
RickDugan has Greased Hundreds of Bouncers Over the Years

That's just the kind of homo that he is. He also admitted to "sucking his way across Southern Connecticut" when he was younger.



  • Dougster
    7 years ago
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Fuck that faggot RickyBoy!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    How they do the freezing, first using blocks of dry ice:

    So they say that Disney being frozen was a rumor or hoax? I don't understand the hoax, but rumor I can see. But is it just a rumor?

    Saying it was just a rumor:

    So here they are saying that he wanted to be frozen, but did not act fast enough to set it up:

    This could be true, but then people have been sitting on the truth for a long time.

    They say he was cremated 2 days after death. Isn't this unusual for someone so prominent, and with a world wide business empire taking off?

    And they say that he was imbalmed, why would he need to be imbalmed if cremation is so near at hand. Just keep him refrigerated, as is standard.

    So they say he is at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale CA. They show the place. I have read that they paid $40k for that. Usually usually when people go for cremation, economy is part of the draw. Why not go for full body burial if you have such a big place?

    Guy from American Cryogenic Society says that they had him cremated. Again, why are they in the loop, and why so many people sitting on the truth. And he says that he saw Disney's ashes himself. What does that prove.

    Why not bury Disney at one of his theme parks. Florida was still under construction. Why not preserve him in liquid like V. I. Lenin?

    The daughter has set up a Disney Museum in San Francisco, to put such rumors to rest. But how can she do that? And why not at one of the theme parks?

    Obviously this is a new subject of interest for me. I always had just accepted the idea that he was frozen, that they had tried to conceal it, and also that it is unlikely that it will ever be possible to bring any of these people back and that these cryogenic firms are just scam artists.

    But now it is being denied. Well, if you find enough people saying things which sound suspicious and sound like a cover up, that makes it look all the more likely that they did at least try to freeze him.

    This American Cryogenic Society says they froze the first person just a couple weeks after the chance was missed with Disney.

    FWIW, the founder of San Jose's Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Harvey Spencer Lewis, and his successor son Ralph M. Lewis, have their cremated remains interned in Rosicrucian Park, at Park and Nagle, in the Akhnaton Shrine, members only meditation garden, along with some other AMORC leaders, or so this is how it has always been presented. Disney had been a member of AMORC.

    Lots of Episcopalian Churches now are adding Columbariums to intern the ashes of their deceased members.

    In my estimation, it is just a good financial deal for both sides.


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The perfect American / by Peter Stephan Jungk ; translated by Michael Hofmann

    The Perfect American is the fictionalized biography of Walt Disney during his final months, as narrated by Wilhelm Dantine, an Austrian cartoonist who worked for Disney in the 50s, illustrating sequences for Sleeping Beauty. It is also the story of Dantine himself, who desperately seeks Disney's recognition at the risk of his own ruin." "Peter Stephan Jungk has infused a new energy into the genre of fictionalized biography. Dantine, imbued with a sense of European superiority, first refuses to submit to Disney's rule, but is nevertheless fascinated by the childlike omnipotence of a man who identifies with Mickey Mouse. We discover Walt's delusions of immortality via cryogenic preservation, his tirades alongside his Abraham Lincoln talking robot, his invitation of Nikita Khruschev to Disneyland once he learns that the Soviet Premier wants to visit the park, and his utopian visions of the EPCOT project and his backyard labyrinth of toy trains.


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    One final matter about Walt Disney, because they were not straight about the cause of his death, it likely contributed to speculations about him being frozen. In those days cancer was a death sentence and also seen as a moral taint. And tobacco related did compromise his public image.

    The 1st and 3rd persons officially frozen were professors with quite unconventional ideas. So that they would be frozen only added to their reputations. With Disney it would have caused more problems.

    So about our Dougster and his bro's:

    "Google’s Kurzweil envisions three medical stages before singularity, starting with our current push to slow aging. Stage two: building on genomic research, including personalized fixes for diseases like cancer. Kurzweil believes we’ll get to the medical nanotechnology that Merkle envisions by the 2030s, which would lead us to the last phase—nanorobots connecting us to “the cloud” in 2045. At that point, avatars of our brains could be loaded into another body. Then we’d live forever."

    "Kurzweil has signed himself up to be frozen, in case the 90 supplements he takes daily don’t keep him alive."


    I think Kurzweil is full of it and a snake oil salesman.



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    How Things Work Today, In The US, And In Most Places Other Than Social Democracies:
    A very Veblin compatible view

    LE grade cable ties
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    SJG is also gay!

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