Politicians versus Stripper

avatar for Tiredtraveler
Would you rather have a lifelong politician in your home or a stripper(you are not married)
That would be a difficult question because politicians are definitely the lowest form of life in existence.
They are both likely to steal from you given the chance.
At least the stripper might give you something in return and you know what she is up front.
With a politician you never what their motives are so you do not know if it will kill you and move into your house of simply steal it
I think the stripper is the safer choice!

A theoretical discussion as I have never had either in my house nor would I ever consider inviting a politician into my home, it would need to be fumigated to get out the stench of corruption. All (in my opinion) politicians are corrupt it is just a matter of degree!


last comment
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
I have had both strippers and politicians in my house. I strongly prefer the strippers.
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
Either way you are screwed. Which one would cost more is the question.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
It's the difference between getting fucked and being fucked.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
I've had numerous politicians in my house but no strippers. I've had a ton of strippers in my hotel room but no politicians.

They both want money and they both would probably give blowjobs but I only want blowjobs from strippers, and 1 hot MILF whose a house of delegates member in my state.
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
Hell, who here wouldn't want Hilary or the Donald in their house. You'd never have to pay a heating bill again with all the hot air they spew. I'd rather have the stripper though
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
Well, at least a stripper is trying to make a living, politicians are just thieves.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Politicians are the worst, give me a stripper please.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
Corvus was close. Not all strippers are ROBs, but all politicians are
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
GammaNu95 zeroed in on the important difference. I'm known some strippers and prostitutes having gone to middle school and high school and grown up with some of them. Nice people just a little lost. I'm also known a lot of drug addicts which is a life that that some strippers fall into. Not all of them rob and steal from you. I'll take the stripper. Hearing the stories about lobbyists from one of our sales guys here who works/sells in D.C. and the owner from another company I sometimes work for (he sells to the gov't) .. the amount of cash from lobbyists .. makes me lose faith in the establishment .. makes me want to throw up. Those people against "being bought off" are the Donald J Trump supporters with whom I understand and with whom I identify. I'll take the stripper, no question.
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
Well said gammanu95, well said
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