Not so, invitation only. No tests ( not like MENSA ). And no puzzle boxes. But we have to know you face to face. Joining our organization will be just as demanding as it would be to get into a Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Buddhist Monastery.
But we are also not ready to expand at all at this point. I am still fighting for some political victories and to crush some people with business ventures. We do not operate via Live and Let Live.
No incorporations, copywrites, or dedicated real estate. No dues yet either. Don't want to expand beyond current handful of people until we have these.
One man who would have been our eldest member died of a diabetic coma. So that now leaves me as the eldest.
I only mention the organization just to show, that as things are between men and women now, they suck. But if you think some of it through there could be other possibilities.
"But we are also not ready to expand at all at this point. I am still fighting for some political victories and to crush some people with business ventures."
SJG . . . in order to gain political victories you have to open the puzzle box. That's how the politicians got there in the first place, and you cannot beat them without it.
I have never seen this, just read some blurbs, seen some stills and a few short clips.
Now certainly I am not trying to create any artificial drama, like you would find in a movie. And I will see this movie. But certainly I am drawing on the the same sorts of sources of ideas that the film maker was.
And you also see some of the same ideas in Story of O and its film adaptations. Clearly Kubrick was also influenced by this.
And like with the strip club chain, Deja Vu, that is a clever name. When you are around all the painted up hotties, it does speak to something primal, something which we all seem to already know about and be ready to respond to.
The Deja Vu one feels when seeing all the painted up hotties, in the stills from Kubrick's film, or in strip clubs, I think it is over the ancient world's pagan temples, elevating sex to an art form.
Based on Arthur Schnitzler's 1926 novella Traumnovelle (Dream Story), the story is transferred from early 20th century Vienna to 1990s New York City. The film follows the sexually charged adventures of Dr. Bill Harford, who is shocked when his wife, Alice, reveals that she had contemplated having an affair a year earlier. He embarks on a night-long adventure, during which he infiltrates a massive masked orgy of an unnamed secret society.
Edited for R rating, but uncut version now available.
Must also connect with J. K. Huysman, the source for the idea of offering the naked woman up on the altar, or of celebrating Mass on her lower abdomen.
Can't find the full article, but over the last decade San Jose has seen a 263% increase in rapes being reported. Really more rapes, or just more reporting? Also maybe because some years back because the FBI changed the defn'.
But I fight on, boxing opponents into corners. And these are just the smaller fights that I know how to engage in. There are bigger ones that I don't know how to engage in yet.
Sometimes I read the Book of Exodus, from about ch 3, the call of Moses, up through to where they cross the Red Sea. I see this actually as a book of magic. It gives one ways to oppose powers that look to be unopposable.
It seems to work, really. Curious people appear and strange things happen.
And I continue to educate myself, as I also know that that is one of most powerful means of resistance.
Very few could have ever endured all that I have had to. And the end, final victory, is still nowhere in sight. But I will still fight on, even if it is too my last breath.
As I use the Book of Exodus, the call of Moses through the plagues, strange things happen. Strange people who up and act like they know me and make death threats against me. Others show up who are real nice. And then in political contests I am involved in, curious things happen, and things seem to get unstuck and there is progress.
SJG said "Someone yesterday mentioned Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut."
lol. That was me.
But... but... it couldn't be. You blocked me for trying to breach your ultimate force field of privacy (which is to say, I kept asking you to sensibly justify your bullshit).
A strange episode. Curious woman appeared. She was at the parking lot for an old furniture store building near me. Sort of homeless, except that she doesn't seem to have anything but the clothes on her back. Personable and nice looking. I would say Central American, but she does speak English with no accent.
She built this little hut out of a huge pile of mattress boxes. I told her that was not a good idea, it is too conspicuous. The property owner would take offense. She tries to sleep during the day time. I told her that if you are outside, you need to like others do, follow the Sun.
Sometimes homeless women become rather like stray cats. I walk through that parking lot all the time. Various contacts with her, and today she showed up in a fast food place. She is trying to get close to me.
But I do not want this. I am involved in political matters 24-7. that is what I need to do.
