
Here goes nothing... reply to a frequent question

I will preface this with the statement that this is a generic topic and has nothing to do with myself. The question i recieved the most was are you and extras dancer. Well to answer that i will say im not telling. lol. but instead i will explain the thought process behind being a extra girl. Way back when in a land far away a girl realized that her pussy had value and that men would pay to lay down in bed with her and fuck. This land before time was something i like to call the bible... Then fast forward several years and the religious folk make it illegal for a girl to do the same thing she did back in the bible times. Now fast forward to modern day work circa 2017. To my fellow strippers girls we have issues. The number one issue being lack of money. So a girl goes to a strip club. Auditions, dances grinds on some guys cock all night to make a few bucks. One night a girl is offered a little extra to do a little more then dance. The girl thinks well shit ive had my pussy in this guys face all night long why not. So she does the natural thing. I've posted about this before and i will say this until i turn blue and die an old dried up stripper. Ladies will never be free until they can sell themselves for a profit. You can get naked in a club and shove your cunt in someones face for a dollar but fucking him will get you locked up. Make sense america? I do not and will not promote something that is illegal but i will fight to make something unfair into something legal. With the upswing in making a girls body more restricted something needs to change. So to the xtra girls do your thing boo. Stay safe and remember to only do what you want to do and nothing more. If you wanna support feminism then support those girls that sell their most femist parts because they want to and for no other reason.


  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    It all starts with freeing the nipple, then you can pay for the pussy. Although it seems like most of the girls who want to show their nipples on public are the type we would pay to put their shirts back on.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Issues regarding paid sex/prostitution also concern males, who are subject to the same laws, as there are male prostitutes as well. If it becomes legal are they being empowered as women or is this really just a gender neutral issue. The only negative I see with paid sex is the asinine belief that the one paying is somehow morally superior to the one receiving the money. Drug addicts are no better or worse than drug dealers; johns are no better than prostitutes. Pole - some dancers make the conscious decision to sell their bodies, but some are coerced/forced to do so. I think feminists would disagree with you, at least the blue state shriekers we have here. Love to see Elizabeth Warren extolling the vitrues of paid sex as a feminest manifesto lol.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Pole, I agree with you. Women should have the control over wether to sell their body or not. I am not in favor of forcing women into prostitution, but certainly legalized prostitution would even reduce the amount of that. When both are consenting adults, then pay for play is victimless. Legalizing it would also help to remove tge seediness and stigma that surrounds it now. It is her body and should be her decision to sell or not to sell.
  • poledancer83
    7 years ago
    some are your correct but just because some are doesnt mean others shouldnt be allowed too
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    PD thanks for your discussion. The US is ass backward on issues legislating sexuality compared to more mature countries in Europe, etc. Its a personal choice with unfortunate risks for both parties here. Heck even in Canada and Mexico they are ok with it in the law to some degree. I am optimistic some day there will be more acceptance of it but probably not in my lifetime.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    You make some great points PD. I agree with you. It has not made sense to me either. The strip club restrictions vary by state and county - possibly by town too. The lines seem arbitrary regarding what can and can’t be done.

    I’ve always wondered how porn is legal - based on all the other restrictions on stripping. It should all be legal in my view. The religious intolerance in this country hits certain folks more than others - and it’s wrong.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    I love this thread, thanks poledancer83. If you're ever in the northeast look me up, I think we could have some interesting conversations :)
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago

    It's true, this country is backwards on prostitution but I wouldn't say that we're completely sexually immature. For example, this is one of the most pro-choice countries in the world. And an American state was one of the first places in the world to ever legalize same-sex marriage (Massachusetts under a Republican governor, Mitt Romney, no less). We also allow gay adoption even though many European countries do not. And we pioneered pornography when many other countries didn't want it. Plus we had a legitimate gay rights movement in the 70s, at a time when it was illegal to even be gay in many European countries. And we have historically been at the forefront of giving women the right to vote, too (although a few other countries got there first before we allowed it nationwide).
  • Electronman
    7 years ago
    I appreciate the perspective that feminism is compatible with supporting women's rights, including the right to expose your body or to sell sexual services if you elect to do so and you do so in a venue that does not imperil others (and notice that most strip clubs have no windows-- not much chance of offending the innocent passerby). Sometimes feminism gets inappropriately blamed for repressive sexual laws and policies. I think that the religious zealots (some of whom happen to be feminists) are to blame for repressive sexual laws in an effort to force others to comply with their own sense of morality.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago

    Why can't it be both? As I've said before, the little old church ladies who run the show on the Right and the hairy-armpits feminists who run the show on the Left both hate sex workers for different reasons.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Well said BurlingtonHF. I think there is a powerful religious lobby in this country - and several self-righteous elected officials - and both groups contribute to some odd legislation against certain sexual freedoms.

    I look at illegal prostitution as a stupid law. I doubt that it will be legalized anytime soon - but it seems to be a waste. I understand the concerns over sex trafficking - but if prostitution was legalized - I think it would help to lessen sex trafficking in the country.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Certainly can't blame girls who are just giving guys what they want.

    In a free flowing and unstructured way, I first encountered such girls in our underground Mexican Bar circuit.


  • Electronman
    7 years ago
    BHO: It can be both ways, of course. My only point was that there is nothing about feminism with its emphasis on women's rights that should automatically result in opposition to legalized prostitution and legalized (and safe) sex work for women. Women should have the right to do what they want with their bodies and to make a living in nearly any manner that they want. Of course, many feminists, (and democrats, republicans, marxists, atheists, and maybe even some civil libertarians) oppose legalized sex work but often because of an overlay of religious morality that happens to coincide with their other political labels.

  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago

    Lots of left-wing feminists have a real mental block when it comes to this issue. They just can't accept the fact that some women would choose to "commodify" their bodies unless a man was forcing them to. Accepting this would mean accepting the fact that there are at least some aspects of life in which women have an advantage over men; this contradicts their view of all women as victims. And lastly, they tend to have a real disdain for business and capitalism, so legalizing any business simply isn't part of their agenda; they actually want to criminalize plenty of businesses that are currently legal! They view the employer-employee relationship as inherently exploitative, and doubly so when sex is involved.

    Of course this isn't meant to describe all feminists. Many of them do want to legalize prostitution. The anti-sex feminists have simply taken a view that is essentially the polar opposite of feminism because it strips women of all agency and casts them as perpetually helpless.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago

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