer Viagra does not expire until April 2020.

avatar for Smalltowncpl
6 yrs ago

Is that before or after you start making out ?

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

I just heard on Jim Kramer’s show, today that the lobbying against Marijuanas legalization is mostly funded by two groups, Big Pharma, the lobbying arm of the pharmaceutical industry, and the lobbying group that represents the private for profit prison industry in the United States.

avatar for georgmicrodong
6 yrs ago

It might be a slightly different formulation from the brand name Viagra, but it works just as well, if not a little better, as evidenced by this morning’s experience.

Label says “Sildenafil 100mg; Generic for Viagra”. Same shape, just white instead of blue.

So either the patent on that one has run out, or Pfizer is producing their own generic.

avatar for two_bits
6 yrs ago

Those are pretty "stiff" prices there, shadow.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

don't worry about that cost baby. I'll bring that one down

avatar for JAprufrock
6 yrs ago

By the time I need Viagra the price will go down, either for generic or the brand. So I'm good, but thanks anyway.

avatar for 623
6 yrs ago

^^ everyone needs V, it is my recreational drug of choice. Without it my interest lasts a few hours only, with it 8 hrs and 4 or 5 sessions over 10 or 12 hrs.

Don’t leave home without it, at least if your going to Mexico or Germany, etc.

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