So a dancer at Tattletale just told me the Cheersh is closing. Said they had been bought out by a developer. Is so, should be an influx of new dancers at the other clubs.
Wow - that's been a top-club for years - kinda surprising but maybe not given the legal-issues they've had recently w/ dancer-lawsuits.
Per an article that was posted here a while back, seems the owner is an elderly-guy that lives in a different state - perhaps he decided to cash-out given the legal headaches, or maybe the city wants a better use for that prime-location and forced the owner's hand.
This rumor has been swirling locally for the last year. The city hasn’t had any real issues with the club. The property value is very high in the area and development has exploded on every corner. I’d be surprised if this is actually happening immediately. I might have to go gather intel.
If it was a brunette TT dancer with a great ass and fried eggs for tits, she's HOT.
Thinking it's a safe bet Cheetah will remain open at least until after the Super Bowl. Atlanta city council should even push for that. That city already sucks and losing another solid strip club that close to downtown hotels will only add to it . Unless, of course, they think trade show attendees can't wait to get to ATL and visit the Civil Rights museum.
They use to openly tout it. I remember the first time I visited Atlanta, not going to say when, but it was before I was old enough to go to a strip club, which means it was a long time ago, and I saw one of those Atlanta guides in the hotel room that talked about the Atlanta night life and had a blurry picture of a stripper on stage.
I don't ever remember Cheetah being in trouble with LE or city government. That block they are on just has too much other crappy stuff on it, and is too prime of a location for a developer to pass up (other parcels on the block were probably a lot cheaper to acquire).
Was just inevitable that eventually a developer would offer a high enough price at the right time to get Cheetah owner to accept.
It is a fantasy to expect any Cheetah dancers to show up in Follies. That would be moving from one extreme (high class clientele and location with no touching) to the other (barely better than a dive bar location and getting groped by bargain hunting PLs).
Throwing a Cheetah dancer into Follies would be like throwing a wounded cow into a piranha infested river.
I would assume it's about $$$, the city I assume would rake-in a lot more tax-dollars from a spanking new high-rise especially if it's one of those new mix-use buildings that house private-residences and commercial space - and the city would probably prefer a slick highrise in that location than a strip club
A stripper said that the Cheetah was closing. We know that several groups are interested in buying the property to develop it. This has been reported by the news outlets but so far no news outlet has reported that it has been sold. So where did this stripper get her insider information?
I'm not saying that it's not going to happen. I just question if it has already happened. I mean we all know how reliable strippers are. :)
Finding a no-touch club they can dance at won't be hard in Atlanta, it just won't have all the upside Cheetah has.
And I would imagine a good # of Cheetah dancers are not totally against contact-dances and many may prefer if they could give contact-dances at Cheetah b/c they'd probably make more $$$ that way, IMO - but I agree that the ambiance at Follies would be a big negative for many of the Cheetah girls.
It was a long time ago, but I knew a dancer in civvy life that worked the Cheetah and the long gone Gold Club. At the time, both clubs were similar. I would describe them as "extras for celebrities" clubs. The rich and famous went to these clubs. They would even make those "spotted around town" celebrity stalking newspaper columns. "Mick Jagger and Tommy Lee spotted partying at the Gold Club" type of blurbs. The celebs would show up, rent a private party room with a handful of dancers and drop $10K partying. My friend said they were like orgies. "Who wouldn't want to fuck Mick Jagger?"
But, these same dancers would not even think of FS with Joe Schlub for even $500 or $1000 in a VIP session.
If the Cheetah is closing, the clubs that could benefit from the (mostly white) convention crowd seeking entertainment would be Pink Pony or Mardi Gras. I would expect to see most of the dancers migrate there. The sad fact is that there is really nothing like the Cheetah in town. Many of the girls may move elsewhere. Now, some savvy strip club owner (is there such a thing?) might transform his club into the high end destination and convince the Cheetah dancers to move there. If the City of Brookhaven had any sense they would lift their war on the Pony and let it become the new conventioneer spot.
@Papi- the Follies is expanding. Would they possibly go upscale and grab that segment?
Also, although it is a bit far from downtown, Oasis could make that play. They are already very "light touch" on the open floor. And they already have the asshole bouncers needed for a convention crowd. Same issue with the city. Hey Doraville, want something to attract convention night life money to your city? Maybe the Oasis could run a shuttle from the new mixed use we keep hearing about to the club?
Per an article that was posted here a while back, seems the owner is an elderly-guy that lives in a different state - perhaps he decided to cash-out given the legal headaches, or maybe the city wants a better use for that prime-location and forced the owner's hand.
Thanks for the info.…
I doubt that many of the dancers will move to Follies but it might spark a move all over the Atlanta mixed clubs.
Thinking it's a safe bet Cheetah will remain open at least until after the Super Bowl. Atlanta city council should even push for that. That city already sucks and losing another solid strip club that close to downtown hotels will only add to it . Unless, of course, they think trade show attendees can't wait to get to ATL and visit the Civil Rights museum.
Was just inevitable that eventually a developer would offer a high enough price at the right time to get Cheetah owner to accept.
It is a fantasy to expect any Cheetah dancers to show up in Follies. That would be moving from one extreme (high class clientele and location with no touching) to the other (barely better than a dive bar location and getting groped by bargain hunting PLs).
Throwing a Cheetah dancer into Follies would be like throwing a wounded cow into a piranha infested river.
You're disparaging some of the top members here
I'm not saying that it's not going to happen. I just question if it has already happened. I mean we all know how reliable strippers are. :)
And I would imagine a good # of Cheetah dancers are not totally against contact-dances and many may prefer if they could give contact-dances at Cheetah b/c they'd probably make more $$$ that way, IMO - but I agree that the ambiance at Follies would be a big negative for many of the Cheetah girls.
But, these same dancers would not even think of FS with Joe Schlub for even $500 or $1000 in a VIP session.
If the Cheetah is closing, the clubs that could benefit from the (mostly white) convention crowd seeking entertainment would be Pink Pony or Mardi Gras. I would expect to see most of the dancers migrate there. The sad fact is that there is really nothing like the Cheetah in town. Many of the girls may move elsewhere. Now, some savvy strip club owner (is there such a thing?) might transform his club into the high end destination and convince the Cheetah dancers to move there. If the City of Brookhaven had any sense they would lift their war on the Pony and let it become the new conventioneer spot.
Also, although it is a bit far from downtown, Oasis could make that play. They are already very "light touch" on the open floor. And they already have the asshole bouncers needed for a convention crowd. Same issue with the city. Hey Doraville, want something to attract convention night life money to your city? Maybe the Oasis could run a shuttle from the new mixed use we keep hearing about to the club?