
Are you good with faces?

I think i'm getting worse with faces the older i get, like seriously, i think i remember names (and i'm not great with names either) better than i do faces, especially if i've only met you briefly once or twice. It doesn't matter if it's at a strip club or some generic place either. Doesn't seem to make sense. Now don't get me wrong. If i were to see that person again soon or not too soon (but not like years later), of course i would instantly recognize the person like i saw her yesterday. But if later on, i tried to remember exact features and what or who she looked like, it would start to get murky, especially as time goes on. And it's more just the face too, as i can remember the "body" better. I could still probably pick her out of a line up with near certainty though. Now this is for acquaintances or brief encounters mostly, not long time relationships (work, friends, classmates, family of course, loved ones, romantic interests). I just thought it was strange as most people don't see to have this problem at all.


  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    I remember numbers but not names...faces I remember but it takes allot of reinforcement. Thats another reason I bring a phone to note dancers I care to see again (and potentially collecting numbers).
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    w.r.t. dancers I often don't remember faces mostly b/c I mainly focus on their bods and don't really care what the face looks like - also I usually get dances with mostly ebony girls many of whom use wigs and they can often change their hair drastically (length, style, color, etc) thus making them look very different.

    It's not rare for an ebony dancer to come uo to me and tell me they know me or say "don't you remember me" and often I don't and think it's just the "we met before hustle", but if I end up getting dances from them I will often then remember them either b/c the way her bod loooks, or feels, or the way she dances.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    If she has a different outfit or hairstyle or just about anything different, it confuses me. It helps if they have a distinctive feature, like being 6’2” or size DDD.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’m good with faces and names. I can also remember voices. I’m excellent with directions - as I go to a place once - and I’ll remember the route for years after.

    That being said - I wonder how much I’d remember if I got a dance from a stripper in a dark club - and then I saw her in the daylight the next day. It seems the club’s darkness and the lighting can make faces look different than they would look in the bright light of day.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Even some of my old regulars and a former ATF, all of whom i haven't seen anymore, i'm starting to forget exactly how they look, particularly the face, as lovely as it was/is. Heck, i don't even know the exact eye color of half of my favorites (but clubs tend to be so dark and i don't really stare into the eyes all that much anyway).
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I try to remember stripper faces the way they were before I gave them a facial. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... Even some of my old regulars and a former ATF, all of whom i haven't seen anymore, i'm starting to forget exactly how they look ..."

    Part of it I think it's that after years of SCing, especially if one is into variety, one has encountered so many dancers that it all becomes kinda a blur.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    Alcohol abuse doesn't help. I could spend an hour (or two) with a girl and totally forget many relevant details the next day. This is my curse. If I get back to the same club and see them again, sometimes it comes back to me. In real life I'm pretty good though.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I'm terrible with names, but generally pretty good with faces as long as it hasn't been years since I've seen the person.
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