
Sugar baby does not equal whore?

I know i could have just thrown this as a comment on my stripper/whore article, but that one's already grown bigger than it has any right to be so i just thought i would add this observation on its own. Having recently perused the literally handful or two of new topics or posts even, that have marinated, for lack of a better word, over the last few weeks (which is about how long it takes to add a decent number of new topics) on the entire SW site (outside of the camming forum which remains quite popular but the least interesting to stripper fans), i noticed that even on stripperweb, where absolutely none of the girls are whores or do extras or OTC, almost all of them will be supportive of a stripper talking about or asking about how to deal with their sugardaddy (whom i'm guessing they don't do extras with him or have sex with him OTC based on how the girls otherwise like to portray themselves, yeah right).

In almost all cases, the stripper isn't naturally or initially attracted to the much older SD outside of his wallet, but generally tolerates him because of his regular and consistent money and gifts although the sex apparently isn't that bad (for the girl of course, for the guy i'm sure it's awesome), so he's not really comparable to a rich and generous civilian boyfriend, as well as the fact that many if not most SDs are already married. But they are generally much more accepting of this type of pay4play relationship/arrangement. So i guess not all whores are equal nor are all johns. Of course this should be obvious.


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I did SA for a month I couldn’t believe how much pussy was offered so easily I did have a few meetings with a bunch of different girls but very few of them look like the pictures they showed and truthfully I do better easier with girls in regular sports bars and with strippers and it is more often free than not.
  • dtek
    7 years ago
    There's a LOT of denial over at stripperweb. SBs are often in denial that what they do is prostitution.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Well maybe the girls consider it more like being a mistress or a modern day courtesan or concubine which in those days was acceptable or even expected for an attractive lower status woman to aspire to...
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Ya, I've seen some fun conversations on stripperweb where they talked about how sex isn't part of the deal for SD/SB relationships, and how there's plenty of men who don't demand it, and SBs shouldn't give it. It's all pretty consistent with the general mass delusion about how the world works over there. The girls aren't allowed to go very far outside the consensus reality that's been constructed, so they have to tread carefully.

    That said, there is a consistency to how the girls look at extras, versus SA or escorts. The stance is that strip clubs are for stripping only, and extras shouldn't be in the strip club ... but that having sex in an area of the sex industry where sex is expected, like escorting, sensual massage, or SD/SB, is ok. They don't put down the escorts or "bodyrub" girls, either, just strippers who do extras
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    SW chicks are anti-extras in the SC b/c it's competition for them and they lose out on $$$
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Of the girls I've met thru SA, I'd say it's about 50-50 as to whether they think of themselves as prostitutes. The ones looking for "just one SD" probably think of themselves more as girlfriends that are just a little more direct about getting financial support out of their SDs than a girl would out of a regular BF.

    The ones that are good with (or even eager to, because they are sexual freaks) dating multiple guys pull the wool over their own eyes a lot less. They know good and well they are having sex for money.

    My current SB calls herself a whore all the time, makes it clear she might be seeing other guys, and talks about how she and all her friends loved finding SA cause now they could make money off all the sex they used to just give away for free. They probably think using SA puts them just a notch above a regular whore, since the SB culture allows for meet-and-greet dates before any money-for-sex dates, so the girls can be choosier.

    In my case, I believe I'm getting away with smaller gifts because my SB seems to like me a lot.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @joc13 but how many look like the pics they post I’m in S FL very few seem to be posting up to date pics.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Yeah, I saw about 50-50 on that, too. I'm not all that hung up on looks, so if it's off a little I don't mind. Obviously, even if using a recent pic, they choose the most flattering.

    That's why the meet-and-greet dates are useful as a preview. And I've had two meet and greet dates turn into free sex preview dates
  • JackAstor
    7 years ago
    The SBs who say they're not giving it up to a dude 30-40 years older than them who pays off their student loan,pays off their delinquent taxes, pays their house note, buys them a car , hands them an extra big wad a cash this time of year etc etc are FOS.

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