Exodus is a book of magic, if you just read the actual text.
Taylor Branch, lives now with his family in Baltimore. Worked on the Texas campaign of George McGovern. Worked on the campaigns of both Clinton's. Shared an apartment with Bill.
Worked long and hard to produce the awesome trilogy:
Things in a lull for me right now. I may have scored a huge political victory. Still not certain. But I also have to be ready for rapid response in the after math which will likely ensue.
My Pentecostal Daughter Molestor's Appeals case, after some years of grandstanding, died in a fizzle, last month. He is going to be a guest of the state for quite some time. :) :) :)
But his church still runs and it is full of familial child abuse of all types.
The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution. Online.
Tertium Organum: The Third Canon of Thought, a Key to the Enigmas of the World. (Translated from the Russian by Nicholas Bessaraboff and Claude Bragdon). Rochester, New York: Manas Press, 1920; New York: Knopf, 1922; London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1923, 1934; 3rd American edition, New York: Knopf, 1945. Online version.
A New Model of the Universe: Principles of the Psychological Method in Its Application to Problems of Science, Religion and Art (Translated from the Russian by R. R. Merton, under the supervision of the author). New York: Knopf, 1931; London: Routledge, 1931; 2nd revised edition, London: Routledge, 1934; New York: Knopf, 1934.
Talks with a Devil.(Russian, 1916). Tr. by Katya Petroff, edited with an introduction by J. G. Bennett. Northamptonshire: Turnstone, 1972, ISBN 0-85500-004-X (hc); New York: Knopf, 1973, ; York Beach: Weiser, 2000, ISBN 1-57863-164-5.
The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution. New York: Hedgehog Press, 1950.
Strange Life of Ivan Osokin. New York and London: Holme, 1947; London: Faber & Faber, 1948; first published in Russian as Kinemadrama (St. Petersburg, 1915). Online (Russian).
In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1949; London: Routledge, 1947.
In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching London, Paul H. Crompton Ltd 2010 facsimile edition of the 1949 edition, hardcover.
The Fourth Way: A Record of Talks and Answers to Questions Based on the Teaching of G. I. Gurdjieff (Prepared under the general supervision of Sophia Ouspensky). New York: Knopf, 1957; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957.
Letters from Russia, 1919 (Introduction by Fairfax Hall and epilog from In Denikin's Russia by C. E. Bechhofer). London and New York: Arkana, 1978.
Conscience: The Search for Truth (Introduction by Merrily E. Taylor) London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.
A Further Record: Extracts from Meetings 1928–1945 London and New York: Arkana, 1986.
The Symbolism of the Tarot (Translated by A. L. Pogossky). New York: Dover Publications Inc., 1976. Online version.
The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution and The Cosmology of Man's possible Evolution, a limited edition of the definitive text of his Psychological and Cosmological Lectures, 1934-1945. Agora Books, East Sussex, 1989. ISBN 1-872292-00-3.
P.D. Ouspensky Memorial Collection, Yale University Library, Archive Notes taken from meetings during 1935–1947.
But should read Gary Lachman's book first
The romance of engines / by Takashi Suzuki (1997), a most interesting book, about how the second law plays out.
The most strange is what it does to the electromagnetic units, you get this statcoloumb and statampere, etc. It can be figured out, but it takes time and attention.
Ambitious in other ways too, vol 1 Mechanics, goes all the way through relativity, without any waves or electromagnetics. The examples are all either subatomic or out in space somewhere.
Vol 2 and 3 has all mechanical waves and electromagnetics. But thermodynamics is held off until vol 5, after quantum mechanics, so they can do macro and micro together.
Intended to compress their first year physics course, but generally agreed that people at that level of study cannot learn from such books. They are more for those who have already gone much further along to appreciate. Berkeley does not use them, but they do use the books by one who had been involved in the project, Randall McKnight.
Looking at single bore for extending BART through San Jose. One bore, 47 feet in diameter, trains on top of each other and all the stations on the same side.
Not done like that around here, but construction less disruption to retail businesses.
