
Helping out a fellow TUSCLer

Wednesday, November 1, 2006 11:51 AM
In trying to help my friend Funseeker, I may have inadvertently pissed him off. I do find a great deal of value in his posts. The trip reports are a service to anyone who would frequent the same clubs as him. My point to him was because he has so much to offer this discussion board why does he not choose to proofread his posts. I in the past have made many errors. You can be sure to expect more of the same in the future. However, I am trying to “walk the walk” and improve my writing too. He has called me paranoid, silly and an idiot. I do not see how any of those three things can be a description of what I wrote. I think that perhaps he may have been a little embarrassed when he reread his posts. I did not mean to put Funseeker on the defensive but rather show him that he could do so much better. If you are interested, you can check out the entire discussion here: [view link] The way I see things there is some definite talent in the TUSCL discussion board populace. I would urge you all to proofread your posts and effectively say what you mean. I will do the same.


  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Ultimately shadowcat is right. It may be time to put this to rest.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    HELP YOURself by getting the BUTT out of others business.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    This is a public forum for TUSCL members. Guess that makes you the moron.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Hey MORON, you've no business in correcting my postings! Just BUTT out!!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    I don't need help staying away from other people's business. Just yours. I don't correct anyone's posts but yours. I do this because you are "special" in a little yellow bus kind of way.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    You JERK, need HELP in staying away from other's business and HELPING others. Just stay out you ASSHOLE.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Funseeker, You must get past your denial and admit that you are of limited intelligence and desperately need the help of others. Remember the mentally handicapped have rights too. Don't let society pigeon hole you as a buffoon! Please, for the sake of the entire TUSCL readership, seek out the help you so badly need!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    parody is the very impressive ASSHOLE trying to HELP others when no one needs his HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    There you go again Funseeker. Any attempt to help you is met with your trademark hostility. If you want to impress the readers of this board learn to comunicate effectively.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Just HELP YOURSELF by leaving others alone. Shut fuck-up you IDIOT!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Funseeker, Are you so stunted in your creativity that you are unable to do anything but repeat the same few insults over and over again?
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    You're a true MORON trying to HELP others! Who needs your help you JERK!! Just shut the fuck-up you IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    You need help with your confusion on fathers day you moron. Not to mention some academic help, mental health help and help dealing with your anger issues. Ask anyone!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Hey JERK, I need no one's HELP you IDIOT!!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    You seem to need a lot of help. If not mine then from another source.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    You're the retarded dumb ASS continuing to trying to HELP others. No one needs your HELP you IDIOT!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Happylap, Nice to see you went farther in your education than Funseeker, but you still shouldn't brag like that. You might hurt his feelings.
  • happylap
    18 years ago
    parodyman- mon, you is really a dumb ass. you think you don't insult funseeker? if yur really trying to help the poor sole you shouldn't be so condesending with yur posts (the first one and all the others). as for your "apology", i've never read such an insinsear apology. Now i've got to get a life. i've read almost the entar discussion thrud and hear i am posting on it. what a waste of time. happy lapping!! (please don't criteke my riting. i only finished forth grad)
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Funseeker, I thought that surely a "decent" individual like yourself would have been more than impressed with my impressive apology. I had hoped to make enough of an impression that you'd apologize for your hostile behavior and we could just drop this whole thing. But you must be unimpressed with what I thought was an impressive apology. Oh well, hopefully now that I have written this in your language you will see I am truly sorry for alluding to the possibility that you are anything other than an impressive writer. I know that you do this to educate the strip clubs. That is what it is about.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Funseeker, I must point out to you the fact that I didn’t complain about your review. I merely illustrated, in my own unique style, that you could have made better choices in the wording of your review. Perhaps in the future you might want to proofread such a long post before putting it on TUSCL. You might also want to develop a thicker skin. Buy posting in a public forum you open yourself up to the full spectrum of reactions by your readers. Becoming hostile when someone says something you don’t like isn’t very productive. And also to set the record straight I didn’t begin to wind you up until you became belligerent. If you are still truly offended I apologize to you publicly in this forum. If you are a gentleman I expect you will do the same.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    You are right. It was late and I tend to type far behind what I am thinking. Certain words I make that mistake with. I try to watch what I am doing but sometimes forget.
  • driver01
    18 years ago
    "There are so many things wrong with this that I don’t know where to start.... and your over use of capitol letters for emphasis..." Well parody, you might start by learning when to use the word "capitol" versus the word "capital."
