
will cash money be a thing of the past one day in SCs?

from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
nowadays these millennials and youngsters prefer to swipe credit cards, use an app on the cell phones or maybe even use bitcoin.

i can't see cash money disappearing from SCs in the next 5 years, but what about 20 years?

what say ye?


  • impala
    8 years ago
    Was in a club several years ago where they wanted you to buy "club dollars" where you got $7cd for every $5 U.S. you bought. Was good in theory if you were going to buy a bunch of drinks, dancers hated them, though, because as I was told when they exchanged them back to the club they got a 4 to 7 return and the club also knew how much they were making. Also, if you had any left over you couldn't exchange them back, and if you used cash at the bar you got club cash for change. It was very unpopular and only lasted about 6 months before they ended the program. I think I still have a few of them somewhere.
  • K
    8 years ago
    I don't see cash going away. People will always want a way to pay that doesn't show up on the monthly statement. . Not just men in strip clubs, their wives don't want those shoes showing up either. Then we have the entire illegal economy
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    The Chinese and Jews are making it really hard for cash to disappear
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    You didn't ask, but I will vote for "what say ye" as giving me douche chills, it's such a douchey way to ask a question :) lol

    Anyway, Cash will go away if and only if it's replaced by a non-traceable (or perceived as non-traceable) currency such as bitcoin. Bitcoin isn't it, either, far too cumbersome and insecure -- I'm guessing the disruptive easy-to-use perceived-as-confidential model of electronic currency hasn't even been conceptualized yet. But if governments truly start to try to get rid of cash, you will certainly see a lot of brainpower and innovation in this area. Currently there's no need, cash is just too good of a solution right now, and no government is threatening to outlaw cash at this point.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    If cash died SC's would really suffer. Most don't want to use credit/debit cards for numerous reasons and the club and dancers don't want a paper trail as they would actually have to pay taxes correctly.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    He Tiburon go fuck yourself asshole.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I can't see cash going away anytime soon but using "funny money" for someone that doesn't have cash and wants to run a credit card isn't a bad idea.

    Why is a bad idea is handing funny money as change at the bar to a customer that paid in cash. That would piss off just about any customer real quick, and over the years I had run into a few clubs that did that.
  • gothamyte
    8 years ago
    if SCs stop using money it may not be a decision the SC's wanted. it may be a decision that SC had to conform to.

    personally, i'm a cash man. i prefer to use cash. recently, the other day, it's getting harder and harder these days to get change for $100 from anyone because outside SCs folks don't walk around with cash--everyone's using apps or credit cards.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago

    Tiburon is a jerk this is the guy who complains about racists in all of the racially charged threads that he posts a reply.
    I rarely agree with skibum but tiburon go fuck yourself you racist jackass.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    how the heck do you make it rain with bit coins????
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Throw your smart phone at the dancers, justme62. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    The Internet has disrupted if not eliminated many a long-standing business model - there are many people these days that never set foot in a bank and rarely if ever write a check - I can def see cash going away in the not too distant future - there are already a lot of people that don't do many cash transactions especially w/ credit cards giving reward points for $$$ spent
  • ArtCollege
    8 years ago
    I would go cashless if I didn't like strip clubs and hookers. I don't want those bills showing up on the credit card, so I use cash routinely for lunch and shopping. My S.O. knows I'm in the habit of using cash and doesn't wonder why I'm going to the ATM every week or two. An alternative would be buying a pre-paid Visa card. Then I guess strippers would carry around iPads with the Square dongle. And I'd say, you caress my dongle and I'll caress yours.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    They have some places where PL's feed their money into something like a reverse ATM machine.

    But you know what that is really for, taxation and for the house to be able to take a bigger cut.

    So obviously it is better to use cash and only go to places where cash is used.


  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I sure hope they don't go cashless. Some of the dancers I'm seen do accept tips via Square Trade on their smartphones, however, I cannot thing if a less sexy way to pay a dancer when with plastic! I'd much rather slip cash into her garter. No funny money for me either
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