

Friday, January 20, 2017 6:59 AM
I was watching the news last night and some of the Trump protestors were interviewed. The ones that could speak in complete sentences stated they were protesting Trump taking away their rights. HMMMMMMM since he has not taken office how could he do that? Since our rights are written down and can't be change without 2/3 of both houses of congress and 2/3s of the states I think they are safe.

Maybe they were talking about 2nd Amendment Rights no wait the fast a furious scam was an Obama- Holden scheme to get more gun control. Maybe they are talking about freedom of religion, no wait the current president has commissioned songs in schools praising him as a godlike savior while demanding Islamic Sharia extremism be taught in school in the name of tolerance while banning any mention, inference, imagery, or reference to Christianity and Judaism under pain of lawsuit, discharge and arrest! Maybe they are talking about freedom to express political opinions, oh wait Obama directed the IRS to prosecute or harass any group trying to organize to oppose his political agenda and created a rules under homeland security that makes it a jail-able crime to speak out against his presidential policies within hundreds of miles of him. Maybe is it morality police, no wait it was the current president's thought and morality police that went after backpage and craigslist.

Maybe it is the promise to bring jobs back to the USA? Maybe it is the promise to stem the tide of criminal illegals coming it the USA. Maybe it is the promise to find a legal way for immigration to get under control. Maybe it is the promise to put the USA and its citizens first. Maybe it is the promise to revitalize the military. Maybe its because his education Secretary is not in the teacher union's pocket and threatens to make schools do their job. Maybe it is the fact that he does not owe the special interest splinter groups his job and he actually has held a job. Maybe it is the promise to DRAIN THE SEWER/SWAMP/CESSPOOL of special interest, graft, leaches etc called the federal government.

The real reason there are protests is the leisure class that has been created and feeds on the government tit is concerned that their "special-ness" is at an end. Hopefully the special interest gravy train, where every splinter "minority" group from left handed green butt pickers to tran-sexual bathroom creepers that all feed at the public trough where their numbers have increased exponentially every year since LBJ, is going to be derailed.

Sorry I can't think of one thing that Trump has yet done that justifies starting fires in the streets and a major media news station calling,(wolf blitzed-brain on cnn national television wished for the murder of Trump, Pence and others including all their family) for his murder so Obama could stay in power then actually spent time weaving scenarios where Obama could stay. They even purposely miss stated the line of succession to encourage someone to try!! Then these elitist turds wonder why people think DC is a cesspool and the media are traitors. (they wonder why the secret service won't give them passes to the inaugural balls, duh)

Bottom line no one called for an atrocity against Obama, Biden and their families. This crap has to stop. You want to oppose, oppose, but stop the tantrums, the violence and threats of violence. ACT like adults, stop expecting special treatment and expect only equal treatment as you claim to profess.
Enough with the popular vote shite if all states counted their uncounted absentee vote it highly possible Trump would win the popular vote. To save money states do not count absentee votes if the margin for the winner is larger than the absentee candidate. That means all the states where each candidate won big did not count the absentee votes, meaning active military votes likely went uncounted and they went big to Trump. When the recount was started in WI, MI and PA Trump was steadily gaining votes from the absentee votes, that is one reason the green candidate filed to halt the recount.

I just want to retire with enough to spend a couple evenings a month supporting single moms one dollar at the time!

I promise this will be the last rant about this but the protest and vitriol caused by rumors, innuendo, and "reports" for someone who has not yet taken office is astounding.
I remember the backlash for the congressman who called Obama a liar during a S-o-U speech but no backlash for the name calling and vicious rhetoric being spewed now.
Double standard! It is not ok to criticize the Chicago capone clone but it is ok to vilify the mouthy business man from NY.


