Accidental Posting of a Review
When you submit a discussion post, it will ask you if I are sure you want to post as it cannot be edited. I like this feature in case I accidentally hit the "Post Now" button. I think this can happen easily on a cell phone or even on a laptop which features a touch screen.
I was almost finished with a review from last night when all of a sudden the screen said my review had been submitted. I don't know how it was submitted as I did not click any button on purpose. I will put my final thoughts in the comments section as I just had a little bit left to write, but if the review had the same "are you sure" option this could be avoided.
Has anyone else run into this issue before? Founder is this an easy add/fix?
I was almost finished with a review from last night when all of a sudden the screen said my review had been submitted. I don't know how it was submitted as I did not click any button on purpose. I will put my final thoughts in the comments section as I just had a little bit left to write, but if the review had the same "are you sure" option this could be avoided.
Has anyone else run into this issue before? Founder is this an easy add/fix?
Also I think I once did not want to post a thread when I got the "ok" prompt and I was not able to do anything but press the "ok" button so I ended up trashing the thread (i.e. I could not cancel the post and get out of the "ok" dialogue box and get back to the thread , this was a while back and I don't remember exactly what happened but it was on my ph I believe).
And the worst is when you go thru the trouble of typing something long on the ph and then you can't post it b/c the website logged you off unbeknownst to you - has not happened recently but happened a few times post new layout.
Both of them are now posted. I added my final thoughts in the comments section.