
ladies of TUSCL, c'mere, i got a question...

from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
would you rather a chick tell you that your cooch is stinking, or a dude?

(by the way, anyone can add their 2 scents...)

of course, i can guess the obvious answer. but....

but here's the actual real-life context to which this particular moment occurred: this happened at least a decade ago. i was at, let's say an artist retreat in a different state than mine, that pulled around a bunch of budding artists, all civilians, mixed with males and females, from all across the U.S. where none of us knew each other beforehand. one day, we were having class outdoors in this retreat and one 'soccer mom' type was wearing a long sundress. nice lady. but her cooch was craaaaaaaaazy ripe. we were all outdoors but it was like we were indoors because we could all smell her very clearly. honestly, i'm not the type to comment on folks hygiene; i don't focus on it. but this will still be memorable when i'm 90 years old. it was powerfully ripe...outdoors. ANY movement she made released a sharp whiff. very nice lady tho. through 80% of class, nobody said anything to her.

so, i was behind 2 girls. if 'soccer mom' is in her 40s, these 2 girls, like most of this retreat is in their 20s. these 2 girls, i overheard wanted to tell her, but they themselves didn't want to be the ones to tell her. they were discussing that they wanted to get a dude to tell her thinking that would somehow be less embarrassing. their reasoning: 'soccer mom' would be embarrassed if the dude told her, she'd end up 'hating him' but what would he care, he was probably in his 20s, and she'd get over it. but the girls felt if another female, especially these girls younger than her told 'soccer mom', it'd be somehow too embarrassing to be around her the rest of the retreat. or she'd take it wrong. like, yeah, she was ripe, but these girls couldn't wait to put her down.

keep in mind, this was a civilian retreat. maybe 50 random people thrown together. art was just a hobby for all retreat-ers, so folks weren't super artsy-fartsy. if this was an SC, it'd be different.

eventually the girls picked out a girl who was bold enough to tell 'soccer mom' after they couldn't find a suitable dude. why put a dude through that anyways. i dunno. i found the whole thing fascinating. because, yeah, what is the best answer? this isn't under-arm odor. if it's an SC, that's one thing. but out in civvie-world, where nobody "knows" each other. nobody really had an obligation to tell her anything--since it wasn't like we were all close friends, we're all simply random classmates for a week. never to see each other again.

so my question is, are there really situations, were you'd rather hear *this* from a dude?

i don't even know, outside of an SC, female-to-female in the civvie world, how one female would go about saying that to another woman she didn't know.

and i can't think of what the male equivalent for this would be...


  • gothamyte
    7 years ago

    and just like that, i got the male equivalent

    i know a cat that wears this awful cologne. none of us dudes, his friends, have the nerve to tell him it's awful. besides, we don't think he'd listen. we discussed getting a female co-worker of his to drop him a hint to stop wearing it.
  • gothamyte
    7 years ago
    lemme clarify real quick about 'cologne dude' ^^^^. it's really not cologne. imagine if someone liked a particular odd smell. like burnt toast because i don't wanna give the real thing away if he ever happens to find this. so this person rubs burnt toast heavily all over himself. so it isn't cologne. it's actually an odd smell that he happens to like, so he 'bathes' in it. everyday.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I read your discussion and wasn’t sure who would be best to tell another - the same gender or a different gender. But it seems that QuickBooks handles these issues!

    What does one do if the stinky person is a non-binary gender? I’m guessing QuickBooks has a setting for this too...
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    I've run across some nasty pussy chicks but nothing like that.
    Then again maybe I did.
    Several years ago a friend lived in an apartment complex with a pool so we'd take a swim whenever I visited. The complex also had a volleyball court by the pool and we would have pick up games with other residents of the complex. I remember there was a chick that constantly had little gnats or fruit fly looking critters hovering around and landing on her bikini covered crotch. When I noticed that I started checking the other bikini bottoms and the critters were only on this one chick. She had something going on down there but I don't know what it was.
  • orionsmith
    7 years ago
    Some dancers start wondering when no one wants dances from her, not even regulars. It's amazing they can't smell anything wrong in my opinion. Once or twice I got dances from slightly smelly dancers and then I thought no more. It ruins the dance for me if I can't stop smelling an awful stink. I thought the smoke smell had deadened my sense of smell but there are worse smells.
  • IHearVoices
    7 years ago
    Got a dance with a girl at my local club of choice. She's not my type at all, but I was there and was unsure if the girl I wanted would even come out (she did eventually). My nose told me that was a huge mistake, and I've been giving her the Heisman ever since. Can't bring myself to tell her why, although I'm not sure it totally matters because I'd still turn her down anyway on account of her not being my type.
  • Mtent
    7 years ago
    This girls breath smelled like rotten fishy vagina, I think she never brushes her teeth or something
  • Pyroxl
    7 years ago
    Apparently some don't mind; one told me she just came out of VIP and had BO. I chalked it up to whatever she was doing beforehand but another night, she had the same BO. Almost felt like it was an BO experiment or something.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    My guess would be that most girls would rather not *need* such a notification.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    TheeOSU - that’s a great story. It’s also a good observation (of other pussies).

    I’ve got no problem with a pungent vag. I filthy stench - still gets me very aroused. I know it might be a bad sign - but I love the smell of dead fish!
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