Please make the review-publishing text-box bigger (as big as possible) - the current single-line run-on style is too-difficult to navigate (scroll within).
Is there a way that when you vote, the next review in the line comes up, instead of reverting to the top of the page of unpublished reviews, so you don't have to scroll all the way down to where you were at ?
i have not written any reviews post the new publishing format.
Another TUSCLer told me the person writing the review does not get a message from those that approved his reviews - then why have the publisher write a message in the text-box when approving the review if the person writing the review does not see it.
You can see who pulls the weight around here. I see suggestions for Founder all the time. No response at all. Papi makes a suggestion and within minutes, Founder is answering him.
If you guys want founder to see something just put @founder in the message he will look at it whether or not he replies depends on the content of the message.
Another TUSCLer told me the person writing the review does not get a message from those that approved his reviews - then why have the publisher write a message in the text-box when approving the review if the person writing the review does not see it.