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    parody, You're a JERK! Just take your HELP elsewhere you ASSHOLE!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Funseeker I see that you have submitted another post for correction. “Hey ASSHOLE parody, Just get your BUTT out leave us alone, Take your HELP elsewhere you JERK.” “Hey ASSHOLE parody,” -- This is not the type of salutation a well mannered decent human being would use. Funseeker I expect better behavior from you. “Just get your BUTT out leave us alone, Take your HELP elsewhere you JERK.” – There are so many things wrong with this that I don’t know where to start. Besides it not making sense and your over use of capitol letters for emphasis, you again choose to display your split personality mental disorder. Also why do you keep asking me to “get my butt out?” Are you trying to tell me something about your preference? I already told you I’m not into that. You are the definition of a lazy person. Please read what you write before you hit the post it button. That way you can recognize it as crap and edit it yourself so that I don’t have to do it for you.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Hey ASSHOLE parody, Just get your BUTT out leave us alone, Take your HELP elsewhere you JERK.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Funseeker: You are becoming quite the prolific poster. Too bad that this is another glaring example of Funseeker’s poor sentence structure. Your first new post, “An IDIOT is an IDIOT! I NEVER need HELP from such JERKS who have no manners. Just leave us alone.” “Such” could be eliminated, clarifying the meaning of this sentence. “Just leave us alone.” This line troubles me. Aside from the fact it is a sentence fragment it makes you seem like you are suffering from multiple personality disorder. Letting people know that you are mentally ill will not inspire confidence in your readers. In fact such admissions may scare them. Your next post also leaves a lot to desire. Another of Funseeker’s gems: “pardoy, You ought to get your butt out leave us alone. Have some MANNERS. Have some DECENCY! I DON'T need your help in writing. You IDIOT!” First I do not know why you want me to take my butt out but I decline your request. I do not swing that way sir. On a more serious note I am asking that you explain what this dialogue has to do with manners and decency. Then you can further explain why your hostile little rants are exempt from the standard you are trying to hold me to. Spelling my screen name correctly would be a step in the right direction as far as your manners go. You could also show some decency by learning to write in a clear and concise manner so that other TUSCLers do not need a secret decoder ring to decipher your posts. Lastly you could stop making people laugh by calling me an idiot when you clearly are of limited intelligence yourself.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    pardoy, You ought to get your butt out leave us alone. Have some MANNERS. Have some DECENCY! I DON'T need your help in writing. You IDIOT!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    An IDIOT is an IDIOT! I NEVER need HELP from such JERKS who have no manners. Just leave us alone.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    parodyman, You IDIOT, HELP YOURSELF by getting the hell out out this board. We DON'T need your HELP from a JERK like you.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Funseeker, just like you, your progress is stunted. Let us see what can be done with the last post you butchered. “parodyman, You IDIOT, HELP YOURSELF by getting the hell out out this board. We DON'T need your HELP from a JERK like you.” Your first sentence, “You IDIOT, HELP YOURSELF by getting the hell out out this board.” This one is a cluster-fuck but I believe it should have read like this: You idiot, help yourself by resigning from this board. I know you wanted to say, “…by getting the hell out of this board.” Here is a little hint for you. I am not in the board. In fact I am in a house in Lombard, Illinois. The second sentence, “We DON'T need your HELP from a JERK like you.” This one should read, “I don’t want help from a jerk like you.” I think you got a little excited and added in an unnecessary “your” that clouded the intention of your statement. The truth is you may not want my help but help is something that you desperately need! So do not worry little Funseeker. I will not give up on you. You may be metaphorically riding the little yellow bus now, but someday you will be able to write like a big boy!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Shadowcat: let’s start with this: “Parodyman. You are not here To help out our newbie fans you have your own agenda, of just cutting them down for their lackof experince.I'll match you anytime when it comees \\\\\\\expirence” The only thing you have on me other than a great many years is your almost psychic ability to know what is in my heart and mind. Please enlighten me as to what you think my agenda is. But before you do, please ponder the possibility that I as being genuine in my efforts to help Funseeker out. I would also like to know what we are waiting for? (“I'll match you anytime when it comees”) What it? The Anti-Christ? Another Chicago Bulls championship? What? By your own past admissions you sometimes drink while you are writing. Could this be another one of those times? Now we can deal with this: “parodyman: I just read your club review for Memphis Platinum Plus. Hardly a strip club review. Just another shot at funseeker. I have had reviews rejected by the editor for less.” What makes this less than a strip club review? I talked about the atmosphere, the clientele, the cover charge and the price of soda. Perhaps you did not include these details in the reviews that were rejected. Better luck next time!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Funseeker: It is painfully obvious that YOU need my idiotic help. A simple post that was intended to insult me instead struck me as sad. You really cannot put three sentences together and end up with something intelligible. I thought at first your problem was laziness, now I suspect that you may have some kind of learning disability. Get help!
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    parodyman - Who needs you IDIOT's help! You're a JERK!! Just get the hell out and leave us alone!!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Abbie & Shadowcat: I don't need someone to try to be my "dad" and scold me. I was being genuine in my efforts to help Funseeker. I challenge you to read that trip report and tell me he dosen't need it.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    If I was trying to be funny I might write soething along the lines of... "Sorry for giving all of you impressionable TUSCL regulars the impression that I was trying to impress upon you that my friend Funseeker doesn't have a good grasp of the engish (his spelling not mine) language. Although I was unimpressed with his trip report I shouldn't have posted my personal impressions here. Because I want to leave all of you with a good impression I am going to impress upon you my apologies." Does everyone feel better now?
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    parodyman--> I doubt you've ever "inadvertently"pissed off anyone. The navel gazing and pondering why another poster would take offense and choose to characterize you in a manner you disagree with doesn't suit your persona either. Sorry, just calling them as I see them.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Hey IDIOT, Before you help out another TUSCLer, learn to SPELL grammar. It's not grammer. GRAMMAR
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    The above post? Its got to be either ESL or mild retardation. You choose.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    parody is really a dumb ass! Who wants youdr help you IDIOT. Just leave us alone you JERK!
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Parody, not trying to be dad, just pointing out that when you post something mocking another poster it isn't really surprising they might take offense. The "inadvertant" insult is a bit of a stretch. I also prefer your acerbic unapologetic persona. It seems more honest.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Funseeker: I don't see that word anywhere on this post. But that is OK. You still haven't explained why you are calling me paranoid and an idiot. If you can actually write your post in english perhaps I'll be able to understand it.
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