  • grand1511
    8 years ago
    You seem to be a good pupil of the Fox News talking points
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    What did he write that was wrong?
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Trump is the most ignorant, disgusting and unqualified person to become president in my lifetime. Is it any wonder that decent people are protesting? God save our Republic.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I don't know of about the particular protester, but I too am tired of the ungrateful welfare recipients who don't work. The safety net? Sure. That's good use of public funds for temporary assistance. But long term? No. just, no.

    Speaking about President Trump the only real group I've seen him speak out against is the press. I don't know what our founding fathers had in mind but the current press sucks monkey balls. The proponents of fox news have a point -- there are some stories that aren't being covered by mainstream press -- however, I don't think the answer is Fox news. Fox news itself is part of the problem. Objective reporting should be the answer.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    This should be a flame war
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    It's three quarters of the states, not two thirds. And Congress isn't required.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Sorry to burst your balloon but I watch and read multiple sources for my information. However I do like Waters World and Greg Guttfeld, they are a hoot. CNN needs to clean up their act or they will continue to flush. Bottom line, I find most news stations are at best just entertainment, at worst downright dishonest. At least Fox makes an effort to present facts and you are told up front the talking heads background and biases.
    CNN pretends no bias anywhere which means it is pervasive and complete since they all suffer from group think!

    I see a story and and research the background and do not take anyone's word at face value. Not hard with today's internet access!

    Playing the personal insults, racism, bias and sexism cards is a sign of a weak closed mind that cannot defend its positions with real information and puts its figurative fingers in its ears then sings La La La so as not to hear another opinion. You want to debate come to the table armed with facts.These discussions are not theological and can be quantified. To not be willing to even listen makes for an idea log just like the national socialist movement where opposing viewpoints are vilified, ridiculed and later arrested.

    Hillary/Obama followers are getting out their Brown Shirts to march in the streets with the full support of the many of the media to get their free lunch and power back by force if necessary!
    Sound familiar...it should ! (hint February 84 years ago)

    Saying Trump is ignorant and unqualified makes me question if you know the definitions. How was Mr. Obama more qualified, he never served a full term, never even vote yea or nae while in the senate, simply voted present, never held a job, gave up his law license preclude disbarment, was educated in radical muslim school, claims to be African American but was born of a wasp mother, his democratic primary opponent (Hillary) claimed he was not a natural born citizen, and he is of Chicago political machine = 0 experience (other than campaigning). Mr. Trump runs a business empire larger than many countries. Is it because he has enough money he can't be bought or is it because he represents people who work and pay their bill everyday or is it because he is not a politically correct effeminate politician who always say the right thing without saying anything?

    I am an older well traveled man who has found through experience the ones who shout the loudest about sexual abuse and racism are usually the ones who practice it the most in secret. I have also found that any career politician be national or local that says he/she is there to serve you they actually means to put you on a plate and serve you to their special interest friends for dinner.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Tired Traveler --> "
    I promise this will be the last rant about this but the protest and vitriol caused by rumors, innuendo, and "reports" for someone who has not yet taken office is astounding.
    I remember the backlash for the congressman who called Obama a liar during a S-o-U speech but no backlash for the name calling and vicious rhetoric being spewed now.
    Double standard!" -->

    ^^ I'm not sure if you're actually confused or just venting.

    The double standard comes from a position that liberals or progressives believe they want to help people and what they are in fact doing is helping people (even if it doesn't really help). I do agree with you that some of that and perhaps a lot of that is misguided. The libs mainly want to feel good about helping others not so much that the work they do really has long standing value to help. I saw a lot of this with the food trucks I volunteered on this summer. So that helped to re-frame my perspective on charity and assistance.

    Allow me to digress ...

    A lot of the really good work that is needed, many of the libs won't do, because much of it is soo low level and doesn't have the same feel-good-feelings with it nor the grandiosity. Much of what is needed is really low-level stuff, like mentoring, guidance, planning, organizing, prep work, helping them shoulder-to-shoulder in their homes. There is too much to list here, but it's taxing grunt work. It needs to be done for things to improve. It helped me to realize part of my own problems are liekly very analogous .. if a rich or successful person could work with me shoulder to shoulder, I bet I would learn a lot to improve my situation too. but no one has that kind of drive or time & energy to spare.

