Spread love and peace

avatar for Missionary
A lot of senseless killings and hate has been going on. It's time for missionary to preach the word of the lord.

My main message is: spread love and peace, not hate. Jesus Christ says worship him. Be a disciple of God. Go to church once a week. You will spend 500 dollars on a stripper, but you refuse to give one dollar for church donations. You look forward all week to go spend your hard earned money in the strip club, but do you look forward to hearing the gospel every Sunday? Give the lord Jesus Christ all you have, and he will give it right back.

There's too much hate in the world, love is what we need.

In Jesus name


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avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
Kill our enemies, pray for success.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Were you really a disciplined Christian, you would know to capitalize every pronoun referencing one of the Holy Trinity, ie Lord, Him, and He.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
I think our fear of terrorism is FAR worse that terrorism actually is. If we as a country could stop being so afraid, we'd all be better off.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
True, enough, rockstar666, but the pace of terrorist attacks here in the USA is quickening. Seeing something suspicious is indeed enough to cause fear and should be reported. I live in the far edge of the Detroit, Michigan metropolitan area. In the suburb of Dearborn and Sterling Heights are large quantities of Muslim Arabs. I have no doubt Homeland Security is getting intelligence on suspected terrorist cells here. We have the largest concentration of Muslim Arabs in the USA, a fact as reported by the media. So, we'll see.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
Which Muslim Arabs are we afraid of? The ones that shot up a gay nightclub? The ex-marine who killed the cops in Baton Rouge? The Muslim at Colombine or the theater in CT? The truck driver in Nice? Okay, he was Tunisian so maybe he was actually a Muslim.

The problem in the US at least is we're blaming Muslims like they're the problem. All I see is white people, and many are ex-military. Based on America's misguided logic, we just be more afraid of our army than theirs.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
I am not afraid of anybody. You want to pick a fight with me, get your affairs in order. What we are seeing of late are independent operatives planning and carrying out terrorist acts. It's difficult, I imagine to suss them out before they attack.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
Ignoring the problem is not going to make it go away.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Typical blind liberal who is so desperate for white people to be shown as villains. Muslin terror in America (off the top of my head)
The first world trade center bombing
Ft. Hood (mass shooting)
San Bernardino (mass shooting)
Times Square Car Bomb
Richard Reid Shoe Bomber
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab Underwear bomber
Whoever tried to mix chems for a bomb on a plane and made the TSA begin 3-1-1 rule
Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, Garland TX Muhammed cartoon attackers
Boston Marathon Bombers
Chattanooga Military Recruitment Attackers
The Pulse nightclub shooter was Muslim
Fuck it, I found a website: Http://thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/am…
The Dallas and Baton Rouge cop killers were also blacks, and affiliated with the black panthers and Farrakhan's Nation of Islam.
Seriously, RS666, educate yourself before you post about this stuff
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
^^^There's my point: gammanu is the most fearful person in TUSCL. vincemichaels is correct: there's very little we can do to prevent terror acts. But we can still live our lives knowing the odds of any of us being involved in a terrorist act is quite small.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
You should have been with us during the Vietnam conflict. As with any war, you learn skills you never forget, and you hope you never have to use them again.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
Whenever crime statistics for blacks are brought up, the inevitable response is that it's because of economic conditions.

In the Baltimore riots last year, I remember hearing the statistic that the unemployment rate for young black males in that Baltimore neighborhood was 50 percent or more.

But answer me this -- this is just one example, but there are a tremendous amount of truck driving jobs available. There are critical shortages of drivers willing to be over the road truckers.


It's a profession that's pays well. The training is cheap and there is lots of assistance available.

That's just one example
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
The ignorant wannabe ricker equates knowledge of current events to fearfulness? Officially the dumbest statement made on this board by someone other than SJG.
Also, there is much we can do to prevent Muslim terror, BLM terror, and even crazy whites, Asians etc. A lot of the shooters and terrorists were not reported because the observant neighbors didn't want to be branded as racist. Just report suspicious activity! Buy a gun from a reputable dealer, get professionally trained and instructed in safe and responsible gun ownership, get a lawful concealed-carry permit, and hope you never need it. Vote for candidates who will protect us from terrorists, instead if importing them from overseas, leaving the borders wide open for infiltration, framing cops as bad guys, coddling looters and rioters. Or, be one of the sheep, like RS666, and hope the wolves pass you over. But never say there is little or nothing you can do. Take responsibility for yourself.
avatar for minnow
9 years ago
Missionary/Clackport/ "ranky": Would going to St. James Cabaret (Houston) once a week and spending $500 per visit count ? (re- "go to church once a week.")
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
What we are seeing now it the culmination of 25 years of Fox and Rush Limbaughs. It is scary.

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