Man run over by his own pickup

ORLANDO, Fla. - A man who fell out of his pickup truck while he was leaving a strip club and ran over his leg before crashing into a home and injuring a woman has been charged, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.
William Edwards, 28, was leaving the Dance Royale Club on Old Cheney Highway at 2:15 a.m. on Oct. 25 in his Ford pickup truck with the door ajar, according to the arrest report.
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Late to the party. This was posted several weeks ago. All hell broke lose because Juice thought it was Papi, but Papi's truck is a different color.
"Edwards ran away from the scene of the crash..."
Tough Dude. Got to admire a guy who can run away from the scene after his pickup truck ran over his leg.
I'm not sure it was so much of a run, and likely more of a hobble!!!!