Do strippers run trails at 7:45 am?

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My favorite form of exercise is Mountain Biking which I do early in the morning 2 -3 days per week. This morning I was riding on my favorite trail and I passed a very pretty young lady running on the trail with a tight blue skimpy tube top. She had an awesome chest (no sag, no bra, I am assuming it was altered) and her nipples were very erect. Her stomach looked very buff also. She smiled and said hello in this high squeaky voice. I immediately thought stripper.
I am sure many strippers work out (Nicespice and Nina look very fit in the shots that I think are their bodies), but how many would be up early running on a mountain trail?
I am looking forward to my next ride.


Most strippers I know are going to bed around that time...I have gotten a few to go to the gym with me, but mostly they like to work out in bed.
-->"Most strippers I know are going to bed around that time"

Seconded. If she's a stripper, you found a unicorn :)
Nicespice, can I do this stripper workout too?

I bike 20 miles most days, starting between 7:30 and 9AM. I sometimes see attractive young women out on the running/biking trail, but I doubt they're strippers.
Nicespice, I was picturing you in some upscale healthclub, with sweat dripping as you push yourself working out. (That is a turn on by the way). Now, you ruined that image.
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6 years ago
^Now I know what to tell customers when they ask me if I work out. It’s not a “yes”, it’s a detailed answer about getting sweaty followed by “downward doggie” yoga!

Amishman, I appreciate you!
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6 years ago
I really should work out more. But my campus gym gets so crowded sometimes
Spice buy a couple of Kettle Bells. Use them and run and you will never miss the gym.
She is possibly an ex stripper - now turned soccer mom, probably married to a wealthy dude.
Maybe she's just a normal person that's physically fit? Lol

Or maybe she's one of those fitness gurus
I don't wonder if a civilian woman is a dancer these days unless she has visible, ugly tattoos. So in your scenario, I would just think "fit woman; probably married"
I remember I was in a club years ago and this hit stripper had abs of steel. She showed me - she would climb the pole probably 4 times a night and do 10 crunches at the top. That was it. She said she maintained her physic just by doing her pole routine at least 4 times a night. Never worked out outside the club.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
A twin peaks waitress at the bar gave me a workout. My eyes had to walk all over the place. She was hustling.
This is serious? I thought it was one of those chicken crossing the road jokes.

Why did the stripper run trails at 7:45 am?

Because she already cleaned the house three times, walked the dog four times, walked the cat five times, tried to walk the goldfish six times, and because of meth....
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