
Blowjob HIV

I just make them raise their right-hand and swear they are clean - then its all BBJ's & FS
Wednesday, June 27, 2018 8:05 AM
Reading about SCpanda made me really ask myself, (lol) dudes-what are the chances of getting HIV from a blowjob. I remember learning in health class you would have to drink a gallon of spit to even have a .00001% chance of Transmission. Honestly I don't know if He's trolling but I do it all The time and have never had any problems not even herpes or some STI like gonnoreaha


  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    it depends, a woman can get it easier than a man unless hes sucking dick. if she has it and has any cut or bites your dick too hard it makes it easy to get
  • ProudLiberalHusband
    6 years ago
    Cum suck My big left wing dick and find out xoxo
  • SteveSutton
    6 years ago
    I have read more than I ever should have on risks of oral sex. Suffice it to say there is almost zero evidence of HIV transmission via oral only. And in fact if you "eat her out", it appears you'd be the first documented case of it happening, ever! So given there must be millions of BJ's given every day, I'm not worrying about it (I used to though). If you really need answers, google Dr Hook HIV forum, and read his and Dr. Hadfield's replies to all the questions. You will feel A-OK after that.
  • SteveSutton
    6 years ago
    I have read more than I ever should have on risks of oral sex. Suffice it to say there is almost zero evidence of HIV transmission via oral only. And in fact if you "eat her out", it appears you'd be the first documented case of it happening, ever! So given there must be millions of BJ's given every day, I'm not worrying about it (I used to though). If you really need answers, google Dr Hook HIV forum, and read his and Dr. Hadfield's replies to all the questions. You will feel A-OK after that.
  • HumptyDance
    6 years ago
    Hip Hip Horray for BJs!!!!!
  • ToyChaser
    6 years ago
    @Steverox Thanks
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    The risk is basically zero. I don't understand how a man who fucks strippers isn't educated on sexual health. Then, you are a troll too, so maybe you're just pretending to be so stupid.
  • ToyChaser
    6 years ago
    I don't care. This is my life, I'm prolly never going back to any kind of civil relationship. If I do preferably Open, always a chance of catching something. Just been super lucky.
  • ToyChaser
    6 years ago
    coming from the girl who earns a living on her knees in the backroom though, means alot.
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy: ToyChaser - this account posts intentionally sadistic and misogynist garbage and should not be taken seriously, it is also worth noting that most tuscl members find the stated opinions of this troll highly offensive PhatBoy99 - troll status likely ProudLiberalHusband - troll status certain, not sure what the point in this troll account is, definitely not funny or trying to do anything creative
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