Girls night out in Dallas

avatar for mr_evans2u
My wife and some of her friends are talking about driving to Dallas for a girls weekend. They are going to hit Tallywackers then she wants to go to a nude club. She loves the view from pervert row in the nude clubs. We have not been to any in Dallas yet, I've drilled it down to Bucks Wild or PTS Men's Club.
Any locals know which club would be better for them to have a good experience with the dancers? Baby Dolls would be 3rd choice, but she wants to see pussy from pervert row.


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Bucks Wild has more of the typical strip club feel and is located more central to most of the other clubs. The dancers may or may not get nude. Girls on pervert row with tips will get most of them going though. PT's is a little different than Bucks. Large square room with several satellite stages with the main stage up against the wall that seems more like you are looking up at an auditorium stage, not much seating around it. The girls will get nude there for sure and you can cruise around to the satellite stages and really check out the pussy and the variety.
Am I missing some thing? Why would a bunch of girls on a girls night out want to go see naked women instead of naked men? Or is the a case of don't ask?
They are going to Tallywackers first, but my wife likes pussy too. Some her girlfriends that have heard about our trips to the nude clubs want to experience it for themselves. So she is going to take them
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7 years ago
Based on a quick google search, Dallas Tallywackers closed August 2016
Looks like this is the only game in town for male dancers.…
Need to check out the Clubhouse over Buck’s Wild. Clubhouse is always a party atmosphere and they actually dance nude. A lot of the girls at Bucks don’t get nude!
@anon31415, thanks I will let her know

@shadowcat, she did mention this place as well

@justontheside, I will check the reviews, not sure why I skipped over this club
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