Very important. Though I would still say if you know something arrestable is happening, or where a child must be removed at once, the number to call is 911.
last commentNot so, invitation only. No tests ( not like MENSA ). And no puzzle boxes. But we have to know you face to face. Joining our organization will be just as demanding as it would be to get into a Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Buddhist Monastery.
But we are also not ready to expand at all at this point. I am still fighting for some political victories and to crush some people with business ventures. We do not operate via Live and Let Live.
No incorporations, copywrites, or dedicated real estate. No dues yet either. Don't want to expand beyond current handful of people until we have these.
One man who would have been our eldest member died of a diabetic coma. So that now leaves me as the eldest.
I only mention the organization just to show, that as things are between men and women now, they suck. But if you think some of it through there could be other possibilities.
"But we are also not ready to expand at all at this point. I am still fighting for some political victories and to crush some people with business ventures."
SJG . . . in order to gain political victories you have to open the puzzle box. That's how the politicians got there in the first place, and you cannot beat them without it.
Well, I am working on puzzles of a sort, fighting vicious wars of words, political battles, trying to put some people out of action.
Fight the power, SJG!
It's good thing that there won't be any 'copywrites', because you don't know how to spell 'copyright'.
SJG said: "One man who would have been our eldest member died of a diabetic coma. So that now leaves me as the eldest."
Oh yeah... that sounds like a party at the Playboy mansion.
Healthy living at the church ROFLMAO
Free purple Kool-Aid for all prospective members.
What do the Christian eating lions drink?
The most shocking part of SJG’s post is that there is (was) another (living) member in his organization!
@Cashman - do you think he joined SJG’s organization before or after his coma?
RealDougster - that’s a good point. Members who drift into comas are much less likely to run away quickly.
@shailynn, not sure. But they probably eat fur burgers.
Someone yesterday mentioned Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut.
I have never seen this, just read some blurbs, seen some stills and a few short clips.
Now certainly I am not trying to create any artificial drama, like you would find in a movie. And I will see this movie. But certainly I am drawing on the the same sorts of sources of ideas that the film maker was.
And you also see some of the same ideas in Story of O and its film adaptations. Clearly Kubrick was also influenced by this.
And like with the strip club chain, Deja Vu, that is a clever name. When you are around all the painted up hotties, it does speak to something primal, something which we all seem to already know about and be ready to respond to.
The Deja Vu one feels when seeing all the painted up hotties, in the stills from Kubrick's film, or in strip clubs, I think it is over the ancient world's pagan temples, elevating sex to an art form.
Court Of The Crimson King
Material About Eye's Wide Shut
Jocelyn Pook - Masked Ball (Eyes Wide Shut)
1999 Movie
Based on:
Based on Arthur Schnitzler's 1926 novella Traumnovelle (Dream Story), the story is transferred from early 20th century Vienna to 1990s New York City. The film follows the sexually charged adventures of Dr. Bill Harford, who is shocked when his wife, Alice, reveals that she had contemplated having an affair a year earlier. He embarks on a night-long adventure, during which he infiltrates a massive masked orgy of an unnamed secret society.
Edited for R rating, but uncut version now available.
author admiring Marquis de Sade.
This finds literary connections between Story of O and Eyes Wide Shut
They connect it to de Sade and to Battaile.
Some of this also must connect with Michel Carouges
All sorts of pictures from things adapted from Story of O.
Must also connect with J. K. Huysman, the source for the idea of offering the naked woman up on the altar, or of celebrating Mass on her lower abdomen.
Au Rebours, 1884, full text online
Eyes Wide Shut scene
J. K. Huysmans site
cover photo
Here, Arthur Schnitzler's book
this guy wrote lots and lots of books:
Dream story / Arthur Schnitzler ; translated from the German by Otto P. Schninnerer
Against the grain : (a rebours) / by J.K. Huysmans ; with an introd. by Havelock Ellis.
1969 Dover publications, snake picture on cover
Analysis of Eyes Wide Shut
Exploring Aleister Crowley's Liber Samekh
Existentialism and Thelema
Jocelyn Pook - Masked Ball (Eyes Wide Shut)
Can't find the full article, but over the last decade San Jose has seen a 263% increase in rapes being reported. Really more rapes, or just more reporting? Also maybe because some years back because the FBI changed the defn'.