    But the food truck people were right. A lot of these people do need help in their homes once you give them the food. Some were grateful. Many were entitled and I wanted to smack them but I didn't. But they all needed help. Given how "thankless" it was helping the entitled people in their homes, I can see why many of the food truck regular volunteers didn't want to do it. I'd still do it though. The 3 or 4 people (esp the disabled ones) it does help made it worth it. It was eye opening.

    From the typically upper middle class liberal worldview the conservatives are just millionaires who are greedy and just out for themselves. So we end up with a two sided war or a double standard which is funny because both sides want to help people. So the double standard is not fair .. unless that is you are in fact in support of millionaires to the detriment of the rest of us .. then you deserve being called out for it and the protesters would be right. (IMO) Conservatives want to make everyone rich; liberals want to redistribute wealth the poor. At least some conservatives are paying some attention to the working class. So I will give them credit that. :)
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Protest all you like. It's official. President Trump. #hesyourpresident
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Not sure if that was directed at me or not, but my balloon is totally not busted. In fact I am completely not offended and find your posts fascinating and informative.

    I'm not sure I buy completely into the one world government and all of the socialism conspiracy stuff, mostly because I'm not informed enough yet, and the Fox News coverage of it seems to be hysterical and just plain 'out there' so I never gave it much thought, to be honest. It's hard for me to take them so serious when they're just shouting Mr. Obama is bad and socialist-that. It just seems unbalance but maybe I'm not giving them enough credit.

    I do agree with you on the special interests and the politician angle. I still hold out hope some day we can loosen that grip of corruption.

    I agree with you and determining biases (best takeaway I had from ECON I & II in college)
    If Fox News is as forward with their viewers as you say, then perhaps I should give them a second chance.

    I can't agree 100% with this statement: --> "who has found through experience the ones who shout the loudest about sexual abuse and racism are usually the ones who practice it the most in secret."

    ^^ I can assure you I don't practice any of that in private. I've just seen enough sexual abuse in my day of others that I speak up about it. Just as a general rule of thumb, I can agree with you with. I value your contributions.
  • etsutwigg222
    8 years ago
    Just watching some extra unfiltered news video of the looting and vandalism in DC. Seems that if this new generation of liberals they don't get their way, they cover their identities with masks and punish hard working businesses in the area by smashing windows and other property. Maybe they need something to occupy their time in a constructive fashion........Like not living off others. Sad when those that tout tolerance and love for others seem to want to destroy other people's livelihoods and have no tolerance for different views.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I don't know what kind of news you are watching, but here are some very articulate protestors:

  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    I'm burning a bucket of KFC chicken and a Big Mac meal in protest.

    Sort of a funeral pyre for Juice and CrazyJoe.

  • etsutwigg222
    8 years ago
    SJG....It was on NBC, ABC, and CBS plus cable channels. I agree some of the protesters were exercising their rights lawfully and, but it does seem that quite a few were breaking windows of businesses and destroying autos.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Classless, hypocritical, sore losers that would have been vilifying anyone who even questioned a Clinton victory.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I can't remember: Were there any violent protests on Obama's inauguration day?
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    ^ The lib's rationale for that would be:

    "Why would anyone have protested Obama's inauguration? Who could possibly disagree with anything he says or does. He is so cool."
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Flagooner, but it's so cool to be socially liberal. You guys ought to try it. ;)

    I don't really see young people as socialist, at least not what that word really means. And neither is Bernie Sanders. The problem is fairness and for a lot of young people the status quo is not very good for them, hence, conservatism isn't popular in large numbers, or so it seems. So their interests are best served by change. We aren't getting much help from our elders so we make bad choices until we zero on on progressivism that works. Young people also have more access to information these days so they have more options than just being spoon fed conservatism.