Masked Ball, music
here, steep rise in SJ rape reports:
Most expensive places to live in the entire state:
The Young Karl Marx, interview with director Raoul Peck
Fighting intense political battles!
Things getting tough, attempts to harm me, etc.
But I fight on, boxing opponents into corners. And these are just the smaller fights that I know how to engage in. There are bigger ones that I don't know how to engage in yet.
Sometimes I read the Book of Exodus, from about ch 3, the call of Moses, up through to where they cross the Red Sea. I see this actually as a book of magic. It gives one ways to oppose powers that look to be unopposable.
It seems to work, really. Curious people appear and strange things happen.
And I continue to educate myself, as I also know that that is one of most powerful means of resistance.
Very few could have ever endured all that I have had to. And the end, final victory, is still nowhere in sight. But I will still fight on, even if it is too my last breath.
Dave Matthews Band - All Along The Watchtower
As I use the Book of Exodus, the call of Moses through the plagues, strange things happen. Strange people who up and act like they know me and make death threats against me. Others show up who are real nice. And then in political contests I am involved in, curious things happen, and things seem to get unstuck and there is progress.
SJG said "Someone yesterday mentioned Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut."
lol. That was me.
But... but... it couldn't be. You blocked me for trying to breach your ultimate force field of privacy (which is to say, I kept asking you to sensibly justify your bullshit).
Strange things continue to happen and strange people continue appearing. Some good and some bad.
A strange episode. Curious woman appeared. She was at the parking lot for an old furniture store building near me. Sort of homeless, except that she doesn't seem to have anything but the clothes on her back. Personable and nice looking. I would say Central American, but she does speak English with no accent.
She built this little hut out of a huge pile of mattress boxes. I told her that was not a good idea, it is too conspicuous. The property owner would take offense. She tries to sleep during the day time. I told her that if you are outside, you need to like others do, follow the Sun.
Sometimes homeless women become rather like stray cats. I walk through that parking lot all the time. Various contacts with her, and today she showed up in a fast food place. She is trying to get close to me.
But I do not want this. I am involved in political matters 24-7. that is what I need to do.
Exodus is a book of magic, if you just read the actual text.
Cocktail Tables ( written on some of the boxes )
Maybe more like these?
^^^^^^^ horrible! I think it is bullshit.
Living Thelema - Sex Magick and Mysticism (1/2)
Taylor Branch, lives now with his family in Baltimore. Worked on the Texas campaign of George McGovern. Worked on the campaigns of both Clinton's. Shared an apartment with Bill.
Worked long and hard to produce the awesome trilogy:
This is a must read, especially since the author has been a key in restarting Crowley's OTO.
Aerosmith Walk This Way
Booker T and the MG's
Hank and Cupcakes, paint only
The Vietnam War PBS Episode 3: The River Styx (January 1964-December 1965)
Episode 4
The Battle For Puerto Rico
Things in a lull for me right now. I may have scored a huge political victory. Still not certain. But I also have to be ready for rapid response in the after math which will likely ensue.
P. D. Ouspensky
Should read Gary Lachman's book first, his stuff is always extremely good.
My Pentecostal Daughter Molestor's Appeals case, after some years of grandstanding, died in a fizzle, last month. He is going to be a guest of the state for quite some time. :) :) :)
But his church still runs and it is full of familial child abuse of all types.
ex-Doors, Moscow 2011
The Vietnam War Season 1 Episode 03 The River Styx (January 1964December 1965)
Ouspensky wrote his stuff in this order:
The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution. Online.
Tertium Organum: The Third Canon of Thought, a Key to the Enigmas of the World. (Translated from the Russian by Nicholas Bessaraboff and Claude Bragdon). Rochester, New York: Manas Press, 1920; New York: Knopf, 1922; London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1923, 1934; 3rd American edition, New York: Knopf, 1945. Online version.
A New Model of the Universe: Principles of the Psychological Method in Its Application to Problems of Science, Religion and Art (Translated from the Russian by R. R. Merton, under the supervision of the author). New York: Knopf, 1931; London: Routledge, 1931; 2nd revised edition, London: Routledge, 1934; New York: Knopf, 1934.
Talks with a Devil.(Russian, 1916). Tr. by Katya Petroff, edited with an introduction by J. G. Bennett. Northamptonshire: Turnstone, 1972, ISBN 0-85500-004-X (hc); New York: Knopf, 1973, ; York Beach: Weiser, 2000, ISBN 1-57863-164-5.
The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution. New York: Hedgehog Press, 1950.
Strange Life of Ivan Osokin. New York and London: Holme, 1947; London: Faber & Faber, 1948; first published in Russian as Kinemadrama (St. Petersburg, 1915). Online (Russian).
In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1949; London: Routledge, 1947.
In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching London, Paul H. Crompton Ltd 2010 facsimile edition of the 1949 edition, hardcover.
The Fourth Way: A Record of Talks and Answers to Questions Based on the Teaching of G. I. Gurdjieff (Prepared under the general supervision of Sophia Ouspensky). New York: Knopf, 1957; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957.
Letters from Russia, 1919 (Introduction by Fairfax Hall and epilog from In Denikin's Russia by C. E. Bechhofer). London and New York: Arkana, 1978.
Conscience: The Search for Truth (Introduction by Merrily E. Taylor) London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.
A Further Record: Extracts from Meetings 1928–1945 London and New York: Arkana, 1986.
The Symbolism of the Tarot (Translated by A. L. Pogossky). New York: Dover Publications Inc., 1976. Online version.
The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution and The Cosmology of Man's possible Evolution, a limited edition of the definitive text of his Psychological and Cosmological Lectures, 1934-1945. Agora Books, East Sussex, 1989. ISBN 1-872292-00-3.
P.D. Ouspensky Memorial Collection, Yale University Library, Archive Notes taken from meetings during 1935–1947.
But should read Gary Lachman's book first
The romance of engines / by Takashi Suzuki (1997), a most interesting book, about how the second law plays out.
Berkeley Physics Course 5 volumes
A most ambitious undertaking. Originally in these CGS Units, which no one uses.
The most strange is what it does to the electromagnetic units, you get this statcoloumb and statampere, etc. It can be figured out, but it takes time and attention.
Ambitious in other ways too, vol 1 Mechanics, goes all the way through relativity, without any waves or electromagnetics. The examples are all either subatomic or out in space somewhere.
Vol 2 and 3 has all mechanical waves and electromagnetics. But thermodynamics is held off until vol 5, after quantum mechanics, so they can do macro and micro together.
Intended to compress their first year physics course, but generally agreed that people at that level of study cannot learn from such books. They are more for those who have already gone much further along to appreciate. Berkeley does not use them, but they do use the books by one who had been involved in the project, Randall McKnight.
Great preface by Clark Kerr.
Jeff Beck - LIVE Full Concert 2017
Some local news:
This Sam Liccardo is a piece of shit.
Sure, jobs are good. But this is just promoting the idea that low income and minority teens are a social hygiene menace and need to be reformed.
Go Fuck Yourself Sam Liccardo!
Media Giant Sinclair, Under Fire for Forcing Anchors to Read Trumpian Screed, Is Rapidly Expanding
Looking at single bore for extending BART through San Jose. One bore, 47 feet in diameter, trains on top of each other and all the stations on the same side.
Not done like that around here, but construction less disruption to retail businesses.
BART is very expensive to extend, always necessitates federal money.
New development
Cadence Design Systems
Efforts to restrict the very limited rent controls we have, Mountain View
Santa Clara County, new child abuse hotline, badly needed because of the number of lost cases because of the system getting overloaded.
Very important. Though I would still say if you know something arrestable is happening, or where a child must be removed at once, the number to call is 911.
10 facts you (probably) didn’t know about Intel’s 50-year history
Of Blood and Powder: Richard Chase, the Sacramento Vampire