    The economy is doing well, yes, for for whom? Not for many young people it isn't.

    And yes, Mr. Obama is still cool. :)
  • flagooner
    8 years ago

    One if the issues I have with many of the Millennial generation is the way they define fairness.

    It seems that many believe it to be that everyone should be taken care of equally and completely, regardless of how hard they work or what they contribute.

    I am a believer in taking responsibility for oneself and one's actions once reaching maturity. Some NEED help and should get assistance, but that should be the exception rather than the default.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    As AI accelerates it's relentless advance we are all going to be out of jobs and need assistance in maybe a few decades. It's just that some will be affected sooner than others.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Whom ever is not in power or control, is going to protest, and the folks that are in power are always going to call the protests rioting whether they are, or aren't. Truth is protesting is as American as apple pie and has been part of our country since the Boston Tea party dumped cargo into the harbor before The Revolutionary War. I'm not so sure that you guys ranting against the protestors wouldn't have Tories back in the day, just sayin.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Elizabeth Warren this morning "And we're not going to build that stupid wall!"

    Um, bitch. It's not you or your party who gets to decide anymore.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    "Truth is protesting is as American as apple pie "

    Agreed, explicitly protected and a hallmark of our freedom.

    There is a difference between a protest an a temper tantrum though.

    Still protected, but accomplishes nothing except prove how immature the demonstrators are.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    "There is a difference between a protest an a temper tantrum though."

    Sure there is, but it depends on the lens you are looking at the protest from. My point was to the OP complaining about protesting, its nothing more than a rant, (or a temper tantrum) that's his right, the same as it is the right of protestors to protest.
    Why are the demonstrators immature, and the other side is mature,is that what you mean to say, if I disagree with you I'm immature, sorry bro, I don't agree and I'm not having a temper tantrum.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    BTW, this post is all my opinion and can certainly be disputed. I am not trying to state any of this as fact.

    No, you aren't having a tantrum. This is civilized discourse.

    I consider the current "protests" as tantrums probably because I can't understand the purpose or reason behind it. What is it trying to accomplish?

    It seems that the only reason they are demonstrating is because their candidate lost and they aren't getting their way. To me, that is immature.

    Am I reading this wrong?

    BTW, I also don't agree with the BLM movement (their intended message does have merit) but I do support their right to protest.
    I do find fault with how some have gone about it (attacking police and purposefully destroying innocent people's property).
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dougster wrote, "Elizabeth Warren this morning "And we're not going to build that stupid wall!""

    What is the Senate count. Lots of New England Republican Moderates? I think that is what will stop most of the stupidest stuff.

    Long Live the BLM Movement!

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Actually I think the wall is one of his smartest ideas. If not his smartest idea.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I also think modernizing and strengthening our nuclear arsenal is right up there.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^ Dougster is nuts, always looking for foreign enemies in order to maintain political support for increasing stratification at home. He pretends to be a moderate, right, just like those Dusseldorf businessmen who switched their support to the Nazi Party.


    Yanis Varoufakis Explains Greece's Financial Crisis (Pt. 1)
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    SJG bringing up Nazis again. Loses again according to Godwin's Law.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Your Godwin's Law is just a cover for you and your friends to use financialization to accomplish what Hitler's armies could not.

    We cannot let you do that.


    Yanis Varoufakis Explains Greece's Financial Crisis (Pt. 1)

    TJ Street



  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Dude, it's just a reminder that you've gone off the deep end when you see NAZIS EVERYWHERE!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dude, what you and your ilk are trying to do is exactly what the financial and business backers of Hitler were trying to do. We cannot let you do it.


    Yanis Varoufakis Explains Greece's Financial Crisis (Pt. 1)

    Counts himself as a Libertarian Marxist.

    One of the last chapters of this talks about such:




    TJ Street



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